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Posts posted by kitfoxtrot

  1. I don't mind stuns in war zones to an extent; but given that most jobs/trees have 2 forms of stun with 45sec-1min cds. That's what, roughly 80 stuns from an opposing team during a war zone? As well, some of those stuns are aoe.


    This tends to be a little excessive as well as obnoxious. I'd like to see stuns become more tactical. The most "fair" way I can think to do this without messing with cd timers or giving limited "charges" to stun usage in war zones would be to tweak resolve.


    I'd like to see people who mindlessly use their stuns be put at a disadvantage for spamming.


    Increasing capped resolve length to maybe even twice to what it is now would be nice- I don't see this becoming too heavy of an exploit except maybe in hutt ball. However, given roots I do not see it breaking that map.


    Also, perhaps don't let built up resolve dissipate until it caps out white? As well as it's pretty silly for capped resolve to start wearing off while still stunned.


    I don't know these are just some ideas I have. Like I said, I'd like to see stuns become more tactical and a stronger disadvantage to those that use them mindlessly as well as provide more of an advantage to those that know when to use their cc breaker and stuns.


    If you guys have any ideas or thoughts, I'd like to hear em!

  2. dont forget about the -50% damage taken~



    it's needed for a gap closer- right on, I guess guardians heavy armor just lets them eat way less damage as they slowly walk towards an opponent when leap is down... oh wait a second


    shadow cant even be healed if they use their exit combat while invis unless spec'd 3 colums deep middle tree

  3. Removing an on call ability and therefore the choice to use or not use -> dumbing down.


    It's the same thing as idiots blowing their stuns on one person 3v1 while defending, I'm sure that same crowd mashes their attack buffs in the same situation. Their poor choice in those situations leaves them at a disadvantage for the next attack wave.


    I never saw burst damage as a problem, if anything find it necessary trying to cap nodes that are a short speeder ride back to for the defending team (alderaan). If you saw someone needle jab/relic glow- good time to stun/run/los.


    Biochem did offer an obvious advantage, but if adrenals were more realistic to make (fewer mat requirements on higher level ones) that problem could easily be solved and stimulate the market for biochem sales and people with other crafts would use more often. It literally took me like 9hrs of game time to make a synthweaving friend x20 power adrenals for some craft trading.


    As for the augmented stuff, it's cool to open up more visually appealing gear choices. But, I'm pretty bummed about higher tier items I wasted time and $ on such as my aug'd rakata relic being utterly worthless now. And I'm sure there are tons more items/people that feel the same way.

  4. Incoming more stalemate matches in voidstar



    They could've done something like lower the material cost for biochem to make crafting disposable adrenals more realistic, thus letting crafters churn them out to sell on gtn and letting other classes without biochem be able to purchase and use.

  5. Biochem is kind of a give in and nothing special to infiltration, any job/tree can get it. And I know I can fish kills by going for weakened targets and the like but if it doesn't have to do with the objective I not too fond of playing death match in pvp and again any dps job can fish kills off of 1/2 dead targets.


    Infiltration no doubt can dish out good upfront damage. I'm not sure if you've played against other well geared players though because that gap is closed pretty fast. Not to mention any defensive buffs said job might pop- damage takes a nose dive while we get squished out. Yeah infiltration feels pretty op cranking out 5k crits on 14k hp players, different story on well geared players.


    Pretty interesting build Boarg, might try that out. Bummer on fade and sit awareness tho!

  6. The main reason for putting points into kc was not having 8 left over to put into project after capping out veil & kinetic field and testing that spec out. If you cap out veil + kinetic field and the useful dps stuff in infiltration tree that puts you around 36 leaving 5 left, not enough to 8 cap extra project in balance. It's not the spec I always run but does well, I'd say a notable boost to cvs dmg.


    Jedi Resistance is a joke and don't count on it for survivability there are only points in it to get to upheaval when I run that spec. Even if there was some mega power move that hit me for 18k hp Jedi resistance would save me~ 360 dmg.


    Tactical movement and all that jazz, yes I get what you're saying but it's nothing special to infiltration by any means. These are player skill sets that can be used and applied to other trees/jobs. Jobs with better defensive abilities can use these tactics all the same~


    It's mostly just a bummer because I'd love to play the spec more but just don't find it viable with no self heals and one defensive ability on a 2min cool down. It's an upfront damage job that can't really survive upfront.

  7. Don't get me wrong- I know how to play; los'ing, relics, adrenals I use those on all my jobs. Force cloak mid fight if I notice more than one person on me and reenter fight (or for a gap closer), stun rotations, and try to pick my fights- all those tricks.


    No I don't run into the middle and expect to be king, and as stated in a previous build I've done the ones with all the damage mitigation forms for infiltration.


    The burst damage is really stellar when cd are up but then again so are most dps jobs/trees.


    I guess the best way I can put it is, if I were to make a pvp dream team- an infiltration shadow wouldn't be on it lol. It's good for a very small number of pvp objectives that can be done by other jobs (if not better) with better survivability.

  8. I enjoy infiltration and tried many different versions (2/318, 5/36/x etc) but man talk about a paper doll.


    I'm sitting @ 18k+ hp aug'd everything except pants and all wh (minus generator & relics). I can't really see anyway to work this spec for more survivability, changing out for defensive gear would just make it a gimptastic kc.


    Any ideas for a fair defensive ability we could get? Yea, we have deflection but on 2min cd, force cloak is nice but 1min timer (other jobs get similar ability but lower cast time~45sec).


    Usually try to pick my fights out of stealth with a stun rotation, which helps but if its more than one well geared person, I drop faster than a sorc/sage lol.



    *edit (not using wh relics)

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