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Posts posted by Foambreaker

  1. I disagree about crossfaction not improving pop times. Especially if you play reps.


    I will concede that it won’t make pops any faster in the middle of prime time, but it will help at all other times.

    One other thing cross faction would help with is skill distribution across both factions. If there are no factions, then it’s one big mixing pot to pop from.


    I do agree that pvpers aren’t queueing as much. I think a lot has to do with the server relocation. West coast players feel the extra ping creates a disadvantage and participation by them has dropped. As you also mentioned, most APAC players have also left pvp because 300ms ping is horrendous.


    Im not sure it’s time to merge all 5 servers together because EU players would then be placed into the same position as those who played on the west coast. This would cause many more to leave and I think you’d find there would be little improvement after they did.


    I do think they shouldn’t have made two east coast servers. It made sense to have two US servers when we thought they’d be in different locations. But seeing as they are in the one data centre, IMO it would have been better to just have one server for the US.


    They do need to breath some new life into pvp. The status quo Bioware have followed for 6 years isn’t working anymore. There are things they can do to address this, starting with cross server.


    We don't agree and I am not going to discuss it because you post too much :D

  2. Cross faction is not going to change anything


    Current PvP is the most unfun PvP we have seen in ages, people just are not queueing up


    The population bump we got for server merges is over, it was overrated and most those people left


    Yavin 4 was not good enough to hold the people who returned to check it out


    APAC is gone for the most part and many west coast people no longer PvP


    It is already time for a server merge of the remaining 5 servers


    A lot of PvPers are playing other games hoping for things to improve here, I've been mostly playing EVE since New Years


    Mostly barring a miracle this game is over

  3. Hi, so this game lvl 70 is immensely frustrating.

    The gear difference is too high between someone who is fully geared and someone with lesser gear.

    Literally you cannot kill them if they are afk, the frustration is beyond severe.


    I like this game a lot, and am frankly like a crack addict to it. But experience like this is very sobering, very frustrating indeed.


    Please, yes there can be gear grind, but why does the difference have to be so high, i have just played maybe 11 wz's rep side malgus. Every one was a loss, four of them no kills on the enemy team. Imagine how much fun this is for some of your customers. Feeling very angry and frustrated.


    It is more than just gear, there are many small issues that add up:

    1. If you are from West Coast you should know the servers are now on East
    2. There are many ways to tweak bolster that you would never normally think of
    3. There are two grossly OP DPS classes
    4. The skank/shank/tank healer combo makes it nearly impossible to make kills
    5. Many times PuGs face partial or full premades
    6. Something is up with Fury Maras
    7. etc etc etc


    Combined all of these things can make a new 70 feel naked and afraid.

  4. When bolster was 250 and everyone had the same stats, the game still played the same: some people stomped others.


    When booster was 238 and people’s said raise it to 242, it will solve the problem, they did, no change.


    Now missing augments bolster was increased from 150 to 208. You didn’t even notice it? Probably not, no change.


    Fake news by omission.


    250 was marred by bugs in the DvL code, the base fights when DvL was not in play were the best since the xpac.

  5. I said it in my long post as well but it doesn't make that a bad map. Players are simply to slow learners and try to use ACW tactics there, which doesn't work as good. Soon as (if ever) players adopt the different tactics required games will be good and dynamic.


    It is brain dead biased to the defenders, you can stand on the steps and see both nodes and the approaches to both nodes. There is not even really a need to call incoming, everyone can see it. It is not a user skill or tactic issue.


    Thank god it is back to not popping so much.

  6. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes



    •The Yavin Ruins Warzone will no longer pop at a higher frequency than other Warzones.


    •The following changes are being made to the Solo PvP Ranked Daily Mission:

    •Mission will reward 40 Unassembled Components (up from 30)

    •Mission will reward 150 Ranked Season 9 Tokens as intended (up from 0)


    •The following changes are being made to the Solo PvP Ranked Weekly Mission:

    •Mission will reward 250 Unassembled Components (up from 200)

    •Mission will reward 1,000 Ranked Season 9 Tokens as intended (up from 0)

    •Mission now also rewards 3 Charged Matter Transubstantiators


    •Achievements which are earned in the Yavin 4 Warzone will no longer reset.


    •Players who are not wearing Augments or who have Augments below item rating 208 will now have Bolstered stats as if they were equipped with item rating 208 Augments (up from 150).

  7. I skipped FE/ET on my Commando because, yeah, the story makes no sense for a non-force user. Here's what I experienced. Elara moved from "Companions: Trooper" to "Companions." She still shows up in my stronghold, but like all comps returned in FE/ET+ she is missing from my ship. My other companions, even though they were all returned (or accounted for) during FE/ET, were unaffected. For example, Jorgan is integral to the FE/ET story but remains in his position both on my ship and under Trooper companions. Thus, while I can't answer definitively, I would assume that your other IA comps will remain and be unaffected, and you'll get either Elara or Quinn added to your roster depending on your choice. The same thing that happened to Elara will likely happen to Raina once you start ATAtC. She'll move positions on the companions window, she'll disappear from your ship, and you'll get the "new," synth, Raina. Quinn is at the bottom of my comp list, like I could summon him from the terminal, but on Odessen I don't have access to that area. You can go to Odessen and access the mission launch area for Umbara/Copero, but the other two FE/ET areas are behind a red barrier and you can't do Star Forge missions. When doing the mission on Iokath with Theron I had him as a comp, but he didn't remain in my list. The only two additions, other than Quinn, are Acina and Malcom at the very bottom (just above Quinn). And, even though I don't have access to the Odessen areas, the cut scenes on Odessan and Iokath all played as normal with the only assumption being that I took the light side choice. As far as Raina's romance I can't speak to that, and since I didn't romance Elara I can't speak from that position. Otherwise, Iokath played no differently that any of the characters that followed the full story.


    This was not my experience, all my comps are on the ship. It is as if KOTxx never existed.


    I think you must have pressed the launch button even though you may have not finished the first chapter.

  8. It's the same way the Oricon storyline can't be completed till you've finished both Ops. You can't complete the Ops yet, because not all the bosses have been released yet.


    Patience, youngling.


    This one post speaks so much about the game quality.


    From the ridiculously slow rollout of the one lousy op added over YEARS to the laziness of just sticking the op mission in with the dailies without even labeling it an OP.


    SWTOR Devs in a nutshell: Not enough and slipshod workmanship.

  9. So lets spread that across the entire game? Alrighty then.


    SWTOR PvP has become populated with players who are first and foremost afraid of Pixel Death (aka Weak Egos). So ya anything that prevents pixel death is a good thing. Look how many come to the forums looking for survivability first, everything else second.


    Matches where 25 people die are horrible.



    On the topic, IMHO Mara is bugged, not OP, so the correct action is to find and fix the bugs, not design to them.

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