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Posts posted by shinuyog

  1. Treek. Although I really love M1, right now he's not that geared. (Just got him, hit Tat, only level 25). I have a problem with him not being able to hold aggro and gain as fast as Treek right now. Problem with Treek is that she is annoying as all hell. [un]Fortunately, she's practically a god. I'm CM specced, so I just target an enemy in a group, press Ctrl+1, wait a few seconds, then go ham on everything, healing as needed. She doesn't lose aggro. I can't do that with M1 yet, but the second I can, bye Treek. I know how ****** Yuun and Tanno are from my higher leveled Vanguard, so just biding my time...
  2. Hello, so right now I'm deciding between my 21 Scoundrel and my 18 Commando as a healer. I keep hearing stuff like Scoundrels are the absolute best healers, and granted, it's fun, but then I hear the Commando just isn't as viable in higher end pve, which I'm more into. Just not sure if it's "worth" leveling up if they don't perform well in bigger fights.
  3. Yup, I'm one of those, asking some of the same basic questions, but not finding to many answers. Played beta, went ahead and played GW2 because I didn't like the sub, decided to sub anyway, rolled Vanguard (played BH in beta) loved it. While I still love my Vanguard, I rolled a Jedi guardian and Shadow as well (slight obsession with tanking). Patch 2.7 hit, and I'm hearing Vanguards are no longer viable? That there's no point in having healers anymore? Bits and pieces from google and the forums only go so far lol but yeah, should I just scrap my Vanguard? I plan on end game PvE "hardcore", and I'm not a fan of rolling to many toons. Suggestions?
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