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Posts posted by charlieferari

  1. Been thinking quite a bit, and one of the most frustrating things about 5.0 is pts (supposedly the melee version of a merc) have become neglected while mercs have become very powerful, performing particularly well in group encounters rather than 1v1s. There are a few points however that if these 2 classes fed off one another they both could be competent for both pve and pvp. Covering merc alterations first.


    1) trama energy shield: Pts have a self heal too. 3% hp per missile, 4 stack max, 7 stack if burst spec. Now mercs are a off heal class, so they in this idea should get the original 5% hp, with a 7 stack max.


    2) reflect shield: don't mind if it heals and nulls, but as an offheal class it doesn't need to have a reflect dmg rolled into it.


    Pt ideas:


    1) Give pts an 8 second CC. every class in this game but pts can mezz at least one target for 8-60 seconds, and the aoe hard stun really to me doesn't make up for the utter lack of any CC.


    2) Adrenaline rush: Bioware did an excellent job on the DoT Pts Adren, but they should have made it a utility, not spec exclusive. (for those who don't know, a DoT Pt has a 30% def on adren activation until it hit 30% hp and actually heals you) Also, so DoT Pts don't feel neglected, you should make Adren go on cd immediately, DoT gain a reduction in Adren cd, no other spec does.


    3) Reflect shield: Last but not least, Pts by no means should get the heal reflect of a merc, but a 6 second 150% dmg null and reflect back would be just dcd I believe Pts need to be an excellent class again.





    What do you guys think? Do you think this would unbalance the game? Or maybe make it more fun? All feedback is useful!


    Please kindly stop posting buff requests for PT its a nitch class that no one plays or cares about and the game will most likely shut down before it gets buffed again. We need more buffs for sage and marauder.

  2. This topic will be a short description of suggested buffs for the Sage discipline Telekinetics. This topic will not include changes for utilities as I feel they are somewhat already balanced. Please comment or share so that the devs can see it.


    Below I have referenced the current Telekinetics skill tree and under each item I will delve into further detail as to the changes desired if one is needed. Changes are colored in bright yellow.


    Telekinetic Discipline Passives


    Tidal Force – Disturbance, Telekinetic Burst, Turbulence, and Force Quake grant Tidal Force when activated. Tidal Force immediately finishes the cool-down on Telekinetic Wave and makes your next Telekinetic Wave activate instantly and consume 50% less Force. Cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.


    no change required


    Resonating Vibrations – Increases the critical chance of Force Quake by 15% and its critical damage bonus by 30%.

    Also target damaged by your force quake attack have a 25% chance to give off resonating vibrations which damage other target for 50% off the damage taken within 10 meters.


    Telekinetic Effusion – Direct Force attacks grant Telekinetic Effusion when they critically hit, reducing the Force consumed by your next two non-channeled Force attacks by 75%.


    Direct force attacks that critically hit also finish the cool down on turbulence and makes the next turbulence activate instantly.


    Concentration – Reduces the push-back suffered while activating Telekinetic Wave, Disturbance, Mind Crush, Turbulence, and Telekinetic Burst by 75%. Additionally, you have a 25% when taking direct damage to gain Concentration, which causes your next Disturbance or Telekinetic Burst to activate instantly. This effect cannot occur more than once every 8 seconds and lasts up to 15 seconds.


    No change needed.


    Mental Momentum – Mind Crush has a 25% chance to tick twice and makes its targets vulnerable for 45 seconds. Vulnerable targets take 5% more damage from Force attacks. In addition, when you activate Turbulence, there is a 25% chance the ability will produce a second blast that strikes the same target for 25% damage.


    No change need.


    Cascading Force – Increases the maximum range of your Force attacks by 5 meters. Additionally, Telekinetic Wave immobilizes all affected targets for 0.5 seconds and slows all affected targets by 50% for 6 seconds.


    No change needed.

    Clamoring Force – Force Speed gives 2 stacks of Clamoring Force, which allows Disturbance and Telekinetic Burst to be activated instantly.


    Rename ability to phase displacement, in addition to the current effects phase walk way points can now be planted for 35 meters away and force speed increases your evasion by 100% for as long as it lasts.


    Telekinetic Momentum – Disturbance, Telekinetic Wave, Telekinetic Gust, and Telekinetic Burst have a 25% chance to produce a second telekinetic blast that strikes the same targets for 25% damage. Additionally, Telekinetic Wave overwhelms its targets for 45 seconds. Overwhelmed targets take an additional 10% damage from area attacks.


    No change needed.


    Telekinetic Focal Point – Damage dealt by Telekinetic Wave and Telekinetic Gust has a 100% chance and damage dealt by Disturbance and Telekinetic Burst has a 50% chance to grant Telekinetic Focal Point, which increases alacrity by 1%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 15 seconds.


    No change needed.


    Flowing Force – Telekinetic Momentum is twice as likely to trigger while Mental Alacrity is active. Additionally, increases the duration of Mental Alacrity by 5 seconds and reduces its cooldown by 15 seconds.


    No change needed.


    Reverberation – Increases the critical damage dealt by Telekinetic Wave, Mind Crush, Turbulence, and Telekinetic Gust by 10%.

    No change needed.


    Tremors – Each Telekinetic Momentum and Mental Momentum reduces the active cool-down of Mental Alacrity by 1 second. In addition, being interrupted grants unshakable for 4 seconds. This can only occur once every 15 seconds.


    No change need.


    Mental Continuum – Direct damage dealt by your Mind Crush and Telekinetic Wave abilities refreshes the duration of your Weaken Mind on affected targets. In addition, Telekinetic Bolt increases your Force regeneration by 10% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.


    No change needed.


    Telekinetic Refuge – Telekinetic Burst increases your damage 3% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.


    Increase damage reduction from 3 to 5%.


    Magnifying Vibrations – Project deals 20% more damage to targets affected by your Mind Crush.

    Rotational Abilities


    No change need.

  3. Good morning!

    Good evening!




    How are you? Sending seasons greetings from here in New York City.


    With each new update we become even more ecstatic as the game becomes even more entertaining. New abilities,planets, speeders/gear are added that improve the quality of our gaming experience. Not to mention the new Engine Upgrades that increases the speed of which we can enjoy all these new updates. Bioware we love you!


    We are very please with the wonderful work that Bio-ware has been doing on this game and we appreciate all the work you guys have put into the design, hours of content and animations so in commemoration of all the effort that has been put into this game by both developers and players we are going to be having a special event this holiday, the first of it's kind if I am not mistaken, so without further ado Ladies and Gentle-people I present to you the:


    The Sith Sorcerer/ Jedi Sage PVP Pre-christmas Extravaganza!


    Everyday contenders from around the globe queue up to pit their wits against each other in the ingeniously designed war-zones prepared by the beautiful and handsome gentle people from Bio-ware but this year we want all the Sorcerers and Sages to queue up for the The Sith Sorcerer/ Jedi Sage PVP Pre-Christmas Extravaganza!


    Guardians/Juggernauts need not apply!

    Sentinels/Marauders please stay at home!

    Gunslingers/Snipers you're not invited!

    Mercenaries/Commandos go enjoy some PVE!

    Scoundrels/Operatives don't let me catch you sneaking around!

    Shadows/Assassins please don't show up you're not on the guest list!

    Vanguards/Powertechs don't show your faces here!


    How does it work you ask? Simply queue up on Saturday 19th 2015 as you're sage/sorcerer to participate in the Event, you may play any specialization you feel most comfortable in whether it be: Seer/Corruption , Balance/Madness or Telekinetic/Lightening!


    Dot spreading is encouraged!

    So is Off-healing/healing to full (H2F)

    So is Bursting people down!

    Queue syncing is also encouraged!



    We also want everyone to come out their colors; Green, Red and White. Wear any combination you desire! As long as it's one, two or three of the above mentioned. Dyes can be purchased from the GTN under; Cartel Market Items>Dyes.


    If you do not have a sorcerer/sage please create/boost one IMMEDIATELY for the event. It will be taking place on the Harbinger Server in both Ranked and Un-ranked and Regular Arena's therefore leveling is not an issue.


    Any characters who queues and is not a Sorcerer/Sage should not be healed/assisted by team members and should be focused/stun locked and bursted down upon sight.


    See you on the 19th. May the Sorc/Sage be with you.

  4. My list of Demands.

    Buff sniper Immediately. We Snipers have not been touched in weeks and please put orbital back the way it was.

    Buff Marauders.

    Make new PvP maps.

    Do something about the frequent server disconnections.

    Fix the server lag.

    Actually do something about the credit spammers.


    Please stop adding new stuff that people don't want things like:

    Recolored Cartel pretties(NOT WANT)


    And add stuff we do want like cross server queues, you should try to improve what is already in the game not add new stuff you can't balance stop buffing the sages they have enough already!

  5. We are going to get buffed (I am not asking you bioware, i am telling you, buff us or else:mad:) so just say all the things that you want from now so they know what to buff here is all the things I want:


    Ballistic Dampers now reset automatically while in cover.


    Vital Regulators/Cool Under pressure - Now restores 1% Hp every 1 second instead of every 3 seconds.


    Hunker Down/Entrench Now protects against knock backs for 5 seconds after it is initially activated.


    Reduce the cool-down of Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield by 30 seconds!


    Reduce the CD of Covered of escape by 3 seconds.


    The effects of series of Snare now also applies to Cull!


    Evasion now cleanses ALL negative removable tech and force effects. We need reliable dot cleanse!


    Hold you ground now reduces the CD of Shield Probe by 5 seconds instead of 4.


    In addition to the AEO slow on Crippling Diversion, Distraction now roots the target in place for 3 seconds!

  6. Well I would've given it a 3/10, but it seems like you've fooled a lot of people here so grats.


    3/10 huh? Typical of you to not have anything constructive to add to the discussion. You come here with your accusations and no reasoning or evidence to back up your claims.

    I wrote in detail what I thought was wrong and what I wanted to be done but it seems the peanut you have for a brain can only generate 1 sentence per day.

    You are like a dyslexic child throwing ice cubes at the sun. All your actions are innately futile for lack of understanding, please close your account and go back to pre-school.

  7. I 100 % agree with everything you said. I have also been increasingly frustrated with how BW is handing buffs out left right and center , and completely leaving GS's and Mandos in the cold.


    OMG thanks for showing your support please rate this thread as 5 stars, subscribe and help me fight off the naysayers.

  8. We Snipers are very displeased with how we have been treated! We haven't been touched in years and we are demanding equal rights and attention! In conclusion ,as reparations we will accept nothing less than buffs! Buffs Galore!


    Marauders got Buffed!

    Sages got Buffed!

    Assassin got buffed!

    Vanguard got buffed!

    Even Mercenary got buffed!


    Everybody is getting so buffed up they be looking like Jabba the Pizza Hutt.

    Well it is our time to get Buffed! I want to swell more than the michelin man! Infact I want get buffed up bigger than Gabourey Sidibe.


    Make it happen:


    Ballistic Dampers now reset automatically while in cover.


    Vital Regulators/Cool Under pressure - Now restores 1% Hp every 1 second instead of every 3 seconds. If sage can get this on Life Ward plus heal to full on their force barrier then this is NOTHING to compromise on!


    Hunker Down/Entrench Now protects against knock backs for 5 seconds after it is initially activated. Tired of you rude juggernauts/guardians walsing up to me with your cc immunity and blasting me off the bridge in void star! Not to mention shoving me out of my own Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield! So rude omg!


    Reduce the cool-down of Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield by 30 seconds! If juggernauts/guardians can have their 3 lives and enraged defenses or whatever it is called then we certainly can have a more rotational defense mechanism!


    Reduce the CD of Covered of escape by 3 seconds! We are a turret class but every other class is now mobile and constantly up and about! Hello? Don't you think we have places to go too?! Every other class has some kind of speed boost! Even those Sentinels/Marauders have their Speed Boost and they can even use it on others! Covered escape is too situational and not reliable!


    The effects of series of Snare now also applies to Cull!


    Evasion now cleases ALL negative removable tech and force effects. We need reliable dot cleanse!


    Hold you ground now reduces the CD of Shield Probe by 5 seconds instead of 4! If Scoundrels can get their Shield probe down to a 25 second Cd then so can we! It's not like they need to extra survivabilty since they can stealth, heal themselves AND dps (aLL AT THE SAME TIME, MIND YOU!)


    In addition to the AEO slow on Crippling Diversion, Distraction now roots the target in place for 3 seconds! If Assassin can get a 30m root/ Mez then guess what? SO CAN WE!)


    Please to implement these changes in the next patch, don't even bother beta testing it. God knows you didn't test anything else you implemented.

  9. I am really tired. I am completely spent and I come to you in pieces. I am tired of being called noob. Scrub. Homosexual. I am tired of trolls, so so so many trolls, talking smack and people disregarding everything I have to say it's like my voice has no sound and no matter how loud I scream no one hears me.


    No one cares.

    No one understands my predicament.

    Everyone just comes and laughs to fill up on my pain and drink in my tears.


    Everyday I wake up I go Dulfy memorize my rotation and stat priorities. Rework my key bindings. Make sure I have 2018 expertise. Then I go to queue for pvp and the trolls just come marching out of their protection zone and crush me in literally a matter seconds.

    They don't even have to try that hard they have so much leeway they can type out full conversions in say.


    I go to the fleet and spend what commendations I have to rework into a new discipline. People trick me and take my credits.

    Failure at every turning point.


    Relief from the torment exists and I find it in what few friends I have. My friend ls it literally contains 3 people. 3. That's how many people are not completely repulsed by me.


    I know I am not perfect, I am not the best player or the biggest parser (hell I'm not even too sure what that is) but tell me do I deserve all this hate directed at me? I know I have my short coming s but I am working on them and I am asking to you as a person to just work around them and work with me is that too much to ask? .......Or is there something innately wrong with me?

  10. Are you having some... unrelated issues? We can help. We're here for you.


    I was in a guild called serial killers on Bastion and the guild master asked me to leave and I left with dignity and he keeps sending trolls to focus me in pvp and they type lol in say after 1HITKOing me.

  11. to the original post:

    - you hurt my feelings

    - i would like an apology, but first off, most of my alpha dog attributes are because of my skills not because of being over level 55. So take everything you said back. Why? Because it hurts my feelings.

    - you are a mean person. I pvp for fun, and not to dominate people. Sometimes i dont even finish off my enemies because i dominate them so much with skills, thats how good i am, not because im over 55.

    - the game isnt hard for me anymore, thats how good ive gotten.

    - being over level 55 in pvp has made me realise 1 thing, people are just jealous and wish they could have more levels. The truth is players above 55 have insane skill because they have more abilities, whereas the lowbies are badder players because they dont have as many abilities as the level 55+ players have on their hotbars. So in a lot of ways its the lvl 55+ that need to step up cuz they have more buttons. I invested in a racecar pedal for my force charge. A lot of 55+ players do stuff like this because the game becomes harder. Lowbies? They just hit a few buttons.

    - how dare you


    this topic is now closed and i won the argument good-bye!

  12. oh I soloed this lv 100 with my lv 1" "oh I soloed this with that" LIES!


    It really is pathetic when people lie to themselves so they can feel good and think they can play, any sensible person knows that is impossible for a lv 40 wahteverjugg to solo a lv 55 sorc that knows his/her rotation and can kite good who do you think you're fooling GET OUT OF HERE YOU TROLLS:mad:


    Stop trolling my topic.

  13. Even if I were 56-59 who cares? Like for real man it's a game.


    A descent person who is not cocky or conceited would agree with me and move on but you can't you have to be here arguing , threatening, telling people to come Chicago (Chicongo IMO) so you can beat them up ( that being said I am 17 and very scrawny you'd probably 1 shot me so no).


    I have one thing to say to you. If the shoe fits wear it! I am here because I am upset about lv 56 to 59s trolling regs and you are here because you fall into that category so what I said insults you.


    We are intelligent people here to have an open discussing and we need or want don't violence people like you to come dumb down the conversation sooooo.......... MOVE ALONG. Your kind is not welcome here.

  14. I don't know how well your gameplay is, but from what I've seen so far you are the absolute king (queen?) of troll topics. It always takes at least 4 pages before anyone figures it out, you are just too good at this.




    who are you talking to?

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