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Posts posted by Dhampiri

  1. Theres 168 hours in a week. SWTOR goes down for maintenance once a week for 4-6 hours. Sometimes theres more downtime and sometimes less, so lets say its about 8 hours a week. Thats only about 5% downtime. How can you possibly complain about that and not feel like a spoiled brat?


    4-6 hours is less than 5% are u saying that u have 168hrs free time? are u saying u dont sleep ? work go out do other **** that doesnt involve the computer?


    some people only have certain times they can be on their computers and some people subscribe and expect a service not maintenance downtime. some people are not as previlleged as some to be on their computers for more than 2-4 hrs a day and especially in aus/nz time when people come home from work and just want to go online and play with no worries.


    Tueday downtimes are expected and most of us understand this and adjust, but others who does not have as much free time do not and will not tolerate repeated multiple maintenance every week.


    I had high expectations of bioware and have waited paitently for my expectations to be denied so you are all welcome to bad mouth me all you want i dont care anymore. for future and LOYAL SWTOR games I hope for your sakes that bioware step it up a notch other than that, brIng On D3

  2. honestly the maintenance is pretty unfair for asia pacific players because it goes on at our playing prime time, i.e when people are home from work..it's starting to get a bit ridiculous..


    I agree here, shunning aside the fact that there has been 4 maintenance downtime in a week, maybe there should be a consideration to asia pacific servers for a seperate maintenance time?

  3. Did you not play WOW? On major patch days you could expect 8hrs at the very least. And then you may not get a patch to fix the game till the following tuesday. Kudos to Bioware. I'll take an 8hr major content patch and 4hr fix patch time any day over the bull sh*t blizzard pulls.


    as far as i remembered WoW never did an emergency maintenance on peek hrs on fridays unless im mistaken?

  4. stuff that now, I am not happy at all after they way they worded their promo "those loyal lvl 50s" really if im not loyal then id like my money back please.


    Last time i checked in the world of marketing wording is everything so it doesnt bite you on your arse and unfortunately i dunno about u guys/gals but i wouldnt be happy with just a 30 day free gaming i mean seriously its just like saying u guys suck we are not giving you **** but then oh no you are going to quit here we will give this to u as well if u stay ....

  5. I was going to continue my SUB here with SWTOR when D3 comes out purely because i really liked this game and enjoyed playing and would have loved to continue coming on to do whatever, but this promo is like a **** off sign so i think ill take my 15 USD a month and put it back in my wallet till i deem it worthy to come out again.
  6. posting my 2 cents, I live in NZ and i do really like this game and my partner n i both play it. Neither of us have lvl 50s and im not too happy when i found out that people with lvl 50s get a free month simply because they have a lvl 50. As i said im from nz and we didnt even get the game till early march and i brought it on launch date here, i work full time and have a life outside of SWTOR and i still pay my 15 USD subscribtion per month but WTH is the difference between my money and the people who has lvl 50s? (no offence intended congrats on ur free 30 days) but why shouldnt every1 else get free 30 days ..


    anyway my 2 cents

  7. oho... the issue is that when i select a context that should give me a + affection point i do not see the +15 or +30 or +40 for that companion unless i win the roll, what you are saying is that i get that affection point anyway at the end of the quest ?


    i may have to check this

  8. Is this a bug ?



    if you are in a group with friends and get a chat choice options that will give u companion + or - affection points


    if you chose an option that would give affection point but ur friend wins the roll and that results in a no affection point


    is this a bug?



    i dont know if this has been posted before if so can i get a link so i can look it up please.

  9. Im not denying that its a good system but having a search filter at the start would be better than the bottom, that is my understanding, if what you are looking for is what you said "temptest implant" all you would have to do is search temptest then under the search filter would be say an advance search like what they already have now, all you would have to go to is implants and boom theres your item. im just saying maybe having the option of searching at the start instead of the bottom would be more userfriendly. instead of say seaching for bio mats, then green item then after you hit search you have to type what it is you want exactly or search through the pages.
  10. hey Im new with this game, so i dont know if that topic has been touched at all but i would like to make a suggestion regarding the Galactic Trade.


    1- Would it be to much to ask for us to be able to search for items we need instead of going through each individual catagory list ?


    It does really get annoying especially when you go through it all and then a companion returns from a quest and pop you lost your screen and you have to do it all over again.


    2- Specified searches eg, when you search for armor it searches for ALL armor can we get like legging or chest or head etc this would make things alot easier in the future of Galactic Trading.


    that is my 2 cents anyway, and before anyone asks I am an X WoW player and I am not comparing the 2 games just want an easier method of searching for stuff in the Galactic Trade.

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