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Posts posted by Kframe

  1. I take it IE is part of my security problem? Hmm i have never tried google chrome or firefox, what makes there security better? Do they have compatibility with all websites? I ask that becuase my mom in law has a computer with apple osx on it and apparently there are websites safari wont open..
  2. I dont see how its my web habits guys. I dont look at ****. In fact i can list all the websites i visit typically.

    http://www.thefiringline.com http://www.google.com sometimes i use http://www.yahoo.com . I also go to http://www.opencarry.org and http://www.sherdog.net/forums as well as http://www.martialtalk.com and its forums. I also spend alot of time on youtube and i have also visted torhead a few times.


    Thats it, so i dont see how its my browsing habbit at all..


    Someone mentioned changing settings in my router security, well im password enabled but for some reason every time i go to the security section(on my room mates computer) on the router settings it says duplicate administrator and then gives some numbers like 192.xxx.xxx.x.x I have yet to figure that one out.

  3. Becuase i hadnt thought of that LOL. Honestly im kind glad this happend, just not glad for the timing. My laptops been having issues i cant correct. My dvd drive is shot, amongst other issues. I would have been ok with this happeing in februrary instead of now. Ill be gameless till then, so i unsubbed till i get a new comp built.


    Ill tell you this, tho. Ill never buy a laptop again. I cant work on them.

  4. Ok, so I just lost my Asus ROG laptop. Sure it was 3 years old and out of warrenty, but it was powerfull enough to play anygame i wanted. Well i had just upgraded to Trend Micro Titanium maximum 2012. I had been using them in the years prior and had no issues.. Well apparently the crap their peddling now isnt worth what i payed for it. It seamed to pick up and take care of some viruses and then be able to do nothing about others. Requiring me to use their virus removal service. Which was ok, becuase my subscription came with free removal services.. Well 1 week after i had them remove it, it was back, and apparently i had used up all my free removal services, and it costs start at $75 to remove viruses and go up from there. They have a nice racket going on, soaking supscribers for removal services.. I expected there top of the line programe to deal with this, instead it lets it go. I didnt have the money to pay for the removal, so i decided to wait for my next pay check.


    Well, i didnt get to wait that long. I opend my lid to see a BSOD, and when i tried to do a windows repair and windows could not repair it self. I had long since lost my copy of windows 7 due to having moved 3 times since i bought the computer. So now i have a $1200 paper weight, all thanks to my not having the backup cd, and not having proper AV software.


    So Which subscription based paid for AV software out there does not suck like Trend micro now apparently does?


    Secondly i need build advice, Mostly regarding A good budget build with expandability, with decent Cpu and GPU that will play all games, including this one, whith out breaking the bank. Budget is no more then $1500 so i know the gpu must eat a lot of that budget.. Its been YEARs since i built a computer, Is it still intell<Amd or has Amd finealy released anything worth a crap.

  5. Ya its always during the evenings when i have this problem. NEVER during the day when i have a day off. Strangly it happens in the morning, as i found out, but i have never tried to game in the morning..

    Ill try to mess with the settings in the router and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestions, Ill report back in.

  6. Ok im on a belkin n600 router i bought from walmart. I think it is garbage and need a new router i think. When i play the game i randomly get massive ping then i get disconnected. I have had many deaths attributed to this at much repair expense. This morning i had 1 hour to kill before i left for work and wanted to grind out a few dailies, so ilog in and try to play and immediate massive ping and disco.. THen i try to log in and it connects then disconnects.. Some times the disconnection was my router loosing connection to the internet. I could see my status button and it clearly showed me offline, then a few mins after swtor closed, the connection came back. Untill i tried to log back in to swtor, in which time the same problem repeats it self.


    Im on a 12mb line from mediacom, and so far they confirm im having a steady connection. So it must be my router. I need a router capable of doing this apparently data intensive mmo and allowing a room mate to surf the net on his comp.(he is not a gamer, just a face booker..)


    Im on a Asus Republic of gamers laptop Modle G72GX. IDK if that will help but thats what im running..


    Prolly time to buld a pc, been ages since i have done that tho.

  7. Ok, i am a recent 50 and am still learning the rather complexe way of obtaining gear. You got daily stuff, armorings and hilts and barrels you can get for comms, mods and enhancments that you get from heroics. Then you have the TIoneese and columi and then rakata and black hole.


    So for endgame newbs like me, what is the first things they should do? Me have been doing dailys till ican get all my orange gearing in lvl 23 insertables.(daily reward stuff). After that i assume its HM flash points, teir 1 and teir 2. Now tier 1 HM FP give 1 Tioneese comm for completion right? What does Teir 2 HMFP give for comms?


    I was browsing the tioneese and rakata item vendors looking for what would be my future set and noticed the stats on the items are sub optimal. I noticed lots of Power and accuracy on everything, little surge, and crit was present sometimes on a few items as well. I was looking at healer gear, and saw power alacrity on just about every thing. i was talking in General chat and they said that, you get the set for your spec, then you grind out the BH gear and take out the items you need from it and insert it into your set, giving you the item stats you really need. Having said all that, why did BW make the stats on tioneese and rakata items sub optimal like that? You would think that they would know that crit surge is important, yet they gave out accuracy and power or alacrity and power? My heals would suck with just the stock tioneese/rakata items if i left them untouched..


    I would appreciate some ideas on gearing and your thoughts on the above.

    Thanks all for help.

  8. This is why i hate the way end game gearing is set up. i just Hit 50 with my JC healer and started doing HM FP, and im not allowed to see any of the dialog? Thats ********, why did they even put the dialog in on the lvl 50 fps if we were ment to spacebar throw them?


    I wish there was a way to earn a decent amount of comms/equipment peices(aka the rakata unnassembled and such) with out having to deal with the a holes not letting people NEW to the farking instance see the STORY. (in a story driven mmo none the less)


    I should not have to go to youtube to see the stories, i should be able to experiance them in game.

  9. Well, i guess my problem is im light side. Apparently LS gets shafted in this game with no good actiony cutscenes.

    My SW is currently about to finish Taris, and to this point I have seen 1 cool cutscene, and it was on alderaan, going to get info on Wilsaams parents from this girly general. Now that was ba, toss one aside, force choke and break neck of other, pull gun out of hand of third. To my knowldge tho, that is the only actiony cutscene my LS warrior has had.


    Its a shame really, that if i want satisfying cutscenes i gotta be evil...

  10. Stupid question, and way off topic, but i have a lowbie synthweaver and i have discovered 2 purple lvl schematics, and all i ever get for names are Over kill, redout, or critical. Were do you get these vehmence schems and other named schems?? When i mouse over my purpble redoubt or over kill item it says that there is no research that can be done?
  11. No, My main is a lvl 50 JC Seer, and I lvled cyber to 50 and discovered quickly that iwas nearly useless.. Not only did the armorings and mods stop at lvl 22, they were the craptacular Lettered versions of them, which for my class sucked.
  12. If for one would like a easier way to look up the going prices on items. Im kinda new at the game, and dont want to under price things i put on gtn. A way too quickly gauge the current min max and average market price of a given item would be awesome.


    Secondly and maybe you guys can help me with this, a way to guage items priceing even if there isnt any other item for sale like it on the GTN. Some times i have orange or moddable purple items i find that i want to sell. So i go to the gtn and look them up,and there is no other copies of that item on the gtn. Some way of gauging what the going rate for those items are so i dont underprice. I have like 6 orange items on the gtn that keep expireing becuase either they suck, or my pricing is off, or IDK.

  13. HI, since there isnt a way to post orders in game for crafters to see, i need some well appointed crafter to assist me.


    I need a color crystal for my lvl 30 sw, He is LS and is Immortal spec, so any tanky one you have is gonna be appreciated. I will need several enhancements, some tanky and some Spanky aka crit surge ect.

    I would like to make a arrangement to send my orders via in game mail and recieve a quoute back. Im not looking to hop and shop, i just want to find me one good artificier that i can trust and is well appointed and prices fairly.



    Message Either Giggan or Randul In game, on correlia run.


    Or if your a super crafter and have toons with mastery in multiple areas, let me know. Like i said, im not interested in hopping and shopping, i just want to find a trusted crafter. Kinda like i dont just send my real life pistols to any gunsmith for repair/upgrade, but a proven well trusted gunsmith. I hope the analogy works.


    Thanks all, and if this is the wrong forum, my bad.

  14. My question is, I was at the story point at the

    well on tatooine, my reflection was darkside, which seeing as im LS 3 already, makes sense. Well my dark side reflection told me that the masters will smell my Light like a stench and will plot against me in secret and that i need to weild the most powerfull tools of passion and anger hatred. I choose the they do not notice tag, but one of the options was Emotions are useless. Has anyone clicked this tag? Does the LS SW reject emotion? I always thougth the ls sw was more like a grey jedi, using his emotions as a tool but not being controlled by them.


    Then he goes on to say some cheesy line about fighting the dark with jessa, lol i thought that couldnt have possibly been the least sith thing anyone regardless of alignment could have said.




    So ya id love some clarification there. So far my character does get annoyed and show anger when people try to bribe him or ask him to murder kittens, but im curious about how this dialog choice would have played out.

  15. Well i just finished balmora and have started nar shadaaa on my SW, and like i have said, i have only seen a few short blurbs, ie the balmoran resistance guy getting skewered, and that back kick to vemrin.


    Maybe i need to select a few more DS options...

  16. Well having just hit 50 and am about to complete the JC story, and being part way through chapter 1 in my SW i noticed that there arent many cutscenes with my characters actually fighting. My JC once killed a bot in a cut scene, and my SW impaled some poor resistance dude, and did a spining back kick on vemrin, but other then that, i have not seen a cutscene were my character is fighting. Does any of the other more action packed class's have fight cutscenes?


    I would have thought the SW would have had some nice fighting cutscenes but alas just 2 very short blurbs. The best i can think of is the death of Meil on coruscant in the smuggler story, when going after davic..


    I really think cut scenes in the expansion should have some fights in it, but thats just my opinion. I was hoping to beable to record my characters cutscene fights so i can make a compilation music video, but alas there are few and they are short.. Recording ingame fights using game mechanics just would look stupid..

  17. I got that impressions becuase my character said, that He thought he was looking for a weapon not a person and that he was surprised. That is why i was confused, and thought the guy in stasis was the world razor.
  18. Ok. I just finished the Question on belsavis about the esh kha leadership. My question is, Who is the burning way and who is world razor? When i talked to the failsafe, i assume that guy in the stasis field was world razor, but then why did i go to another room and proceeed to pour liquid metal on a door in the ground? IF someone could walk me through the lore on this, id be most appreciative.
  19. I tell myself that the defeat wasn't canon. Upon reviving through a medical probe my story "resets" to the moment when I am about to hit on the enemy ^^


    This makes the most sense to me. Now my companions getting knocked out is completely ok,, cuase in teh movies stuff happens to companions all the time.


    I tell you tho, those 2 fights were the toughest i have yet seen in game for me. Fighting with a sith, now that was hilarious and awesome. I never expected to free him and work beside him, then have some witty banter and walk out.

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