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Posts posted by watermelonfan

  1. Just want to clarify if the Gree sabers fall under this? The long length of the Gree Sabers was an aesthetic that I greatly enjoyed; seeing them shrink and having them stay small is something I hope does not stay permanent.


    I third this. I also noticed that the outbreak response lightsaber is also smaller than usual. I hope that goes back to its big size too.

  2. Why are you people complaining? Huge lightsabers are awesome. They make me feel superior. The bigger the better. you people should really be complaining about the preview gear glitch. It fades so much that its really hard to preview anything. You people should really be complaining about that. That glitch is far worst.
  3. You cannot get it anymore. It was "archived" when 4.0 hit. If a person had the synthweaving schematic before 4.0 it went into the archive section of the crafting skill window. If you did not have it prior to 4.0...you cannot get it anymore. Best bet try to find someone on your server to craft it.


    The problem is that it binds to the crafter the second it is crafted, so it can not be shared, sold, or traded.

  4. I was browsing through someone elses scheamtics and saw he had it. Unfortunately I don't remember the players name. Can someone please tell me where to get this schematic?


    Here is a scgreenshot of it in that guys recipe book.



    Someone please help me. I tried googleing it and could not find out where to get it.


    The odd thing about this schematic is that it has mods in it, which is very unsual for an armor shell.

  5. Yes, I am afraid we have to thank that for a fast CS :D very very true!


    When the knights of the old empire expansion came out I had to wait until month to get a pre written response that had nothing to do with my problem. So I kept having to open another ticket, with each follow up ticket taking an entire month to answer. In the end they just threatened to take action against my account after months of reopening unresolved tickets. There are some good reps in customers service, but most of them are useless.

  6. Your argument goes down a drain the moment you assume that people should be entitled to have cheap or free transfers just because they are returning and the poor souls found themselves on dead servers. You can leave and you can come back as you may please, but you can't blame BioWare for your absence and for missing out any promotion. 90cc transfers have been available for 6 and a half months and it's over, period. If you really want to play, you suck it up and pay $10 per character. If you are not willing to, then you are not really that interested into coming back to this game.


    Telling people to suck it up is not a good way to stay in business. It will do the complete opposite. Do you want this game to disappear, along with all your toons and countless hours of effort put into this game?

  7. If you are a sub (which obviously you are since you are posting here) you are granted a monthly minimum of 500cc included with your sub price. That is enough to move 4 toons for free.



    It costs 1000cc to transfer a toon. At that rate you will be transferring one toon every 2 months. If someone hasn't played for a long time and is just returning to find out all their dozens of toons are on a dead server, they are probably not going to buy dozens of subscriptions at $30 each and wait well over a year to transfer all of their old toons. If you want old players to return then you need to be reasonable. And frankly we need more people playing this game. The population is greatly declining. Do you want this game to die?

  8. Its doesn't but Tux likes to take stances opposite of whatever anyone else says, so...here we are. I mean when the extended special idea was going around, all he was saying was that would be great, and that gives people the time they need. Now he is trying to push it further, and say that server transfers should just all be free since, you know, we are customers and we pay for the game.


    But hey, how about everything on CM should be free too? Or how about you are given unlimited free credits. I am sure EVERYONE would like that.


    There is nothing wrong with expecting bioware to do stuff that Is reasonable. It is reasonable to expect to be able to leave a dead server for free. Expecting the CM and unlimted credits to be free is not within reason.

  9. How about just asking Bioware to make Artifice worthwhile again?


    The crafting in this game is basic at best, to begin with. With cartel stuff, crafting is almost an afterthought. And that's being generous.


    They aren't going to make it great again. They purposely made crew skills horrible by removing all the moddable shells along with other great stuff, so they can make more money from the cartel market. Their greed has gotten absolutely redicious. There weren't that many cool looking empty shells for crafters to learn in the first place, but now they took away the little that we could get. Look at what they did with crew skill trainers. They removed all moddable shells from all crew skill trainers. They don't even let us RE operation gear for moddable shells anymore. This is not at all a coincidence. They really are trying to destroy crafting. I am all in favor of having limited time schematics that never come back, but they need to be replaced with new cool moddable shell schematics so there is an incentive for new players to start new crafting skills. And we should always receive an advanced warning in the developer tracker whenever they are being removed for good.

  10. Not sure if you refuse to read developer posts or are incapable of reading comprehension? It was clearly stated they will be adding the Tuning to almost all weapons in future patches/updates. To me this means that weapons that do not have it "now" will have tunings added to them and not overlooked. Why make a forum stink out of a non issue?


    They said they would add turnings slots to some of the weapons that people request. Where did they say it would be added to "almost all" weapons?

  11. iirc, dyes were not added to all the armours they currently are on all at once. They kept adding new ones over a couple updates.


    I suspect all orange and purple (maybe blue as well) will get tuning slots eventually, but it just takes time to work on all of them.


    Assuming they can just run a script and voila, everything has a tuning slot is a very bad assumption.


    Be patient, add your requests to the suggestion forum thread.


    I don't expect it to happen overnight. I was just asking because they make it sound like it can't be done. It didn't take that long to add dye slots to all armor slots. The vast majority of them already had a dye slot when it was first introduced. There was only a minority of shells that did not have a dye slot at first. That's why I am wondering why the weapons with turning slots is so limited. The dye slots was never anywhere close to this limited when it was first introduced.

  12. From the way they've talked, it sounds like they have to manually add the tuning slot to each weapon. Possibly, they also have to check that the tuning animation works correctly for each slot they add to a weapon. You will notice that you can't preview a tuning on a weapon that doesn't already have a slot.


    That is mainly conjecture based on what they have posted, though. They did say they plan to expand the list of weapons significantly. They even told people to suggest which weapons they want slots added to next.


    well yeah because it doesn't have a slot. If it had a slot then you could. I still don't understand how its possible to add dye slots to every armor shell but not possible to add a turning slot to every weapon.


    Why wouldn't it work with every weapon? every weapon works the same except for the appearance of the weapon. So how would the appearance of the weapon effect the turning animation? especially with lightsabers. Lightsabers are just a long stick. They all look the same except for the hilt part. So how would the animation not work with every lightsaber?

  13. I don't understand why they have to be so selective on which weapons have a turning slot. They added dye models to literally every armor shell in the game. Why can't they do the exact same thing with weapons. If you can add a dye model slot to every armor shell then there is no reason why you can't add a turning slot to literally every weapon in the game. Why does it have to be limited?
  14. Open up the crew skill, and check for "Archive" pretty sure it was moved there


    I have that exact same schematic on my artifice toon. It is still located in the color crystal section. The only crystals that got moved to the archive folder are crystals with less than +41 stat. Any crystal with +41 stat is located in color crystal folder.

  15. Playing the "others are greedy" card, huh ?

    Does it usually work ? Because this attempt at disguising your real intent did not work on me.


    What would you say to people who :


    - were the only ones to have the schematic for a certain variant of the Magenta crystal.

    - had the orange schematics before they were removed from the world boss who dropped them.

    - enjoyed the exclusivity of being the only one with an expertise blue crystal

    - ...


    You don't care about them, right ? You don't care they all had their little "special" taken by the "grand plan of crystals". You don't care that it wouldn't make sense for these crystal to be the only ones excluded from the plan, even despite being included at first (by removing schematics from dropping)... After all, they weren't the special snowflake that you are.

    Guess what : they were no special snowflakes. And so you aren't.


    And yes, I mean you. The most greedy here so far.

    Admit it. The only reason of that post is that you're only interested in is the profitable situation it puts you in.

    Reading you, it's as clear as spring water.


    Look at you, asking for no competition to arise.

    If you were genuinely uninterested, only advocating for rarity, you would be for a new way to get them. Because as it is, it's not maintaining rarity, it's discontinuing.

    As time goes, as crafters and players quit (even if replaced by new ones), the crystals will ultimately disappear.


    And once it happens, what will you say ? I'm eager to see your logical reasoning for the color to be banned from PvP.


    Let me take care of that. There's no reason. There has never been a reason for Magenta to not exist in War Hero, so there will be no reason for Cyan and Purple to follow that line (like Blue did, and Orange almost did before to be given "rebirth")


    I have no problem with the orange and magenta crystals because those were never hard to get back when they were available. And adding the yellow and blue expertise crystals to the pvp vendor is different because those are basic colors. I have the schematic for yellow war hero crystals, and I don't mind it because it is a basic color and therefore shouldn't be hard to get. The Purple and Cyan war hero crystal schematics are different because those are premium colors. They are not basic. People spent a considerable amount of time to get these. People spent hundreds of thousands of warzone comms on boxes in order to get these schematics. So it would be really unfair to put these back in the game. These schematics were available from patch 1.2 - legacy (4/12/2012) to patch 4.0 (10/20/2015). That is well over 3 years. That's almost 3 and a half freaking years. You have no one to blame other than yourself for not taking the time to get them. I really wish that I had taken the time to learn the dread forged armor shell schematics back when they were obtainable. But I am not going to demand that they bring them back just because I did not act on it when I could have. For those of you who learned the dread forged schematics, congratulations and good for you.


    And the purple and Cyan war hero crystals will never become extinct because they will always be people to make them. They are plenty of veteran players who love this game enough that they will never leave. So that theory is just silly.

  16. I don't have it available in my color crystal options anymore.


    Really? That's really weird. That schematic was never removed from players who already had it. I would contact customer service if I were you because it should still be there. Eric musco said that they are not removing expertise crystal schematics from players who already have them.

  17. Bioware please let cyan and purple war hero crystals remain rare. That's what gives them value. The schematics were available for over 3 years. So it's fair game at this point. If you didn't go after them when available then you have no one to blame other then yourself.


    It's weird how so many people suddenly care now that the schematics are no longer available. Where was this energy back when they were obtainable? It seems like people only want stuff once it's no longer available, which proves my point about giving them value.

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