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Everything posted by DHTarez

  1. I haven't even exceeded 1000 blueprint fragments yet and done over 100 objectives and been level 100 in GS for a couple of weeks now. I've spent 6 hours so far using Brrazz's gift boosts trying to get fragments and the best I've seen at best is 42 for an hour in CZ killing rats. In total all I've gotten in those 6 hours is around a total of 145. Absolute waste of time really to be mindlessly killing mobs chasing vendor trash. At the rate I'm experiencing getting fragments, it'll take another 20+ hours to get enough to finish this and having to purchase like 14 more boosts. Not sure that is worth my GS tokens or jawa junk. The drop rate even with the boost is way too low, the boost should be guaranteeing 1 per kill or 1-3 per mob, something more than the average 0.4 fragment per minute I've been getting (estimated average of 24 per hour so far) I'm almost at the point of giving up on 100% this achievement and if this is any indication of future seasons chasing absolute junk, it's not a good sign going forward. It should be like when we had reputation to chase, by the time I'd finished the 100 objectives and 100 level, I'd have enough currency or tokens to finish the reputation track in the final weeks without stress. Instead here we are chasing JUNK. why?
  2. Nowadays not really. Only good for getting them is achievement if you have excess tech fragments and credits, as once your past level 75 the set bonus is inactive.
  3. The thing is this very process has been in the game since reputation was introduced with the Return of the Gree in patch 1.7 back in Feb. 2013. You could run the Gree event on every character, hit the max rep for week and keep collecting tokens as you keep playing the event. I did this on every character I had that could run the event every day and was using rep tokens for 6 weeks after the event ended just so I could get to legendary to get access to the first true legacy modifiable weapons and offhands as quickly as possible. I've been maxed on the Gree reputation since April 2013, I still enjoy doing the event once and while, just depends on what I am doing when it comes around. EA/BW never stopped the ability to stack up rep tokens all these years so I don't see how it could be an exploit, they've known about this since the beginning, intended or not they left it working that way. The weekly cap just slows you down on getting the reputation track ranks and access to any special vendors, not collecting the tokens you earn by completely missions. If the weekly cap stopped you from earning tokens then that would be a reason to stop playing the event since you are no longer getting rewarded with one of the main reasons to do the events. They could have changed or removed the weekly cap, the effect would be the same in end. In fact they did nothing about this token collection even after conquest was introduced and the conquest points for using a daily reputation token was set at such a high amount and has been that way for years. Why did it become such a problem now that the points needed to be nerfed? I have my thoughts. Add me as one more that is not happy with this stealth nerf and reasons given and after 12 years as a subscriber, this is one more "bad decision / response to player feedback" straw added to the camels back, and it's cracking if not breaking. For first time I am reconsidering the state of my subscription going forward.
  4. 100% this. And APAC players should first access to the server for at least a week before anyone else. There was no need to mix both a fresh start server and region server into one. If they wanted a fresh start server to use a test bed as they were trying to use SV, they should have spun one up specifically with that indication and all the restrictions and left SV as a regional server no different than any other region server. They really dropped the ball on this whole deal in so many ways but then again seems to be par for the course over the years that they don't learn from a bad decisions and keep the cone of silence going. (the rep token nerf as yet another recent example).
  5. If one got the free transfers to use it is best to get them done early as possible before the 11th if planning to transfer at all. However many like myself, missed out getting the free transfers because of a less than 1 hour gap in subscription (I've been a continuous sub since 2012) and BS has done nothing fix that, Along with not really doing anything to help out or support the APAC players that should have been able to transfer a long time ago for free regardless of sub status and without restriction and should have been given first access to server before any others since it is their region server.
  6. I've had this happen a lot years ago and finally stopped it from happening. It would happen to me most of time due to activating push-to-talk using the left Ctrl key while moving or using key binds that were tied to the numpad. Turned out to be an issue with locking in movement due to arrow keys. So since I don't use the arrow keys for movement or anything I unbound all references to the arrow keys as well as any secondary binding for movement that might reference the numpad keys of 2,4,6,8 since they can convert to arrow keys as well. Since I did that, I haven't had the autorun/autoturning disease happen for a few years now.
  7. @jackyjaggy Hey, thanks for asking but unfortunately I no longer have any of the RD-31A chest pieces left.
  8. Are you escaping out of the conversation once you do the exchange of notes for rep tokens? If you are that is the reason. In order to make the exchange stick you will need to go through the conversation options to exit the conversation normally. Option 7 and then 5 normally.
  9. I have a couple of the RD-31A artifact chest pieces (one medic, one striker) in storage on Star Forge that I can trade / sell, so if you haven't found one already, let me know.
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