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Posts posted by Directdebit

  1. I want to buy a Tauntaun mount. I went into Cartel market last night and thought I saw a Tauntaun for sale with Cartel coins. I can't find it now!!! There is no "search" feature either. It's got to be the only shop online with no search feature!


    I've found a Ashfall Tauntaun in the Cartel shop, BUT ITS NOT FOR SALE LMFAO.

    Perhaps the Cartel shop is waiting on delivery!!!!!


    Anyway, does anyone know how I can get a tauntaun for cartel coins?


    I have 8k of coins but everything that catches my eye is "not for sale", only a "reclaim" button. OMG, why is it shown in Cartel coin shop when ya can't buy it ??????


    Why do i subscribe lol!!!

  2. I love healing instances. I have run many, but they are all the same environment except the last boss does different things.

    When the last boss says "You should have run when you could". Thats a hard fight as all my heals are a cast, which gets interrupted. I looked up SW flash points (to work out how the fight goes so I can heal it better) and found the flash points listed on the website are nothing like the one I have been doing! The ones I have been doing drop very little gear, just tokens..yay....


    Firstly, how do I cue to get flash points like "Hammer Station Flashpoint" and other interesting ones like that?

    All my gear so fare I have bought of the AH, with some quest gear.

    Do these FP drop gear I can use?



  3. It appears as the Legacy name appears as a Surname by default. How can I change it so it appears as a title?


    I found where I can disable it completely, but I'm stumped where to change it to a title.


    I designed the name as "The (name) Legacy" and looks lame as a surname.



  4. Thanks very much for your help. I found the companion details page as described.


    I did my first flash point earlier. I healed it. I am an experienced wow healer which helped, but I still had my hands full in swtor.

    I explained when the group started it was my first time in a group, and flash point. A couple got rather annoyed though, as I wanted to watch the vids and they kept on typing "spacebar" in the chat. Ya gotta watch it once, at least lol.


    I'm having a ball, thanks very much.

  5. I last played SWTOR back 2012 and a lot has changed. I love running instances and was wondering if there was a "in-game" group finder? If so, how do a cue for it?


    Also, for the life of me I can not find the window that tells me about my companion, likes & history. Lots of youtube vids show the window, but not how to get to it.

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