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  1. Because technically they are not. Other classes have more damange them them but those classes pretty much is all what they bring to the table, just damage. PT strength comes from the utility it provides to the group plus a strong on demand damage boost on explosive fuel There are some pts you see with amazing damage in fights that they take damage, but outside of few fights like red or nahut where that damage is unavoidable, them taking that damage is a hindrance to the group because a healer using gcds to keep that person alive would be better spent on the healer using damage abilities and doing more raid wide damage. That's why pts, especially those that try to push for numbers are usually seen as greedy players that care more about them than the group itself.
  2. You can't fully blame EA on the state of swtor. It was the most expensive game at the time and it completely failed and had to go f2p. I'm talking out of my behind on this because i have no proof, but i think kotfe was an attempt to revive the game with an influx of cash and it failed again, even with the hype of the force awakens. Why i think it failed? Because if it was successful they would have kept just doing chapters and not do a single endgame content anymore like ops. The player retention was abysmal, i logged a couple of times to see how the game was going at at peak times on the shadowlands server which was the biggest est server there were 40-50 people online at fleet. Are you using hyperbole about ops? Or just a hypocrite and use the same strategy of using imaginary numbers you are complaining about? I quit the game but i still am in discord servers and i keep seeing people pugging ops, new players progressing through the nim ops, people asking for lockouts and even hundreds of people signing up for nim races on different servers. Even after they have been repeatedly treated like second class citizens among the rest of the mmo population for most of the existence of the game. They have only themselves to blame for this, they simply could never pump out the amount of endgame content wow puts out and at the same time have everything with VA. They went from "swtor the wow killer" to "distance ourselves from wow and focus on single player". But endgame is what keeps mmos alive, if you turn it into single players this is what you get even with a massive ip behind. The endgame content they provided (ops wise at least, minus ev kp and maybe ec) it's great but is severely lacking in amount and some with bugs. The fact the game engine is just awful, performance disastrous and the desynch being pathetic doesn't help either and probably pushed them into single player That's probably true, with one minus correction, the player base that is LEFT probably loves it. The game had the impossible task to be an mmo and single player VA, they chose the latter to focus when they saw it was impossible. And once they did that there was simply no turning back so asking or imploring for them to change will accomplish nothing. If you like mmos this is not the game for you, simple as that
  3. Knock backs reset aggro and the order of it is the aggro threat table thats why the sin tank should be using cloak before that phase starts so the boss doesn't knock back him. The classes that can mess up this the most are the ones that can stealth out since they completely reset the aggro, the same like a knock back does. Let's say your group for dps is 1 pt 1 juggernaut 1 sin and 1 op, and 2 healers. - If the order is kept It's easier for the healers to know the order on who they need to heal after the first knock back everyone gets. If they know the knock back of the juggernaut is coming they need to make sure the juggernaut has enough hp to survive the knockback. And the healers that goes to help tank doing singles goes on time - If the order is not kept Let's say the normal order would be, pt jug sin op and 2 healers. Pt gets knocked back first, then juggernaut, here sin and op use cloak ability so brontes ignores them and it goes to the healers. When this happens the healer going to help the tank doing singles leaves the group before it should have. So then one healer has to take care of 6 people's health for longer than it should have making survivability harder, especially since tank doing singles doesn't need help yet. Then comes the second issue with skipping knock backs. Let's say pt and jug were knocked, sin and op cloak out and are still full hp while pt and jug are half hp, It's much easier for survivability to take a 200k hit when you are full hp than it is when you are half hp, and since op and sin skipped their turn it will go to pt and juggernaut again with low health making deaths more common.
  4. Haven't done it in over two years but doubt it has changed too much. Don't think there is any next level strategy other than get comfortable and not freak out and do the normal strategy. 1) There shouldn't be any issue with the classes your group use, but it can be helpful with pts and rebounders. 2) Sin can take singles and save all the defensives for it (minus deflection), Overcharge saber is huge for this and recklessness helps too, plus spike dr. When boss is about to push and tanks need to swap, for the last slam you will take use shroud and then jump to the other hand. Once the first shield goes down and brontes knocks off someone, position yourself to be knocked off to the opposite side of the room, taunt and use deflection to move the boss closer to the other hand and will give an easier time for dps to move without knock backs. You can cc break one of the knock ups before the knock back so you can move a bit further. Jugs have a lot of dcds so it's easier to take doubles. 3) - The circles brontes puts below players also deal damage to brontes, so being on top of her is helpful. For each one that hits brontes she will lose around 200k hp and if done correctly is the biggest source of damage skill wise. - Don't use aggro dumps until a you as a dps get knocked off by brontes. Can mess up the order of knockbacks and make the healer be pushed to the tank doing sinlges before they need to go. - Unless your group has great dps or bad dps each tank should be taking 3-4 orbs. For assassin is better when there are more than two orbs close to use aoe taunt and then force cloak since they changed how it works in 7.0 - You should push the first hand at around 7 stacks to make it easier until you get more comfortable, once you get more comfortable you can kill brontes without any shield being used. - Expect quite a bit of wipes after you are able to push after second shield if tanks are new, it's not hard but usually first timers make mistakes because they are not calm. I don't know if im forgetting anything, but if you are doing all of that already it should be just a matter of getting comfortable with the fight and clean up some mistakes someone may be doing
  5. On 7.0 game added group logging which is why starparse shows it. Before you could see the info only if you joined a starparse group with id and password with other people. On the other hand, i did very few pugs on sm or hm only when i was bored or needed tech fragments but when starparse came into talk in one of them was more often than not when someone was pretending to be a know all or say he was better than others so someone said their actual dps and was at the bottom of it and then that person who was pretending to be a god of the game felt insulted when numbers didn't support his narrative.
  6. Going by what the op said and not the examples you gave. - I never liked nor disliked ability pruning, so i had no bone to pick on that, but would open a can of worms with class balance which will need to be addressed. And not like i have been keeping up with the game but when i read resent posts of the forum i often see people asking about class balance which seems they even stopped doing that? - Fixing 8 man premade should be as easy as changing a number on the code or a bool, depending on how the game is coded. But adding competitive has 2 big issues in my eyes, first the population of the game and pvp, for a truly ranked game and queue you need a LOT of players or your queue time goes down the drain (even games like lol with millions of players in the higher ranks the queues can go up to +20 minutes), if it pairs you up with whatever mmr then it's not a competitive match. And second any competitive mode will have people trying to cheat it, whether bugs/cheats or win trading. I've heard stories of people losing "legit" according to them rank 3s rewards and then it comes out those "legit" players paid someone to give them those ranks or win trade to get them. Those things requiere manpower to make it fair for everyone and cheater/win trader free. Making new maps and modes requiere also work on them. - EV KP nim were deleted at the release of 4.0, and regardless of the reason they gave which i don't remember to me it was probably so people wouldn't gear too fast with an easy operation which was pretty much a bosses with a bit more hp. Nefra and dashroode would be the old thing and people would run EV and KP nim and gear in a couple of hours. If ev and kp would need to be reintroduced it would need to be tuned and added mechanics or not reward nim drops which people will then complain. And of course more story with VA, new fps and new ops also requieres more work. Things may seem easy on paper but is not as easy as it seems The game to become a good mmo needs a lot of work and money, and even if they somehow get the money and fix it they already broke the trust of the people they drove away so it begs the question, those that quit, will they even come back when they distrust the devs?
  7. You're missing a point 7. How will the devs get the money to do all you want. At the end of the day swtor without being star wars would be dead, because in every aspect a different mmo is better at it. They only aspect they were better at was VA and story which is one of the reasons that lead to the death as an mmo. Like every couple of weeks you make a post like this, and props for caring, but for your own good if you don't enjoy this game go and find one you actually like. Most nim raiders were kicked over the years by the devs with the lack of content/broken promises. Those that remain are mainly new and haven't done every op achievement or have nothing going on in their lives so being good at a game is their highlight.
  8. It is common knowledge, at least for old players. It's even on the FAQ. https://help.ea.com/en-gb/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-free-to-play-faqs/
  9. Think it's time for people to accept what SWTOR is instead of what could have been or what could be. SWTOR is just not a good mmo, and nothing short of a big money investment into the game will change that. Even from the beginning it was lackluster as a mmo with no endgame content whatsoever, doing flashpoints get's SO boring due to all the RP on them and having to watch the same cutscene for the millionth time, other mmos pumping basically in an expansion the same amount of raids/amount of bosses this game released in 12 years. And a single player "mmo" with 10 million VA is just a niche product that has low player retention so you end up with situations like this. They wanted to go a different route than wow and they did, it was just awful for the game success wise, if you measure success by amount of people playing it. If you like mmo this game is just not for you, go and spend your time on something you will enjoy You could create 3 loadouts with that gear and pull everything in seconds. Although you would need to put back manually into legacy when you are done and maybe that's what you are calling a pain
  10. I don't know if you are trolling, giving poor information of what is happening or don't know how the game works. But you can't revive yourself during a boss fight. Only once it's finished either by beating it or because the group wiped. And healers have a cooldown on the revive.
  11. Dave Filoni worked on Acolyte afaik, Claire Kiechel, one of the acolyte writers said that all the scripts went through him and approved them. I'll never understand people that hate watch, they don't care if you watch it because you like it or not. If you don't like it simply don't watch it or you are "helping" the show get a new season instead of making something that they may actually like.
  12. ?? Uprisings are unpopular because they are simply bad, low effort content. With vanilla assets and whole same areas thrown in it together and calling it quits. Their attempt at "please keep playing my game, i know i gave you nothing new to do besides some story chapters so please, will this work? please? stay in the game and play" FPs are meaningless and have no real worthy rewards anymore yet they are still being ran. Uprisings are just bad. Everything they did as "group content" in 4.0 and 5.0 with the exception of gods and queen is just forgotten content no one cares to do because it was uninteresting boring and low effort. Uprisings and star fortress are both trash no one does
  13. Because the game was going downhill for a long while. It's not something that happened in 7.0
  14. Kind of funny and shows you haven't been around for long, the biggest content creator probably bigger than all of those that quit the game and still are was dulfy and she quit long ago. Don't recall if it was in late 3.0 or 4.0
  15. I have no interest on the story since i did the 1-50 leveling once and i have no interest on the game anymore since it just went into a direction i do not like or care for with a disregard for mmo content since 4.0. For those that play an mmo for the story, well im glad you got the game you want but this is the result. The business model just doesn't work to keep people playing for so long between story drops that are each time smaller and with worse quality (or so i heard, i haven't cared about the story and space bar when i am forced to do it) and the only budget they have left after story and va is spent in some super grindy and boring content like galactic seasons, pvp seasons, ventures with bad rng mechanics or the godawful "weeklies and heroics needed" gearing that came at 7.0 release. And leaving greed from the publisher aside, if someone knows a magic way to make money appear out of thin air so the devs can hire more devs and do all the content they want to do instead of the content they can do you should probably tell them the secret so you get all the va you want.
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