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Posts posted by Oldmanripper

  1. Must've missed the June content but hey, close only counts in horse-shoes, hand-grenades, and internet griping, right?


    I defer to Drako because he really, really pays attention to GSF and we are all grateful for that.


    However, if you do care about this part of the game, BLOW UP THIS POST! Keep it at the top of the lists for this month and let's see if we can get the dev's to pick up that marker in the room that is covered in a fine layer of dust and write on the cobweb-covered board the words 'GSF - easy ideas to make money'


    Then we will finally have the new content we desire.


    I, personally, would love a 'unit patch' slot on the ship that you could customize. Even if it isn't visible to the guys you are blowing up you can still see it in your hangar!

  2. Figured Begeren Colony should be heard from.


    Fix for Rycer / Star Guard - Reduce cooldown of missle break by 5 seconds on any engine ability.


    Fix for Quell / Pike / Cartel Ship That I Never Bothered Buying Because 10% Requisition Really Isn't Worth Thousands of Cartel Coins How About a Unit Patch Instead? - Reduce cooldown of missle break by 5 seconds on any engine ability.


    Fix for Imperium / Clarion - Reduce cooldown of all missle breaks on engine abilities except Power Dive.


    Fix for GSF - All Ships - Create a PVE mode. And I quote : http://star-conflict.com/ - Plenty of good material and how to make it work there.


    Gents just make sure you are not holding your breath. Last time we receive a patch for this part of the game was February 14th of 2014. Twenty FOURTEEN. I am actually going to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of a neglected yet awesome addition to the most beloved MMO I have ever played by flying my Strike Fighter against impossible odds and succeeding. Cya in space.


    -Venom Commander Air Group aka 'Cag'

  3. @ Lantor


    'You are best measured by the way your enemy speaks about you'


    While I do not consider you a enemy in the full extent you have been our main competition on Begeren Colony for a long time. You are a solid player and it was a privilege to talk to you over our Teamspeak 3 channel a few times.


    Thank you for your defense of our server's reputation here on the forums.


    For all of you who do not know what we have attempted to build I will be as brief as possible:


    Praxium Rules of Engagement:

    1 - Do not engage enemy players at their spawn-column. Iif you are looking at a GSF map this is column A or E, rows 1-5 are off limits to long-range gunship weapons, satellite drones, mines, or other automated devices. You may engage the enemy in there with short range laser cannons and lock-on missiles used only in standard dog-fighting.

    2 - Do not remain in the spawn-column seeking out new targets. You may follow engaged players wherever they decided to run but hovering near a spawn-in point, typically by a capital ship, is strongly discouraged.

    3 - Do not be a bully. If you are engaging a new pilot, usually indicated by them having only 2 ships in their line-up or their playing style of firing continuous bursts of rapid-fire lasers from 20,000 meters away, do not destroy them unless it becomes necessary to defend an objective. We believe that only by allowing players to learn from their mistakes, rather than vaping them quickly, in our game's built-in-flight-simulator will the community as a whole be built up with new contestants.

    4 - Play your best through skill and integrity. We do not discourage anyone from attacking and capturing all three of the satellites in a match. There are in-game achievements for capturing 3 satellites, getting 12 defense turret kills, damage done, etc. We will never forbid anyone from playing the game to its fullest potential as that is not our right nor our place.

    5 - Fight honorably by allowing new competitiors to practice. We do actively discourage players from remaining at and defending either satellite objective A or C once all three have been captured. We ask our pilots to return to satellite objective B and to wait while the new players are returning to reclaim the objectives. Again, our theory on allowing new players to learn how to engage and defeat defense turrets and the distances required to turn a satellite can only come from practice. Targets that follow to the middle satellite are fair game.

    6 - Show valor by personal combat choices. We will not, under any circumstances, place a bomber and/or gunship at each satellite unless we are fighting a veteran team, typically a pre-made, with pilots that we recognize as skilled players. We believe this will allow new players the chance to earn requisition that they can obtain from Satellite captures, Turret kills, and Damage Done and allow them to fight against a fixed target that can kill them if they make mistakes. In Death-matches you can fly ships that have the worst possible load-out or something that is less-than-optimal to help balance the skill disparity.

    7 - Actively seek out and encourage new pilots. We continuously attempt to contact new players and teach them about Galactic Star Fighter. Only by building the next class of recruits will the community thrive.


    The members of Praxium's flight groups attempt to fly these ROEs in every match, every game, every day. If you want to see the difference it can make stop by Begeren Colony and queue up!

  4. #1 Re-skins of existing ships. Slot it in like a dye pack... now it looks like something else with the same functionality.


    #2 Ship logos. Not just paint jobs.


    #3 Call-signs. Something you could put onto your ship instead of just your account name.


    #4 Class ships.


    #5 Customizable Unit Patches. Concept here is something along the line of 'Appearance Modification Station'. Rather, this would be 'Starfighter Appearance Modification Station'. More changes, more cartel coins.


    #6 Unit-patches. Something for either a cosmetic on your toon outside of GSF or in-game on the ship... or BOTH!

  5. Bombers dropping mines on spawn-points in TDM.


    Gunships vaping pilots from their hyperspace entries in TDM.


    Players that cannot kill anything unless they're using their burst laser scout, gunship, or bomber while shooting at low-skill, under-geared opponents and then complain when you completely wipe the floor with them in your Rycer or Star-guard.


    Then they accuse you of hacking after logging over into the opposing factions /gsf channel and again, you wipe the floor with their poor accusations.

  6. Yes, Zark, forums are used to convey information.

    Yes, Zark, I conveyed information about GSF.

    Yes, Zark, I conveyed information about my guild.

    Yes, Zark, I invited anyone who wanted to keep coordinating via a voice chat program to our server for some fun matches.

    No, Zark, I don't need to have a 12 v 12 best of 7 tournament to know I am a good pilot or that my people are skilled.

    Yes, Zark, we would welcome having you over for a 12 on 12 match! We already have stock ships here that we fly regularly.

    And Zark, the only pilot I ever had trouble fighting on our server was Klehitt / Whackycamel. That guy just had my number.

    So, Zark, unless you are him, which I doubt since he was a down-to-earth player who always dispensed encouragement, then I haven't flown against you, Zark, and I am confident you haven't flown against us when we coordinate on Sundays.

    Anyways, Zark, I cannot stop you from flaming this thread but I would like to thank you for keeping it at the top so people who legitimately care about the information inside it will keep seeing it since you keep bumping it up there.

    Thanks, Zark, keep up the fine work. ;)



    INHS Praxium CAG

  7. Sith Praxium has grown their GSF division on Begeren Colony and is extending an invitation to the community at large.


    We fly every Sunday night at 8 PM Pacific as a unit and usually field 8-12 players in three 'flights'. Other nights we have an average of 4-8 players on at any time.


    We coordinate these pilots with our TeamSpeak (TS) channel via our Enjin website.


    We focus not only Starfighter but multiple hard-mode, progression raiding teams and ground PVP elements are offered across both Imperial or Republic factions.


    If you are looking for a new guild, server, or really want to see what a difference coordinated starfighter play can make please visit us any time!


    Contact Oldmanripper or Ann'marrie with an in-game mail or message for further information.


    Applications can be submitted here.



    INFS Praxium C.A.G.

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