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Posts posted by Lenlo

  1. 2 minutes ago, NicoleMay said:

    They have to cover 48 different VAs every time they want the player to say a line. So yeah, it's a cost and budget thing, not as a result of any strikes or such.

    And if it's a cost saving measure, then I'm not holding my breath for the difference to eventually be reinvested to core game development that could actually bring players back.

  2. The short answer to why this is happening is that Broadsword doesn't have the budget to continue paying for voice actors (despite the cartel market being wildly profitable). If you've been following the state of SWTOR whatsoever then this doesn't come as a surprise other than the fact it took this long for a core feature of the game to go kaput.


    • Like 3
  3. On 5/9/2024 at 8:48 PM, Guyverarmor said:

    It's honestly not hate so much as disappointment. Been watching this game since 2009...played the beta, launch and through the various "Expansions" as they call them, and every time they just somehow...dig even deeper. 

    This game could have and SHOULD have been the top MMO for years and years. Bioware storytelling and one of the BIGGEST IPs ever in history. Then you look at what the game has gone through:

    How in the HELL can fumbling of this magnitude honestly happen? Serious, answer that question.

    I'm upset, angry and letdown by what the devs have done to this game. This game could have been something so damn special, now it's alive on life support more or less (yes, I'll die on that hill, I said what I said).

    Lastly, I have just as much right as you @JakRoanin to voice my opinion. I have paid for this game for over a decade, and yeah I can voice my distaste. I have as much right to voice it as you are allowed to voice the stuff you like about it. Please do, I am glad you enjoy the game! I mean that truly, I am glad you do as well as others...but it just sickens me on what they have done with this game. It's pathetic.

    Edit: And no point have I ever said the devs are evil and doing this on purpose to piss people off. Am I saying they extremely incompetent in one blunder after another? Yeah, I am. If I have messed up on a Core network design topology as much as they have on their game, I would have been kicked out of Telecomm years ago! 

    SWTOR is a depressing example of mismanagement. Do I think it's BioWare Austin's fault that things got so bad? Partially. However, it doesn't help that it appears that BioWare Edmonton was using SWTOR as a piggy bank and constantly cannibalizing staff and resources from it.

    Do I think things will get better under Broadsword? It depends on whether or not they can get an increased budget to hire more devs and retain voice actors.

    • Sad 2
  4. On 5/5/2024 at 12:50 PM, Gamer_Auto said:

    The only way that I see them getting more people into Ops is:
    1. Do what you suggest and unlock the 1.x - 3.x Operations for f2p users
    2. Provide Story Mode versions that are comparable to the Story Mode Flashpoints (cutscenes, not as difficult enemies, NPC allies that can actually help complete the mission)
    3. Ensure the mission releases with as few bugs as possible


    Paragraph 1: MMOs (with the exception of SWTOR and maybe TESO) are traditionally about grouping into guilds. It's as much a social app as it is a game. If aspects of the game aren't immediately accepted wholesale by the entire community, it gets left in the dust. I would know. The other MMO I play, Warframe, has this problem in spades. From what I gather, GSF didn't immediately jive with the entire community (the controls are awkward at first, the progression is completely different, there's zero chance for variety in builds. there's barely any customization compared to Outfitter, it's solely PvP with no PvE elements that would allow players to get used to the controls or provide some other kind of challenge). There'd have to be significant changes and additions to it, and seven years later, I don't think the current devs are willing to go through that trouble; at least not right now.

    Paragraph 2: There's zero comparison to be had between SWTOR's GSF and SC. I have no idea why you brought that up.

    Paragraph 3: Squadrons failed in the way that most PvP console games fail; it had a lackluster Single Player campaign, it was PvP focused, and it tried to push eSports on it's players when it really should have been an arcade-like PvP akin to CoD, Halo, or Battlefront. It it didn't take itself so seriously, it might still be relevant. Plus, it took what's otherwise a niche and tried to advertise it to the masses. There's a reason flight-sim games aren't mainstream.

    Paragraph 4: At this point you may as well be asking for the moon. If the dev team didn't give GSF any attention in seven years and keeps making excuses as to why they can't add it's Galactic Seasons objectives to PvP Seasons, then there's clearly no interest from the dev team. And take it from a Warframe Player: if the devs have no interest in what you're asking for, it'll never happen. This team is half the size they used to be, has no apparent interest in GSF, and is more focused on QoL, asset modernization, and Story updates.

    There's a term that we need to bring into this discussion:  Parasitic Design

  5. 9 hours ago, Trlance said:

    ^ this. And i heard Chains in the dark is similar because have this Kotor cutscenes too what almost always don't have voice acting. Shrine of Silence .. one of flashpoint if i'm correct who don't have ANY cutscenes.

    Next what? Copero without story if i understand correctly. Then probably it will be same boring like Intepreter's Retreat. Next Hutta .. another old planet instead new one doesn't feel optimistic but looks like until i will play it i will never know.

    Expansions story what i like: Kotfe, Kotet and everything before. Traitor arc (Umbara and so on), Echoes of Oblivion, Elom and Ruhnuk. The rest is little dull or worse (new Voss area like i said). That means for something good you must wait 2 years or more ..

    When devs will learn finally and give us something little better than what i already play (Old Wounds)? Not mention every story is TINY progress and little information. I feel like devs don't know where they going with Swtor anymore and they just milk it with "whatever it takes" ..

    ~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander

    Welcome to maintenance mode.


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    • Confused 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Pirana said:

    I'm aware of this and I've elaborated on why this game is where it's at now a few times in this thread among many other threads. ESO and 14 made the necessary changes and EAWare did not, this is a pointless discussion for anyone that has here from the beginning. We know why this game sits where it does, and it starts back at square one, launch, only for this company to compound mistake after mistake over the years. 

    Anecdotally, there is also the issue of BioWare Edmonton and EA cannibalizing SWTOR's resources to make other titles like Mass Effect Andromeda and Anthem. As well, SWTOR was actually profitable around the time of KOTFE and KOTET, but little of the revenue was reinvested back into the game.

    I've said this before but I just don't see this game getting resurrected unless the Mouse gets interested. Write a fan petition to Dave Filoni maybe.

  7. 11 hours ago, Pirana said:

    Both Star Wars MMO's made huge mistakes with most of those happening at launch, then you mix in the fact that a Star Wars MMO is a niche genre, fantasy games such as the ones mentioned in my previous post are far more desirable. This game was terrible at launch and should have waited at least another year before releasing, but investors wanted a return. This game made too many mistakes at launch, it's that simple, not including the amount of money that was invested in this game. People were leaving in droves after only a couple of months. 


    People left in droves because BioWare failed to merge servers and post launch support was a bad joke.

  8. On 1/11/2024 at 10:02 PM, Gamer_Auto said:

    YOUR OWN STORY-DRIVEN STAR WARS SAGA. Just because there is the option to group and Guild, that doesn't mean it's the main focus.

    You can group for Origin Story & Eternal Empire Story missions, but nobody else will show up in the cutscenes.
    You can group for Planetary Story missions, but it's more efficient to do it yourself as you do your Origin Story.
    You can group for Post-Corellia Story, Post-Zakuul Story, & Heroic missions, but the recent addition of the system that allows you to hop into someone else's fight un-grouped and still gain rewards if they're part of your faction nullifies the need for that.
    You can group for Flashpoints, but most people don't unless they're using Group Finder to grind Hammer Station.
    You can group for Alliance Alerts, Star Fortresses, Eternal Arena, & Uprisings, but most people don't unless they're playing with friends.

    You need to group for Operations & Instance Bosses, but only Guilds and close friend groups do them.
    You need to group for PvP (Warzones, Arena, GSF), but you can do that Solo via the Activity Finder.

    You cannot group for Space Missions/Heroic Space Missions, because the entire system is on-rails shooting and most players have completely forgotten about it by now.


    You're entitled to have an incorrect opinion. That being said...

    Based on the number of players who left the game since 7.0 dropped, and the feedback given by PvErs, I would say that the vast majority of people who have played SWTOR over the last 4 years were the ones who played group content. The last time there was an operation added to SWTOR was 3 years ago, and I can't even remember the last time content was added to PvP or GSF. Every other gameplay aspect of SWTOR is withering away because of the myopic focus on story and anti-social players.

    • Like 2
  9. On 1/9/2024 at 9:29 PM, Gamer_Auto said:

    Temple of Sacrifice also had an alternative workaround added in for people like me, who have no guild to pester about playing whatever raid on a whim. So I really truly have never seen the inside of an Operation. I still have the Gods from the Machine starter quest on all three of my characters that have made it past Iokath, and I've completely ignored the Dread Master arc for the same reason.

    Players like you are an itty bitty minority in the MMORPG genre. Releasing new story centric OPs and adding story modes to them like with Temple of Sacrifice would be a very reasonable middle road approach.

  10. On 1/2/2024 at 4:12 PM, Gamer_Auto said:

    I don't play Ops (guildless scrub), so educate me if I'm wrong; but aren't all Ops non-cinematic? As in, do even the Oricon Ops have cutscenes to experience? Because, at least with Flashpoints, they're starting to go the way of Hammer Station again (Shrine of Silence has little-to-no story to it. It's just a glorified Heroic).

    Temple of Sacrifice had a story mode and was central to Shadow of Revan and the lead up to KOTFE.

  11. Lets not forget that they didn't even change most of the menus to the new UI style. This just smacks of placating upper management with one or two things to show either just to them, or for them to present to Corporate. Whatever led to this, the end product is completely unacceptable. I've seen two man dev studios do better work.
  12. I wouldn't get my hopes up about it. Considering the track record here EA/BioWare will probably either let the game finally die or barely put any effort into making it compatible. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they've had the ten or so Devs left on the SWTOR team working on.
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