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Posts posted by DarkArcana

  1. SO as someone who played since launch i can say this with a certainty i love this game way to much. love the origin story choices and more. but am writing this cause hopefully people will be able to gather enough to get Broadsword to notice it crisis!!!
    First thing first is this Stupid Mando War BS, ok it seriously going on way to long and needs to stop now like now as in last 3 patch's ago now. this story was great at first but now it just outright boring and to much hype building to be worth seeing the end of anymore. Your Killing your own player base with how long your dragging this out. you need to stop and bring a major content patch and move it on. I get it small team not enough manpower but you either need to put it all down or risk the Pot forever. Your player base is shrinking and it only getting worst As the Economy of the game crash more.
    Secondly, you need to revitalize your economy some how some way, as a GTN Seller i can tell you straight up the market is slowing down hard, and if it slowly down hard that me your cash flow hurting really bad as well, it use to be player could equal out there CC to Credit ratio in the hundred millions Now your lucky if you can even sell a UCC ( Ultimate Cartel Crate) for 40 Mil without being undercut. and even then that not enough to buy something good off the GTN. might as well get rid of the UCC and go with outright selling of Stuff.
    best way to fix this allow a UCC Trade value system, where player can take Gold and silver and bronze and Common items to a vendor and sell it for a median price form GTN, example is like how any post place in GTN gives a automatic update sell figure WELL give us a Vendor who will buy this at that price allow us to earn some credit giving a reason to buy UCC again, increasing your cash flow once again.
    Three: back to the first statement, but seriously take a team and get to work on the ground work for a new Xpac and story line and more, yes the new Patch Story system work to a degree but when you get a dead story like what happening now, you either need to put it all down in hope it will rise to the occasion or lose it all and have no back up plan. Let be honest Broadsword, you seriously dont have anything up your Sleeves right now take the hit, and due better next time. Give us a renewed war between Empire and Republic again with us taking a more interactive approach this time in a new Xpac, and bring back small story line with raids like Oricon and makeb and such as filler. you need life not this.
    • Haha 1
  2. Quote

    Whoa whoa everyone... I was hoping me telling you about the upcoming releases would help you understand this is a new beginning, not the end.

    We have more stories, modernizations, and MMO content already being planned out beyond 7.4.  While details are being discussed and finalized behind the scenes, let's not spin this into incorrect theories.  I am asking you to hang tight and we'll follow up later with more details when we can.


    But how far into teh future can we expect can we see a end to are Class Story or individual story or will we be left in Limbo!! Can we hope for more major story release after 8.0 or will we never see such a release. Can we expect higher level caps showing that the game will contiune to progress with more content. DOES BROADSWORD know what kind of gem they got thier hands on, can we expect them to treat it right and use it Potential that it has!!
       Keith these are the unknowns we are worried about hundreds of players are on edge cause were just not sure how this will be handle or how far we can expect the love dedication of are character will go will we lost the characters we been build a relationship with for over 12 years. Will we never hear thier wonderful voices agian for future story content!! Will we never see were are relationship will take us, What can we expect!!
        Will the halving of the team lower the effort for the game, Will effect release date and progression of newer content?!?! Alot of player are scared and we wish to know!?!?!?


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  3. it would be great for the guys who made female but which to switch there toons to Male now cause they have a vanity set that look great on a male but hideous on a female. As well as give a bit more into the RP section although am sure there are quite a few ppl who wish to remake there toons to male or to females to see the difference in Companion Storys. personally I hope they do so I don't have to remake a OPerative since it take orever to lvl a toon now even with XP boost it rough espically after u seen the story before
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