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Everything posted by ChampionDread

  1. Hey there guys. I have recently resubscribed and currently i am having trouble choosing my class. Some time ago i was playing a jugg in both tank and rage specs and was having great fun with it, so i am thinking about redoing it. Shoud i choose jugg or mara for rage pvp build? I noticed that the most common dps build for jugg is the vengeance, but i question its viability in pvp becouse it depends on ravage very much and therefore is easily countered/avoided. This is the reason i am more inclined towards rage build. It allows more mobile playstyle and higher burst damage. I am not sure however which class (jugg or mara) would be better choice for this build. I great feature about the jugg is his tanking ability on demand. And the great thing about mara is its carnage build, which has great dps output but is somewhat tricky to play, or so i have heard. So pls, share some oppinions with me
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