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Posts posted by Foambreaker

  1. Of course the game will end. But you know what? I just earned more money sitting on the toilet given compound interest and the US Stockmarket than your pointless preening prattle.


    So who comes out on top? I'm having fun paying a miniscule amount of money vs. you -- a perpetual troll who keeps posting about how much fun he isn't having yet keeps paying to say it.






    Wow you mad bro? :D


    For such a super businessman you sure lose your cool easy.:p

  2. It often baffles me why folks can get genuinely angry at people that fear this game may come to an end sooner than it should.


    Questioning the motives of the OP is silly at best. Whether or not the concern is genuine, it is FAR WORSE for a business to ignore the perception that something may be amiss than it is to express concern about it.


    If folks truly did not care about the demise of the game they would simply say nothing and let it die, so to speak.


    The game WILL end.....that much is absolute fact. Everything ends. The question is when, and some folks are concerned.


    I do not find that concern something that is worth derision. I find it more likely that folks angered by that concern are perhaps sharing those fears and angry that people like the OP remind them of this.


    It's personal, both CT and DavidA are long term ignore list people. They are my little stalkers :)

  3. I'm not one to post on the forums or to get involved in these things, but I was bored and felt the need to address your comment. The OP said nothing about wanting to leave, displayed little negativity, and seems to be concerned about a game he has no doubt spent a fair amount of time and money on. It might be an unfounded conspiracy theory or it could be genuine. Who knows? It looks like someone was just looking for some reassurance and I can't blame him. As for "Leave the people who want to play and enjoy it alone..." There's always the potential of not having a game to play. Games have been known to be no longer accessible (like Marvel Heroes). So, if the game is ended and no longer accessible a month from now then you better get your fill. I for one agree with the OP. I WILL NOT be pumping money into this game until I know that it is stable for at least a while. I pumped money into Marvel Heroes, played for hundreds of hours, and now I cannot access any of it. Some other people in this thread have made good points and the OP's post has some flaws, but you managed to not really highlight them. Starting a panic will also hasten the game's demise, but I believe enough people have already seen the rumors and the damage is done. And he's not wrong, but a comment from the developers would potentially help (though I know they might not be able to or have nothing to report because it is still being decided).


    And the 6 year old mentality comment is kind of unwarranted in this case, in my opinion. If you detest juvenile behavior then don't add to it. Anyway, that's my thoughts.


    Thanks for the comments, this is why I keep DavidA on ignore.

  4. .. and it should of been done years ago..


    Actually it originally was because of the way stances worked, when they gave us the premade skill trees they messed it up, along with phase walk and aerial strike to name a few.


    It is actually just another case of the current team screwing up what was not broke.

  5. ...They're lucky Bioware have got some decent people on the forums, because if it was me, I'd just come on , tell them to piss off and ban the accounts for making up this crap, and causing a lot more panic than the original article did.


    lol, your studio is under pressure from the parent company and your just going to ban subs right and left because they don't agree with you.


    Sure thing Donald :p

  6. Hmm let's consider the original post.




    That sounds more likely to be a tank guard to me. Surely you don't have an issue killing a dps pt or guardian trying to guard? Any form of pressure will melt them or force them to remove the guard.


    That said, as an actual tank if dps specs couldn't guard I'd be absolutely tickled as then I wouldn't have to yell at them to remove it before they died any more.


    Well that was not the intent, if you had included any reading from the first page you would know it. I didn't want to end up with a lot of walls of text from weepy trinity tanks.

  7. Not that it matters since we apparently don'/won't have developers anymore but the original purpose of this thread was to address Guard in DPS builds, not TANK builds.
  8. So who gives a damn about stupid romours... someone told me who knows someone at bioware that someone who is close to developers told him that the game is shutting down.


    This is the bul***** you people make threads about.


    Game is still here. Go and play it.


    Gee you see mad bro? Go read some more threads, people are making CM/Sub decisions based on these rumors, are you saying it is wise for BW to remain silent?

  9. BW you need to either deny or this game will end by default.


    Do you think with these rumors I am going to spend money on CM?


    lol, no, duh.


    Renew a sub? Especially more than 30 days?


    lol, no, duh.


    You already have population issues despite the recent merges, one more exodus and you won't have enough subs to pay the janitor.


    Or maybe you guys are just updating your resumes and we should all just read the writing on the wall and move on? :confused:

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