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Posts posted by Sahee

  1. 4 Pages about this guy leaving SWTOR? Who cares!

    SWTOR is a game... if you are not having fun while you are playing it... than stop playing it!


    I bought the SWTOR CE but stopped playing after the free month (dez 2011) because I felt that the game was unfinished, 2 years later I do have the opinion that the game is finally showing real quality, which is the reason why I bought a gamecard and I'm playing several toons at the moment. SWTOR is not a F2P game in my opinion, there are to many restrictions and I would not have fun playing the game as a F2P (preferred access) player. I'm currently paying 5€ per month, which is a total bargain.


    Things about SWTOR which I love:

    The Story for example... absolutely gorgeous.

    Galactic Starfigther is a nice addition and after getting used to it, it is actually quite a lot of fun.

    Warzones, especially Arena 4vs4 are entertaining.

    The game is challenging, even in the leveling phase... can't wait to try out some raids.

    I'm looking forward to the fact that Bioware does not allow mods to be installed which would make raids a borefest, which I know from WoW... where raiding has no sense anymore aside from looting... no challenge, as the Mods do the work.


    There are so many things which I have not even reached yet and this game is at least worth another ~200 hours of entertaining fun... and afterwards, well... life goes on. I do have the opinion that SWTOR is moving in the right direction and Bioware has redeemed itself, at least in my opinion... as I was really disappointed of the state of the game after it was released in december 2011. I've played many MMO's in the past years and SWTOR has the best questing/leveling phase among all of them, combined with the legacy and the option to play both factions in a single legacy, the replayability of the questing zones is very high.


    Allright... what I wanted to say is: STOP WHINING.

    If you have any suggestions... than post them in the suggestions section... but please do not use the General Discussion section for your personal goodbye letter which nobody wants to read aside from yourself. bye.

  2. Thanks for the replies, I think that I've came to a conclusion, Slicing will be used during the leveling phase of all characters and I will switch to the mentioned mission skills late in the game. "Datho" will ditch his Bio-analysis skill and I will replace it with Diplomacy, once he his max lvl. This means that I will have two slicers in the late game, which should be enough to provide me with enough mats.

    1: Try making some Imperial characters instead of just Republic ones. My mains are Republic sided, but I have some Imperial characters too. Running just 1 side only gets you half of the missions and half of the story. Also, you will get "Legacy" moves from your Imperial characters that complete chapter 3.


    I would like to play an imperial character (especially sniper and bounty hunter)... but I'm not sure how I could transfer items or money between my republic and imperial characters. I can imagine that it is possible through the neutral trade market... but it is most likely quite a hassle. My Imperial-Characters would have to stand on their own... which means the best bet would be to chose Biochem for both of them (sniper/bh). My focus lies on my republic characters, maybe I will take a look at the imperial side somewhere in 2014...

  3. Hello Community,

    I've stopped playing SWTOR after the initial 30 day free-month period, since than I've followed the progress of SWTOR and came to the conclusion that it is finally worth a try, especially with the 30 days for free advertisement and the fact that I could get a 60 day game-card for 15 euros... which means 15 euros for a 90 day subscription.


    Now... the reason why I make this thread is rather simple. I've decided to play with 6 characters while one of them is considered my main char (Sahee) and the others are twinks. All 6-characters together should provide me with everything I need when it comes to crew-skills and crafted items, the only profession that I will leave out is synthweaving.


    Here is the set-up that I have created:

    (/) means that I will switch to another crew skill once the character reaches a high lvl.




    Sahee – Jedi Knight





    Datho – Vanguard





    Shawky – Jedi Sage



    Slicing/Treasure Hunting


    Safou - Scoundrel



    Slicing/Underworld Trading


    Bengo - Gunslinger





    Shazzo - Commando



    Slicing/Underworld Trading





    The problem that I have right now is the following, I don't want to have any mission skills during the leveling phase... as it seems to be more profitable to have an additional gathering skill instead. This means that I will level up the mission skills as soon as I reach max lvl. Now I'm torn between slicing on all chars or a different gathering skill (bionalaysis, archaeology, scavenging). If all my characters would have scavenging this means that I would have massive amount of resources for re-engineering and improved crafts. I could even sell the spare resources in the GTM.


    My Biochem (Sahee) could provide all my characters with stims as he is resupplied by my commando "Datho". "Shawky" my Artifcer provides all of my character with item slot enhancements. "Safou", "Shazzo" and "Bengo" create armor, weapons and cybertech-gear for my characters and get additionally supplied by "Datho".


    As I still need the augmentation mats I will need at least one slicer, which would be my jedi knight as he has +2 crit on slicing... Now... can somebody help me out? Should I pick slicing or another gathering skill in the leveling phase for all my other characters?

  4. THaving played and spent most of my life in SWG JTL this feels so backward


    I agree completely, it is hilarious that a 10 year old game manages to have a better space simulator than a 200 million dollar budget 2011 EA title. While the gameplay of Galatic Starfighter (2013!) is actually enjoyable, it still lacks the diversity of JTL (2004)...


    1. Why did they not add a new crew-skill (starship construnction) for the assembling of starships and its parts?

    2. Space is only limited to small pvp maps... why is it not possible to just jump into the starship straight from the planet-spaceport and fly around in space to quest or to simply fly towards another planet trough hyerspace. This was possible in JTL...

    3. Why are there no multiplayer ships with several crew-slots (turret, pilot, navigator)... again, this was possible in JTL.

    4. Where are the capital ships... in JTL it was possible to attack and loot star destroyers, which was actually the "space-raiding" (large amount of player controlled rebel ships). It was even possible to board those star destroyers and attack them from the inside.


    dear Lucas Arts, thank you for forcing SCE to quit Star Wars Galaxies, the best Star Wars Game.

    SW:TOR is still not on par with that game... I'm waiting since 2011. Questing and Raiding... those are the two aspects where SW:TOR manages to shine against its 10 year old competitor.


    ...and if somebody wonders why I am writing this.

    Simple... I want to pay for SWTOR but I can't, as it is filled with bad design decisions.

    It has a nice questing experience until you reach max lvl... but that's it. Everything else is still only mediocre.

  5. It's mainly that each discipline you choose to pursue involves learning specific skills and techniques. By specializing in those kinds of techniques, one elects to use the appropriate weapon.


    Let me put it another way: Suppose you train to become a master swordsman. And I give you a crossbow. Would it make sense? What was all of that training for? The techniques you have learned wouldn't be applicable.


    My Jedi Shadow is able to wield the Cartel Axe of he wants to. But trust me, he doesn't want to. Without it, I lose things like the ability to spin around in a giant double-bladed wheel. And serious tanking is a nightmare without several of my double-bladed abilities (which are all crowd mitigation techniques). Doesn't mean I can't do it, but it does mean that it became clear pretty quickly why I wouldn't.


    We simply trained for something different.


    I never said that a Jedi-Class should be able to use Rifles/Crossbows etc. properly, I said that the Jedi-Classes should have access to each lightsaber type, just as the "Ranged" classes should have access to every Ranged weapontype as well. A Sith Assasin should at least be able to chose two one handed lightsabers, aside from the double-bladed version... just as a Jedi Guardian should be able to wield a single one handed lightsaber... and trust me, your skills would work properly if Bioware makes new combat animations.


    I never did play SWG (what I highly regret), since I started my MMO-career just a few years ago, but from what I see from screenshots, videos and reading from forums, it really feels like nearly everyone was unique. Here in SWToR? Nearly everyone has the same gear (if he does not use custom gear), the same companion, the same ship, etc. ...


    Yes, that was the whole reason for playing SWG: Customization. I had my own unique ship which had a custom piece of shipparts (that actually had huge impact on the look of the starship) which were crafted by a friend of mine who was a starship-merchant and some rare items that I found on my journey. I had a special set of clothing that you needed to do Trials for to get it... and so on.


    ...and even that I was a Jedi I was able to chose between a bunch of starships: Jedi Starfighter, KSE Firespray (the starship that Bobba Fett uses) or even an X-Wing.




    Its basically the whole problem of SWTOR, there's is no customization. Starships are limited to classes, weapons are limited to classes, armor is limited to classes.... EVERYTHING is limited. I guess the problem is that Bioware never made a huge multiplayer game... the mainly focue on single players games, where this game model actually works, because it improved replay-ability.... but a MMO is not about replay-ability.

  6. There are a lot of weapon limitations in this game that make no sense.


    Assassins/Shadows can't use regular lightsabers (unless they want to lose access to most of their powers).

    All other jedi/sith can't use double-bladed lightsabers.

    Bounty hunters can't use blaster rifles or shotguns.

    Agents can't use shotguns.



    Exactly... I don't get the reason for bioware to do that.

    I did spent hours in other MMO's to have a unique set of items.


    In this game you are cut down to use the same weapon type that you get access to with lvl 10, it does not help that some lightsabers are green and others are blue... its just the same lightsaber... the whole time.


    Of course, this can be applied to every other class as well... as a Trooper for example the only difference is the color of the weapon as well... and In some rare occasions there are some rifles that look diverse. The fun thing though... in case of the "ranged" classes there would not even be a need to create new combat animations... they could use the exact same animation for every weapon type, this makes the whole situation even more absurd.


    Jedi Guardians use a single saber. You are thinking of Jedi Sentinels that use two.


    It is for several reasons: design choice, gear balance/diversity, class recognition (especially in PvP), etc. Do a search, this was discussed ad nauseam a year ago.


    Jedi Guardians use a "single" two handed lightsaber, and that's exactly what I posted.


    Back in the days I loved to play Star Wars Galaxies.

    When I finally was able to play as a Jedi and wielded my lightsaber it was a very special feeling, I did spent long hours experimenting with new lightsaber crafts and my goal was to create a lightsaber that is as powerful as possible and while I did that, I switched between all the sabertypes (one handed, two-handed, double-sided). The only difference between the sabertypes was the combat animation, every Jedi was able to wield every sabertype



    • Jedi Guradian = two-handed lightsaber only
    • Jedi Sentinel = single-handed lightsabers only
    • Jedi Shadow = double-bladed lightsaber only
    • Trooper = rifle only
    • Smuggler = pistol only
    • Bounty Hunter = pistol only (which feels like a joke)


    ...and so on.


    I do wonder why Bioware decided to limit the sabertypes/weapontypes to certain classes... I mean, why can't a Jedi Guardian use a single one handed lightsaber? Why is a Sith Assasin not able to wield two one handed lightsabers? There really is no reason for cutting diversity... the only thing that they would have needed to do is creating a combat animation for each weapon style in combination with the specific skills of each class. It would be such a huge profit for the player diversity if they would have done that... it's so boring to only be able to wield a specific sabertype the whole time.


    You basically have no choice but to go for that single weapon type that you need in order to use your skills, for example two handed lightsabers as Jedi Guardian... when you compare that with WoW for example (sorry guys)... than its like a night and day difference. There you have access to at least 5 weapon types for each class and some classes have access to even more weapon types. There are some limitations of course (some skills need a two handed weapon, others a single-handed) but the weapon type is different (sword, mace, axe etc.).


    Its a dilemma, because as a Jedi you can only use vibroblades and lightsabers... so you already have only two weapon "types"... so why did Bioware decide to cut down weapon "styles" to a single class of its own? It sounds dull and for me personally this is one of the main reasons why I am not willing to pay for this game... there is just no weapon-item diversity.




    ...and I am not even talking about the huge letdown in case of crafting (no lightsaber crafting for example). That's a whole topic on its own. Bioware made some fatal game design faults with their MMO.... and they screwed up the "STAR WARS" part as well, as the space is nothing but a tunnelshooter, even SWG which is not even existing anymore and was nearly 10 years old had better space.


    Bioware, shame on you.

  8. My highest character is level 29 so basically there would be no reason to quit the game (I've liked it very much so far). Anyway, due to college and ongoing tests I need more time for my studies. As I barely would play 2-3 hours a week I think its not needed to pay for it for the next month.


    I will come back as soon as my tests are finished. Right now I have actually seen about ~20% of the game :).

  9. So much haters on the forum... seems most of the people who like this game dont spent time around here (like myself). All I can personally say is that SWTOR is by far the best MMO for me...


    WoW = Played it 6 years (it sucks)

    Rift = I had enough fantasy

    SWTOR = I like it (and its Star Wars)


    this sums it up for me.

  10. Mit Laminoid und Alumnium (die 2 anderen Grade 1. Metalle) kann ich übrigens Armor-Mods herstellen die 100 Credits beim Vendor bringen... man braucht wieder jeweils 2 Mats um die zu craften. Davon baue ich natürlich deutlich weniger (gibt die nicht so oft)... aber da kommt auch ein nettes sümchen zusammen.
  11. Das ist aber aufwendig für nur 24k. Also ich hatte nie Creditsorgen und bin jetzt 39. Also wenn man die Ausrüstung die man bekommt im Kiosk verscherbelt erhält man genug Credits zwischendurch. Ich bringe mittlerweile fast alles was ich so nach Quests bekomme und nicht gebunden ist ins Kiosk und verkauf das für den angegeben Preis - 400Credits (immer noch deutlich mehr als beim normalen Händler). 40% davon wird dann auch verkauft. Also das sind dann auch mal gut und gerne 10K für 2Minuten Arbeit beim Einstellen.


    Stims habe ich noch nie gekauft und Medpacks selten, manchmal droppen ja auch gute. Und wie schon oft genug erwähnt, steigt die Creditbelohnung dramatisch an ab Lvl. 20. Also selbst auf Quesh, und der Planet ist winzig, hab ich 80k nur mit Quests gemacht.

    Und ich habe aktuell alle Skills gelernt, wobei die jetzt auch mal 20K kosten können.


    Es sind natürlich nicht 24.000 Credits sondern 48.000 Credits (24.000 Credits jeweils für Silica und Desh). Ich denke die Zahl kann sich schon sehen lassen. Die Preise für die Armierungen steigen später an. Mein Char ist derzeit nur lvl 16. Wenn ich Taris errreicht habe sammle ich dort die Grade 2. Metalle, die Armierungen der Grade 2. Metalle sind das doppelte Wert. Mein Slicer-Twink hat auch Scavenging und wird Taris auch leveln, danach werde ich alle Metalle zu meinen Main schicken und verarbeiten. Ich rechne damit das ich allein auf Taris ca. 200k nur durch Armor-Mods machen werde. Dazu kommen noch die Schiffupgrades die ich verkaufen werde.


    Char 1:

    LvL 29, Unterwelthandel auf 300 = Rich-Yields der Grade 1-3 Metalle. Er schickt Rare-Metalle an Char 3. Zudem Archäologie und Synthweaving für später. (beides auch auf 300)


    Char 2:

    LvL 20, Slicer und Plünderer (sowie Armortech für später).

    Ich levele zuerst mit ihm den Planeten und schicke danach alle Metalle die ich gesammelt habe an meinen Cybertech-Char. Außerdem sliced er während ich mit meinem 3 Char den Planeten levele. (ich logge alle ~15min auf Char 2).


    Char 3:

    LvL 16, Slicer und Plünderer (sowie Cybertech).

    Er verarbeitet alle Metalle in Armor-Mods während er leveled, diese werden dann beim Händler verkauft. Zudem sliced er die Tresorkisten die ich finde. Die Metalle von Char 1 werden in Raumschiffupgrades verwendet.

  12. Geht noch einfacher... wenn man Plündern und Cybertech hat kann man mit 2 Desh / 2 Silica eine Armor-Mod herstellen, diese bringt 60 Credits beim Vendor. Desh und Silica gibt es wie Sand am Meer, zudem kann man auf meinem Server 100 Stück für 200 Credits kaufen. Meine Companions machen die ganze Zeit nichts anderes als diese Armor-Mods zu basteln und ich verscherble sie dann beim Händler.


    Desh und Silica werden Synchron gesammelt (1 Vorkommen = ~3 Desh ~3 Silica). Wenn ich also 200 Vorkommen gesammelt habe dann habe ich ungefähr 600 Desh und 600 Silica, wenn ich dann noch aus dem Auktionshaus ein billiges Stack kaufe bin ich bei jeweils 800. Ich kan also insgesamt 800 Armor-Mods herstellen (400 Desh und 400 Silica). 800*60 = 48.000 Credits. Das craften einer Armor-Mod dauert 1 Minute. Ich habe also 120 CPM bei 2 Companions und 180 CPM bei 3 Companions. Nur durch Cybertech.


    Vielleicht sei noch anzumerken das ich zudem Slicing habe und also ein Zusatzeinkommen mittels Tresorvorkommen in der offenen Welt habe... das sind auch nochmal knapp 100 CPM. Ingesamt habe ich also 220 CPM. Zudem habe ich noch 2 andere Chars, der eine Char craftet nonstop mit 2 Companions Slicing-Missionen (50-100 CPM) und der andere versorgt meinen Cybertech mit Unterwelthandel Metallen.


    Mein Cybertech-Char hat wenn ich das Questen dazunehme also eine CPM von ungefährt 300-400 + TwinkSlicer bin ich bei 500 CPM.


    ...und nun das beste. Während man Vorkommen plündert findet man auch Aluminum und Bronzium. Dadurch das ich mit meinem Twink slice habe ich sehr viele Schiffupgrades. Diese stelle ich mit den Metallen her und stelle sie ins AH. Ein Schiffupgrade bringt ca. 1000 Credits.

  13. Einfach das jeweilige Item für einen sehr hohen Preis ins neutrale AH stellen und dann mit dem anderen Char kaufen. Wenn das Item jemand wegkauft kanns euch dann bei dem Gewinn auch egal sein. Funktioniert bei wertvollen Items natürlich erst wenn ein gewisser Credit-Pool vorhanden ist.


    Gute Idee... ich stelle die Rüstung für 50.000 Credits rein, kaufe sie und stelle anschließend ein Medpack für 50.000 Credits ins Auktionshaus. Resultat -> Mein Char hat die Rüstung und mein Republik Charakter macht 0 Credits Verlust.


    Gibt es eine Steuer auf Items im Auktionshaus? Also z.b. 5% des Verkaufswerts? Falls ja... wäre das natürlich ärgerlich.

  14. Ich habe ein "simples" Problem. Derzeit habe ich 3 Charakter (Cybterech, Syntweaving und Armortech). Mein eigentlicher Mainchar wird aber ein Biochemiker... nun ist mir aber mittlerweile die Lust an den Republikquests vergangen (3 mal bis Tatoinne gespielt). Dementsprechend überlege ich mir einen Imperialen Charakter zu erstellen. Dieser sollte aber auch auf die Items meiner Crafter zugreifen können!


    Mir ist bekannt das es auf Nar Shaada ein Neutrales Auktionshaus gibt... nur leider würde ich nur ungern jedes Rüstungsteil das ich meinem Charakter geben will einzeln in das Auktionshaus stellen. Das ist immerhin ein zeitaufwendiges Unterfangen. Ich frage mich ob es eine Art "Tasche" oder "Behälter" gibt in die man mehrere Items plazieren kann, bei WoW gab es immerhin die "Geschenkboxen", mit denen man die Wertigkeit des Items verschleiern konnte. Im Auktionshaus war dann lediglich die Geschenkbox und nicht der Inhalt sichtbar... sollte dies nicht möglich sein könnten meine Items (die dann mit 1 Credit Sofortkauf im Auktionshaus stehen) von anderen Spielern abgegriffen werden... die Population meines Servers ist sehr hoch.


    Bisher scheint es mir nicht möglich zu sein Charaktern der anderen Fraktion eine "Mail" zu schicken... auch nicht Accountintern, denke mal das habe ich richtig erkannt?


    Nun... eventuell kann mir jemand bei meiner Problematik helfen.

  15. Derzeit spiele ich 3 Charakter:


    Charakter 1: Schmuggler

    Berufe -> Slicing, Unterwelthandel und Cybertech


    Charakter 2: Jedi-Ritter

    Berufe -> Archäologie, Unterwelthandel und Syntweaving.


    Charakter 3: Commando

    Berufe -> Plündern, Unterwelthandel und Armortech.


    Nun meine eigentliche Frage:

    Ich habe bewusst jedem Charakter den Missionsskill "Unterwelthandel" gegeben, in der Hoffnung mehr Schematiken zu finden. Mittlerweile habe ich jedoch das Gefühl das es eigentlich nicht sinnvoll ist. Die Mats für alle 3 Berufe kann ich bereits durch einen Char und seinem Unterwelthandel abdecken. Dementsprechend crafte ich also mit den anderen beiden Chars nur für die Schematiken und das Metall ist "überproduziert"... zudem gibt es für die low-lvl metalle nicht wirklich einen Markt auf meinem Server.


    ...ich habe jetzt unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten. Entweder ich Tausche den Unterwelthandel beim Schmuggler mit Schatzsuche und beim Commando mit Slicing oder ich belasse es so und mache einen Defizit aber kann bis zu 9 Unterwelthandel-Missionen synchron laufen lassen = höhere Chance auf Schematiken.


    Was würdet ihr tun? Ich tendiere derzeit dazu die Berufe zu switchen. Slicing gibt gute Schematiken für Cybtertech und Schatzsuche sofern ich nicht falsch liege zusätzliche "Lockboxes" (ähnlich wie Slicing). Lohnt sich Schatzsuche wenn man keinen Artificer hat?

  16. Slicing is fine the way it is now, post nerf. I've noticed that there seem to be more nodes and tons of money to be made from harvesting nodes in the game world. Whats the fun in sending your companion on a tons of missions to get a gezillion credits.....I made 70k credits in one day...you tell me that that isnt broken. I think BW did a good job nerfing it.



  17. Slicing should have been nerfed from the beginning... it was a money cheat, nothing less. Every profession is a money sink while leveling it to 400, so should be slicing! People did get 100k credits a day with slicing by doing nothing!


    I'm really enjoying this thread so far... you should feel happy that you could exploit it so long. Altough the Augments are far away from useless, every good gamers needs them for his gear. I only wear exceptional gear and augment can only be obtained by slicers. You will get your money in the late-game, like very other profession!


    Altough there are still the schematics and missions that you can accuire while crafting augmentations. Augmentations will be your profit!

  18. Wrong. There's a neutral AH in Nar Shadaa. I can't tell you if there are others though as I don't know myself.


    Allright, that means I can trade my items trough the neutral bazaar. Basically by placing them there for 1 Credit to rebuy them with my other char. Only problem is that there may be someone who is faster than me as I need about 30secs to relog.

  19. Simple question:

    I recognized that its possible to create both (Imperial and Republic) players on a pvp server. So Right now I'm wondering if its even possible to trade items between my characters when they are faction specific divided. I dont have the time to test it myself but does the mail-system work with the opposite faction?


    If its not possible to send a mail to an opposite faction character, I do wonder if there are any "neutral" bazaars where both factions have access to. My main concern is that I want to send an item from a republic character to a imperial character (both on my account on the same server).



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