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Posts posted by otock


    As usual people use the sandbox term and then ask for non sandbox concepts!


    And yeah, as others said, this not SWG2.0


    Definition of "Semantics": The meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text: "such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuff". from Websters Dictionary

  2. we have player ships for housing.. allowing us to redecorate them would be intresting.. as well as the guild ships that they are saying will be coming to the game. we really dont need planet housing at all..


    it will be a swg desaster all over again


    Thats a very good point actually, I never thought of my ship in that way but I will from now on...I wish I could upgrade it to something else though once I get enough credits or something...

  3. While I love this game, and questing and crafting, and having my own ship I really don't feel like I impact the world in any way in this game. I just wish there were more Sandbox type features in the game, something I can do that will affect the world that other players can see... I love to take breaks from combat and build stuff sometimes and there is none of that in this game.


    My wish list is:

    - Customized Player Housing

    - Customization of Speeders/Vehicles

    - Name my Companions/Pets

    - Customize the look of my Companions (By Customize I mean like Character creator)

    - Proper Crafting (Let me stand up a store, invest in a store, partner, whatever)

    - Universal Economy, there is no economy at all. Nothing, just a measly little trade network that's been done a billion times in every other MMO on earth. Make it more fun, make it more personal and make it so that this is all people can do if they want to is just craft and sell stuff...

    - I want to be able to Dye my armor/clothing with custom dye colors

    - More OpenWorld less linear, SWTOR is so linear that I get burned out and don't play for days or weeks at a time because of it. Sometimes I even consider unsubbing, it can feel extremely grinding at times and making it more open world would def change this...Why can't I take my own vehicle over to this or that area? Why do I go into these odd exhaustion areas? It just doesn't feel right...


    Theres tons of other Sandbox things I have probably missed, and I am sure some people will disagree. I know Theme Park is all some players want and they are ok with that...But the thing is you don't have to do Sandbox, it should be 100% entirely optional, and hardcore players (the ones that pay you monthly for a long long time) will probably want some of this, they have spent a lot of time in the game and they want something to show for it, and not just on some list or on some ranking. At least I would want something other than that, not to mention showing up on some list has absolutely nothing to do with the main storyline and just feels tacked on in any case...


    Update: Since people keep comparing my suggestions to some other game I have never played these observations are entirely based off of my personal opinions. I have never played a MMO with these features, so I have no idea what you are talking about if they existed in some other game that flopped for what I can tell reasons other than the Sandbox elements themselves and just poor management. If we can just keep this on topic about Sandbox features and less quibble about some other game that would great! Thanks!

  4. Do you plan to add any Sandbox type elements to this game? I would REALLY love to be able to have at least some Sandbox elements added, I mean you have so much space on each planet that is not utilized it would be awesome if we could explore more, right now it seems pretty linear and restricted.


    Some ideas I would like to see are a real economy, such as Corporations kind of how Eve does it. Have Guilds actually mean something to the world, right now they are pretty pointless and mean absolutely nothing. Have dynamic world events which is an upcoming feature in Guild Wars II, this is such a really good idea that I am surprised its not included.


    And last but least, and the most controversial, is player housing. I would love to be able to have one, I am sure you can solve this...

  5. I wish they would add additional leveling content - by that I mean more than just the linear pathway of planets that we're presented with. I would like the opportunity to go to various different planets at the same level, for a different experience each time. The thing that killed the game for me was the fact that I had to do essentially the same little story each and every time I wanted to create someone new, aside from the single quest line for each class on the planets. So once I got a level fifty on both sides of the conflict, I knew it was essentially going to be the exact same thing if I wanted to re-roll again.


    Exactly!!! This game is just INSANELY boring if you roll a new character, sure you have your main story line which is different if you chose a new class but thats it. Period! ALL of the other quests are the same, to make it even worse is that they are voice acted, and played out...Which was freaking awesome the VERY first time I played these quests. But OMG is it just soooo BORING the next time you do it.


    Each planet is chunked up by Level and Class and honestly it ruins the game. It feels so linear, which is fine for my first character, I was totally digging the story line, which read like a novel. Was awesome! But now with Legacy which encourages alternate characters, I think this game is going to bore the living daylights outta me...

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