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Posts posted by Baelfor

  1. In an attempt to be productive and not destructive BW had to have some sort of idea on the number of people that were going to play this. Its hard to be patient when you know you had x number of perorder but you didnt make the server space.


    1)My first thought is close servers for new charcters where people are waiting an hour plus. No one new should be signing up.


    2) If there is not going to be a fix in the first week for Q times they need to begin character transfers cause you know there is going to be a wait time just to get your guy moved to low pop. server


    3) Im sure BW is trying there best. They must understand that people arent going to play a game (no matter how good) where you need to wait more then 20 min just to get in.


    I agree with all three things here, for the most part. When you look at the state of the servers, currently, you can see there is a problem. Now, not everyone is rushing here to post about this, but it is an issue that needs to be addressed sooner, rather than later.


    1) Locking the current servers from new players is a fantastic idea. These servers(Like Jung Ma and Iron Citadel) at their peaks on Early Access over the weekend had almost a 2 hour wait to get on to them. And that was pre-release. Allowing new players onto servers that are already very clearly over their population limit simply causes more problems and even longer wait times.


    2) Allowing server transfers would give people on over populated servers the ability to help you relieve the population problems. They(and their Guilds) could simply find another Server to migrate to that is less populated. Problem solved. Half the problem right now is that with the Early Access, some people have already hit level cap and most are well into their 20's and 30's. So moving to another server now means losing ALL that play time to have to start all over on another server. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to backtrack like that!


    Give us the option to migrate our characters, that we have put so much time and effort into already, to a new server.


    3) This is the only part where I disagree. So far, I see people very upset with the Queue times, but they aren't leaving. They're still waiting because they want to play. And, as previously stated, they don't want to go anywhere because they have higher level characters they've worked on they they don't want to abandon. I do, however, agree that BW is doing their best to try and fix the problem. And maybe they are working on expanding their currently overpopulated servers. Or working on opening up character transfers. We all hope we shall soon see a resolution to this.


    That all being said, this is a truly fantastic game and well worth playing. But it seems a bit ridiculous that, if I want to take a break from gaming for an hour, I'm going to have to log out and then have to wait an additional hour(or more) to just get back into the game in order to play again. I hope we do soon see this fixed for all our sakes. But for now, I shall go wait in the queue like everyone else so I can play.

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