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Posts posted by Riwen

  1. why no trooper class for the empire ?

    i would find it intressting to see how the life and story of a emperial soldier moves

    thrue the rank,s and become somthing of him self.


    sure we have the Agent but thats a 007 not relly a soldier and a Bounty hunter is a freelancer


    im kind of in to soldiers over all so i would love to be able to play an imp soldiers,


    what are your opinion of it would you like a imp trooper class to see the life of the soldiers on the other side ? :o


    Words are hard.

  2. I'm not happy,,,




    Still no fix for Sith inq having the Darth title after finishing the class quest.



    Guess I will still be running around with lord tiltle until its fixed. Bw you shouldnt have


    released the game without fixing this.


    ...because it matters a lot.

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