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Posts posted by grabczas

  1. Well, after having played a little while longer with my Sentinel now...and having gotten many upgrades to my armor. It does seem, that if you are geared properly, the Sentinel most certainly can hold his own. I think that coming from a game like Guild Wars, to this game was big change in how you play....for me anyways. It took me a little bit of time to figure out how I needed to play. I listened to everyone else, instead of just doing what I felt was right. For me, and it's only for me. I have found that once I invested some time putting alot of Endurance mods on my sent....I can hang with just about anything I want to take on. People were telling me Strength, and telling me Crit....and blah, blah. At the end of the day, I needed Endurance, and Crit mods. Mods that had both, and that made a lot of difference for me. I know other Sents run there characters differently. I do still think some of the skills are pretty well useless. Unless, like with Guarded by the force, you have Doc with you. Cutting your health down by 50% to be protected is a huge risk, and you need to be very, very good, to cause maximum amount of damage in the absolute shortest amount of time when facing a gold elite or some other high end boss. But yeah, it can be very useful.


    Force Camo, I still rarely use, and now that I have reached level 50 and I am geared properly, I don't really see much need for it, at all. Usually.


    Sentinel IS a good class. It does take practice, and you have to get the gear you need for the way you play. Yeah, it's a dps class, but you can play that class a lot of different ways. For myself, I like to charge in attack and kill everything. I probably should have been a guardian, it probably would have saved me a lot of headache, and problems early on. That being said though....I can do that now with my Sent...I got no complaints anymore. I must concede to the other posters, Sentinel is not broken. I still think a force push would come in handy every now and then, but, you know, you use what you got, and make it work. :) Cause it does.


    What i saw from your earlier posts but you didn't mention it exactly is that you were lvling back then, ain't that true? And its true that Sents have a lot of problems PVPing before 40 because you don't have some few really important skills and you don't have acces to last ability in tree (Sents are in no means able to play hybrid builds).


    About lack of AoE. It's SINGLE TARGET DPS class, in terms of AoE there is Commando who is really hurt after 1.2 AFAIK.


    This thread made day, I must admit that x)

  2. I don't want to insult watchman-PvP lovers but it's looks like it's the most BRAINDEAD rotation for Sent and it's still the best in terms of damage. So right now i started to wonder, maybe NONE of us can play proper combat and there is still way to find better rotation for that spec? And Combat can build centering as fast as WM :)


    And since when more CC is useless in PvP O_o


    I like the idea of combat but I play watchmen because I'm dedicated PvE player (I don't do WZs since I've hit 50).


    And can some Combat-Lovers suggest me build for PvE combat? I'm too confused what should i take after all since most Sents here are WM worshipers.


    Little OT: Is it me or really most request's about nerfing Sentinels/Guardians/Shadows/etc. are coming from dedicated Commando players who should just ask for buff for themselves?

  3. Strike now heals for 50% of max health.


    Force Leap now provides 102% damage resistance for 15 sec.

    That and let us use two double-bladed lightsabers ^^


    But seriously i don't think combat is worse than watchman. I would say it's just other. Either way it's just a matter of time for me when BW decide to crack our defensive CD's "cause they are PvP imbalanced" to the lvl where we will be not able to make any operations ;)


    And is it me or you too think that most crying players are right now in fact Commando's/Mercenary's who probably the most destroyed class right now? Maybe they should just ask for buff instead of nerf EVERYTHING else and especially Sents/Maras?

  4. Maybe its just my opinion but probably until level 40+ it's always hard for Sent's. A lot of people claim that on 50 lvl you will be called OP for the other hand x)


    I have 47 lvl right now (my first character) and my state is that real life for sents starts after you have last skill in tree you use (Blade Rush for combat and Merc Slash for Watchman tough i didnt play Focus). So take your time and lvl up your sent first :)


    Also there is great possibility that only i suck at PvP and someone will give you some real advice ^^"

  5. Thanks a lot for response. So since my guildmates said that I can play anything I want (They are not in to strict powergaming) and you have confirmation that combat is viable so i'm happy:)


    About playing watchmen, I'll give him another chance on 50 if that's the case, maybe I will learn it. In fact because of watchman tree I wanted to play sent but when I found it pretty hard during lvling, I gave up.


    Last request. Could someone give me links to builds and rotations for watchmen and combat for PvE? I'm really bad in trying to figure it out by myself :/


    Again thanks for help :)

  6. Hello everyone, since it's my first post.


    I don't want to make new thread since i can stick my questions here.


    I'm 43 combat and would like to stick with it to the endgame content, since i didn't like watchmen during leveling (I've played watchmen till 25 probably) , but i couldn't find proper info about combat PvE in 1.2 because most of threads are about PvP :/ (I only play casual Warzones and I don't plan to play rankeds WZ's)


    1. So is combat viable or i will have to learn Watchman anyway for hards/operations? Changing character is not an option.


    2. Some people say that ranged DPS is superior to melee DPS in terms of PvE. Is that true? O_o

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