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Posts posted by Steelyeye

  1. I love Kaliyo but then again I got a thing for bald psychos.. yeah I am weird :p;)


    Psycho girlfriends are the best! *smiles*


    I never understood the hate for Kaliyo, she one of the more interesting agent companions. She my favorite, after Scorpio.

  2. Kind of pointless to be buying any level 22 enhancments, and has been that way for a long time. Also, the materials for just about anything you need to craft has always been more expensive than the acutal item made. it can cost you almost 50K to get the mats for a MK-6 augmention kit, or you can buy a kit for just 30K. I make my money just selling mats, since the GTN is pretty screwed up.
  3. This isnt a joke thread? Saying that getting HK-51 is to hard is like saying it is to hard to log into SWTOR...


    I did the quest twice on both the Empire and Republic side. Both with pick up groups and both well under three hours. It is perfect for casual players. I just thought the scavenger hunt stuff was just annoying.

  4. My trooper is stuck on A-77, when is this fix going to get done? I find it hard to believe that this is a top priority at Bioware since it is still broke. What's it going to take for to realize how serious this is. I've seen far worst MMO jump on bugs like this the instant they pop up.
  5. I couldnt tell you about that.


    What happen to me was that I married Kaliyo, did all of her quests, then took temple out to dinner. I didnt get the confrontation with Kaliyo. I went straight into marrying Temple like nothing happen. All I got was a quick 3 or 4 second cut screen of Kaliyo seeing me talking to temple and her walking away. I was hoping for more of a dynamic love triangle thing between me Kaliyo and Temple. it just sort of ended with Kaliyo. Which was disappointing to be honest.


    I would have stuck with Kaliyo.. :)

  6. People were running HM flashpoints in the very beginning with 13 to 14K in HP, since you didnt have the Tionese or Columni gear yet. So having 15k+ is nice but for HM FP not necessary, if you know what you are doing. But for people demanding that you have 17K+ in HP? I would recommend you stay away from them, since they probably have no clue what they are doing. :).
  7. You might miss it if you weren't paying attention to the dialogue and just picked whatever option gave you dark side points, especially if you spacebar past everything. I think the dark side choice is the one where you don't get married.


    yeah...., but I didnt spacebar through it. I made sure to read all the dialog options since I enjoyed the story. I went all Darkside cause I wanted to. There was never an option to marry the daughter. I am not disappointed that I missed something I am just saying that not everyone gets the same story.


    The thing I didnt like is that I chose Temple over kaliyo since I expected Kaliyo to filp out and do something. All I got was a 5 second cut scene saying that if I wanted Temple then go for it, and thats it. I did get married to Kaliyo first, and I guess i "married" Temple too, but I didnt get any indication that I did except for all the mail she sent after chossing her. Kind of a disappointing love triangle story to be honest.

  8. The male agent voice fits so perfect with the class, just the right amount of arrogance and sarcasm. It makes taking all the darkside choices seems so obvious. I cant even imagine playing a "good" agent. :)
  9. The one thing I would love to see Blizzard do is to ban all the addons just for one day, then record some of these "elite" raiders try and conduct just one raid. It would be more fun to watch than seeing a trainwreck. :)


    Yep.. I miss the old days, even the pre-WoW old days. Sure you had the grind, but for some reason the harder it was to do something the more you wanted to do it. And the more fun it was to. MMO today just get boring after a few raids.

  10. That thing that kind of upset me is that I was romancing Temple, already married Kaliyo, and then was at the part where I had to tell Kaliyo, so I told Kaliyo about me and Temple. I was hoping for some sparks to fly or something. All I got was a 5 second cut scene of Kaliyo telling me if I wanted Temple to go for it. Then nothing else happen.....


    Kind of disappointing since I was expecting more to that. I just wish it was that easy to break up with your wife/girlfriend like that in RL. :)

  11. I think it more that Bioware has made a game that players just want to do their class storyline get to level 50, and just say "screw it" when it comes to FP and Heroics. Cant find a group for them its because most players or guilds dont want to do them, it cuts into their raiding or PvP time.


    But finding a guild with friends should be the first thing to do in a MMO, a LFG tool just gets you bad PUG's and you never form any friendships with it since after the group you never see the player again.

  12. Only Eve-Online from what I know has had a suspicion culture going that far amongst the 'guilds' (corporations and alliances).


    In PL we'd screen applicants in a multitude of ways, going from a interview to full API key exposures. API keys and the character names of all personas on that account are run through a DB of all known spies and other persona non grata. If we find evidence ANY of the characters are owned by someone with multiple accounts then this is probed, and more checks are run if needed.


    We also actively monitored IP addresses used by members and applicants wherever we had access to this info (mumble, irc services, website). These are again cross-checked against known offending IPs. The PL website and forums have a type of unicode watermarking built in which means any leaked information can be traced back to the account in question (including screenshots as the unicode watermark leaves a very minute visual marker). Passwords were monitored in a similar way. If a member would use a password that an unwanted person had used in the past that would be flagged up and investigated.


    Yes sirs, internet spaceships is, and always has been, serious bzns.


    Edit: so what I'm saying is, you might have accidentally joined PL in SWTOR, if they made a guild xD If so, o/ guys


    The reason I loved and hated that game... :)


    So much fun, but it almost gave me ulcers.


    Also by the way, in the OP's guild, the GM kept all of his alts I bet. ...

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