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Posts posted by Foambreaker

  1. Letting my sub lapse, depending on the utility changes may or may not return for 5.9.


    PvP is too boring as is, hopefully we will return to the 20-30 deaths per WZ PvP we used to have.

  2. I changed your list to a numbered one for clarity in answers:

    1. I mentioned this in another post on planned class changes, here.
    2. This is on our radar as a quality of life change for PvP. It is a fairly large undertaking though and not currently in our plans. The interest is noted though.
    3. Same as #2.
    4. Wintrading is a constant thing we monitor and action. Backfilling has particularly popped up on our radar lately and we are digging deep to find and action those players.




    On the Wintrading you need to give us totals. No need to violate anyone's privacy, just totals. EVE announced they banned 1800 bots in Jan., announcements like that make everyone happy :D

  3. Ok, how i can find actual info? Google show this thread as first result.


    Because your time on target may not be consistent in PvP the benefits of alacrity can be lost.

  4. Yeah, how dare they only give us a free mount and free armor set that many probably never have and are getting it for free. Former and current then get that plus 30 days free. So not fair, boycott, tantrum, yell, scream, cry eating a bowl of ice cream watching Leo die on the titanic sadness crying..... blah blah blah lol


    To be mailed out March 1st...


    If you are my girlfriend on Valentines Day I will give you flowers next month :eek:


    You guys try that and get back to us with what happens....

  5. I'm sorry, but anything you say after that line has zero credibility. Every single player (and I do mean every single player) who uses the "Founder" tag, or emphasizes they have been playing since beta etc. are absolutely trash at this game.


    It shows he is insecure about his opinion...

  6. Let me start by saying that I'm a founder. I've been with the game on and off since it launched. I mainly pvp and have countless hours played in regs.


    Bioware - you REALLY need to address the absolutely horrendous matchmaking system you have for regs. It's completely random and completely obnoxious. There is no good reason why one team has 3 healers in a voidstar and the other team has none, ESPECIALLY when neither team is premade. Or when one team is primarily (4+) of the same class. Ever played against 6+ mercs, or 6+ sorcs on one team? Yeah.. it's not fun.


    How in the actual hell can you allow your game to be like this? It creates an incredibly frustrating pvp experience. Just fix it.


    After matchmaking it will be 3 Sorc + 3 Mercs against 3 Sorc + 3 Mercs and everything will be better...;)

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