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Posts posted by force-unleasher

  1. Just bumping this thread so that maybe the devs can look at this CRITICAL bug that doesn't let anyone who dies in the final boss encounter to finish the flashpoint. Almost 3 months after Onslaught has launched and we cannot get a simple respawn location tweak. Unbelievable, and I've started paying more than 7 years ago. That's what loyal customers get - we always stay no matter what and all we do is test on the PTS, we still deal with the bugs after that and we don't even get a goddamn reply to a thread.
  2. Am I the only one who has been encountering the bug where when you open a Gathering or Mission crew skill's window and you attempt to scroll down (or just click anywhere on the scroll to go down instantly), the whole window gets reset and it brings you up to the top where you will find the Rich missions usually? It's very hard to send companions on missions.


    It's very irritating when you accidentally click on another mission because your window was JUST reset miliseconds before you click and now you've sent your companion on a wrong mission. Then you must cancel this mission, it goes to the bottom of the list of missions, mixes up the whole list, then you must attempt to click on the correct mission once again until you make it. And then you might misclick again because this bug causes the window to reset constantly every few seconds.... Needless to say how irritating this is when you're trying to bulk-send companions on multiple characters.


    I've already submitted a bug report, I know it doesn't come with a response but.... how much time do you still need to fix a simple problem BioWare? It's already been almost a month since the expansion went live and this bug is from Day 1.


    Does anyone else get this bug? If needed I can provide a video with the bug, I am willing to help in any way I can, just please - fix it already!

  3. Has anyone noticed the utility ‘intercessor’ allowing you to use force leap twice is not working? I have a feeling it is due to the new charges that are tied to that skill.


    It's bugged for me too.... since 6.0 launched! Needless to say that, reading the 6.0a patch notes now, I was extremely disappointed to see that it hasn't been fixed yet! What in the world, BioWare? It's one of the highest utilities a sentinel/marauder can use! I never bothered to report it because I was damn sure that dozens of people would have reported something so important by now and it's still not fixed!


    *Sigh* It seems that I will have to write a ticket for every bug that I see from now on. It seems like dozens of people reporting in-game and on the forums is not enough.


    Don't get me wrong BioWare, I love most of what you did with 6.0, credit must be given where credit is due, you listened to us while we tested, and collaborated with us a lot. And I understand that bugs happening with a big release is a normal thing but 6.0a patch notes were simply too short!

  4. Yeah, you didn't read what I wrote, did you? To make it clearer for you: this is what you are faced when when you open up a piece of moddable gear:




    See that "Item Modification Perk" down there? That's it! Though I do think I may have misinterpreted the wording. It looks like now it means you can buy a perk so you don't have to use a mod station to add an augment? In which case it's a feature, not a bug. :) On first read it looked like you had to pay it to modify your gear period, but I think now it just applies to augments. It costs 250k credits or 50 CCs to unlock this perk for a character. It doesn't give an option to unlock it for a whole account, just one character at a time.


    Yeah if it was like you first read it would've been more expensive to modify gear. The bug about the stronghold is legit though.

  5. I've been playing Watchman since August 2012, it's my main and I can say that, right now, the rotation has the perfect combination of being a just little bit challenging to learn and execute, while still being difficult to master, and at the same time having a consistent core (as opposed to being priority based like "X ability procs, I use X, Y procs, I use Y"). It also has sort of like a barrier that is dividing good Watchmen and bad Watchmen, which is important for every class to have such a barrier (how you apply Overload Saber stacks, what abilities you use in the 4 GCD window between cycles, are you managing to squeeze in Zealous Strikes AND use the generated focus without wasting it, making sure Valorous Call is never off CD, having maximum uptime of Zen, etc.).


    So, in my humble opinion, if the devs don't want to enter a cycle of nerfing, buffing and changing the Watchman every two weeks after 6.0, completely screwing everything up in the process, they should keep the core rotation as it is. Remember bois - if it ain't broke, don't fix it nor tinker with it. So that means no set bonuses that change cooldowns of the core abilites.


    The set bonuses I would recommend for a Watchman would be ones that work this way: increasing damage by either by reducing the cooldown of big hitting filler abilities (like Blade Barrage), increasing damage of medium hitting filler abilities (Slash) or straight up increasing overall damage by a small percentage either in the burns/bleeds or direct damage. Here's an idea for a 6-piece set:



    • (2) Set: Merciless Slash has a 25% chance of granting 2 charges of *insert epic buff name here*, making the next Slash deal 20% more damage. Each use of Slash consumes 1 charge. Lasts 10 seconds.
    • (4) Set: Force Melt makes its targets *insert epic debuff name here*, increasing the chance of your next Twin Saber Throw to critically hit by 15%.
    • (6) Set: Blade Barrage's cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.



    ^ This essentially makes sure that Blade Barrage is available as a filler after every core cycle of the rotation which is a substantial and well deserved bonus for collecting almost all set pieces, provided that the player understands the basics of stat optimization and has reached the second Alacrity threshold (1.3s Global Cooldown), thus providing another separation between good and average players. For average players this is a good final bonus, providing them with the chance to use a hard hitting ability more often.


    The first bonus provides a small damage boost on Slash which is fair and at the same time makes a small difference between players with and players without set bonus. The second set bonus is a definite upgrade over the previous set bonus and at the same time is useful to both singe and multi target scenarios (DoT spread, move sideways, Twin Saber Throw and boom).


    Now, I understand that my example may not be perfect and most probably it isn't as I am not a game developer but at least you can see things from this point of view: the way this set bonus is structured right now provides significant bonuses that distinguish players with and without sets, while also being very easy to adjust and rebalance in case of imbalances. (For example let's say Set Bonus (4) provides too much damage for clearing thrash in ops and is making the Sentinels and Maras too AoE-burst oriented for their single target DoT spread nature. The solution is simple - reduce the numbers until they're just right.) And most importantly, we leave the cooldown reducing and rotation defining options to Tactical Items, which are items that every player can decide whether or not they want to equip and experiment with a new type of rotation.


    For Tactical Items I just want to say that I love Avuras' ideas. Especially making Force Melt deal its damage instantly to targets but I see two problems with this:



    • Your ability to DoT spread Force Melt is removed while being equipped with this Tactical Item (which is 50% off of Burning Sweep's bonus)
    • I consider this a bit overpowered in terms of single target damage, as the nature of Damage over Time effects is that you get a bit more damage but the drawback is that it's spread out across longer periods of time. At least, when directly comparing it with an instant-damage counterpart. And if you make this "more damage" into a normal burst ability it makes Combat Sentinels cry a lot. After all we don't want them to cry so what I am suggesting is this:



    • Force Melt now does 50% of its damage instantly and the other 50% as DoT. Now, I am not sure if those percentages are correct but it's late and I am trying to propose a different mechanism, expanding on Avuras' brilliant idea. Those percentages can be adjusted.
    • Force Melt now does 10% less damage however the damage is applied instantly to the target. If this is an equippable item as is the idea behind Tactical Items, it would be perfect for boss encounters where we need to change targets often and a more bursty type of DPS is required. It would eliminate the need to respec to Combat or Concentration for a specific boss, thus making the "Play the way you want" goal easily achievable. :p


    And at all other times other Tactical Items can be worn, providing different benefits. An idea that I have for another Watchman specific Tactical Item is this:



    • The range of Dispatch is now increased to 30m. Activating *Insert long cooldown ability here, either Blade Barrage, Twin Saber Throw or Merciless Slash, devs can decide which one would be best* grants Merciless Dismantling which stacks up to 3 times. When at 3 stacks, Merciless Dismantling resets the cooldown of Dispatch and makes Dispatch usable on targets with any amount of health. I suppose this would spice things up a bit in multi-boss encounters that involve switching targets or boss encounters with adds that need to be dealt with immediately (Geonosian Queen, Brontes, etc.). I know it's not build defining, nor does it change the core gameplay of the class but honestly my imagination is zero and I am jealous of Guardians having a reset on their execute.


    For now this is all I had to say about Watchman Tactical Items and Set Bonuses and I can't wait for the PTS version of Onslaught, so that we can give more feedback to you and make this expansion the greatest one SWTOR has seen. :) In the meantime I will try to come up with other Tactical Item ideas that are not complete garbage.

  6. First of all want to say that I rarely use the forum but I am going to use it more since you guys want to communicate with us. And that is something that is greatly appreciated! Believe me, some of the people here may express themselves more sharply than others and I understand it must be furstrating for you guys to try and cater to everyone and that's why I want you to know that your effort is greatly appreciated.


    About the gearing changes - I really liked the example Eric gave us in the stream: As of right now doing Flashpoints, even Master Mode, on my L70 characters doesn't yield me ANY form of certain gratification in terms of gear rewards. I get 3-4 Rare CXP packs and 1-2 Super Rare which I then decide on which toon to use. And guess what - I am stockpiling them in the legacy storage, and then, depending on the DvL event - I use them on various other characters. But all of this feels extremely unrewarding and here's why:


    I literally don't use the CXP packs on my Rank 300 character because the chance of getting a 248 piece (which is 2 tiers below the max) is so small and insignificant, that I need to open 20-30+ crates, and even then - I may get an earpiece or implant that I just don't need in terms of stats. So even though most of my character's gear is already 248 and 252, those last 248 pieces take forever to grind and I hate the fact that I can get stronger gear more consistently (from Ossus). It doesn't make any sense.


    So having a certain (even maybe a bit slow) way of gearing our characters through any content is really appealing to me. Because the system we have right now is some kind of impostor to the one we *hopefully* get in 6.0. It's supposed to reward you for everything you do in-game but not exactly: it's really slow and full of unprotected RNG like getting specific pieces of gear instead of tokens in Command Crates. Or getting the same pair of gloves instead of having some kind of protection where the game will no longer drop gloves for you from Command Crates.



    As to both of the vendors being RNG - what?? Why would you do that...... The one that spawns sometimes - ok. But if you make us spend our hard earned Charles Points on more RNG.... most of the people will not be amused. Just give us normal vendors like the ones we had with commendations before - that allow us to spend that new currency on something of our choice.

    For example I see that I need Legs on a character, and I grind for 2-3 days - do various Operations, Master Mode Flashpoints, even Daliy areas and Heroics, and then I go to the vendor and get my damn Legs. The majority of my Charles Points came from harder content but I supplemented that with easier Solo Daily content and after that I got the item I wanted. That is what is exciting to me!! Feeling rewarded for my hard work. Having a plan on what item will I get if I do X and Y thing in-game.

  7. Hey everyone, I am recently returned to the game after a long break. I want to do the Ossus storyline as it seems really interesting and then be able to access the daily areas and world boss, etc. But I have done Iokath only up until "Facing the Machines of War" which is the mission that requires me to "Enter the Iokath Operation". I can't seem to find a group for it even in my guild.


    When I click the mission terminal on my ship for the Ossus mission, the game warns me that if I haven't done a part of the story, it will pick the default decisions for me. I have done every piece of story content on this character as it is my main. Except Gods of the Machine.


    So my question is - do I have some major choices to make the first time I play GotM and watch the cinematics, like deciding whether or not to kill a companion, the same way it was with

    Theron and Arcann



    Or can I start Ossus without any worries?

  8. Hey guys, I just want to know if the Daily Activity Bonus which is changing every day is 20% or 25%? Multiple sources online like Dulfy are stating 20% but today (with Heroic Missions being the daily bonus) I see that the Heroic Missions: Coruscant mission is giving me 1215 CXP. And this value is 1.35 times greater than the base value of 900. Given the fact that the opposite side is victorious right now (I am missing the additional 15% from Light vs. Dark) and me having 10% bonus from Character Perks means that the Daily Activity Bonus comes down to actually 25%, not 20%.
  9. Ok, so I have 2 main toons now: a Sentinel with Synthweaving, Archaeology and Slicing and an Assassin with Artifice, Archaeology and Slicing (I know the second one is not a good combo but Treasure Hunting was low and decided to level Slicing and get mats from another character).


    My question is: what crew skill do you guys think of first if I ask: What is the most viable crew skill after Patch 2.0? The crew skill I choose will decide my next character: for example, if I decide that I've been missing out on things that Armstech can craft, I will roll a Scoundrel. If I decide I need Biochem (I heard it was buffed after 2.0 but haven't actually researched it) I'll make a Jedi Guardian (I already have a Knight but the +5 Crit bonus is too good to miss out, I'll play the Guardian differently - opposite sex, alignment, etc.)


    Mostly, by viable, I mean good for making credits. :sy_auction: But for example trying out Armormech with a Commando would be nice and easy and interesting but Armormech can't make any different endgame items when compared to Synthweaving.


    I am crafting augments and kits with my Sentinel now and I want to learn which crew skill will be the best for crafting interesting endgame modifications, not just augments. Augments schematics are too easy to learn, so I want something more challenging that will bring more credits.


    I thank you all in advance! :)

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