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Posts posted by lunzlunz

  1. Hi I'd like to apply. I have a 60 sorcerer, a soon to be 60 juggle, both imp, and a 55 jedi sentinel on the pub side. I'll happily burn my free 60 for the team if things do go well.


    I don't qualify for early access tho so the free 60 can only happen on the 27th.


    Let me know if this works for you guys. I made a thread too http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=841383 if you want more details :)

  2. Hey ya'll,


    Recently came back into the game after leaving in 1.0 (or so i remember, been a while). I'm looking to sign up with a raid team but have had no luck with the ones advertising in-game, primarily due to my lack of experience with swtor raids I guess.


    Trying my luck here to see if it'd be any different. Breaking it down into points to make it easier on the eyes.


    • I have a lightning sorc and an immortal juggernaut whom I'd like to raid with, I'll use whichever the team requires more
    • Both are 55, I'm NOT qualified for KotFE EA but I'll buy it outright if the right group comes along to facilitate raiding asap (happy to burn my lvl 60 toon for the raid as well)
    • I have experience raid leading a progression team back in FFXIV up until 2 months ago when I disbanded the team (clear vids and strategy docs are available, drop me a note)
    • I can raid GMT +8 evenings, up to 5 days a week, maximum of 6 hours a day, start time from 6pm or so
    • I can offer the use of a discord server if need be, if not I'll use whichever VoIP the team uses
    • I would like to join a team that takes raiding seriously. While we're all looking to have fun with an entertainment medium, I do not appreciate having my time wasted, and I hate wasting others' time as well. Basic things like being punctual, taking ownership for class mastery and strategies, must be a bare minimum


    If any team is happy to take me in, I won't guarantee I'll be top deeps or the best tank, but it will not be for a lack of effort. Leave me a note here if this piques your interest. I'm contactable at Al-Mugoki or Al-FaceChopper or Al'Lazerdongs in-game, or you can reply to this thread as well.


    Thanks in advance and cheers!

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