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Posts posted by Mightywombat

  1. No, people started squawking for classes to be nerfed because the game is full of whiners. Then, once people saw that forum QQ can get classes that don't need to be nerfed to get massive nerfs- it turned from whining to a legitimate pvp strategy to boost your class and nerf others- so now, everyone is doing it because it's the main way to win.


    Also, on Tuesday you get gear for free, L2readpatchnotes.


    ermm...there is NO patch (maintance) on tuesday except for the website...1.2 is still weeks away, considering the shape the game is in now they cant afford alot of bugs on top of it.

  2. Also, if there are any other players around that have a clue, they'll use their interupt on you. Really annoys me when I'm being force choked and 3 of my tyeammates just attack the guy doing it instead of interupting :/


    well interrupt only works against channeled spell/skill and tanks can make it so its not channeled...so thats not gonna work agains them :p but the others sure.

  3. ye somewere deep in the tank tree you can specc it so the choke isnt a channel skill anymore so they can stand there and hit you while you get choked.
  4. since when didnt armor mean anything?having heavy armor helps alot for the trooper/bh, the changes that are coming for these classes is needed...just kids thats going awal since they cant rampage as they wish anymore and have to acually think and react. :rolleyes:


    and yes i have a lvl 50 merc, arsenal. and will continue with that after patch hits.

  5. I play for 1.5hrs in the morning, that's all I have time for. I run around Ilum, grab armaments while queued for WZ. At least I can get my Ilum daily done, though not always my WZ in the initial 1.5hrs I can play. They made getting gear so easy now, so stop complaining that they can't just hand you gear. It's an MMO, you have to at least work at advancing instead of everything handed to you on a silver platter.


    your aware its a game not a job...and you pay for this...and currently the system works like ****.

  6. ye...as imp on nightmare lands ive only seen pre-made reps at lvl 50..nothing else and get daily 10-15 loss if i bother playing that much if the que lasts that long lol it dies out fast.
  7. Heavy armor does nothing, and commandos have to few tools.

    Marauders have more damage, much more tools and much more survivability

    Powertechs have more damage, more tools and much more mobility

    Sages have just as much damage, much more tools, more escape abilities and more survivability


    The only thing commandos excel at is burst, and even there we get beaten by operatives


    so you want to be best at everything without a effort...good luck with that.

  8. I have a 50 Commando, full Rakata. My opinion is from a PVE perspective. I've been thinking about leveling up my Sage (now lvl29) and run him as my main as he has a hell of a lot more utility to bring. Equal dps, same or maybe better damage mitigation (with force armor), battle rez, an actual interrupt, force speed to escape situations, and if I decide to roll healer the Sage is arguably the better healer or at least easier to play.


    IMHO, if both classes are ranged dps / healer, they should have the same utility. This means battle rez and interrupt.


    no they should not...sorce wears light armor and trooper heavy etc and as GZ said that would give commando's to many tools and make them OP in pvp spesially.

  9. Lets compare sorc/sages and commandos/mercenaries. Both do about the same dmg wise. Both have good aoe and single target dmg. Where they differ is in the utility they offer.


    DPS Commando:

    range stun

    aoe knockback


    talented single target knockback


    DPS Sage:

    range stun

    aoe knockback


    range interrupt


    ally pull

    force speed

    battle rez


    Yet the devs have stated that giving commandos an interrupt would be giving them to much utility. It just doesn't make sense to me. Giving them an interrupt would bring them more in line with other classes utility and I don't see how it would overpower them at all. They are already the easiest class to counter with interrupts but aren't allowed one themselves.


    you forgot higher damage on troopers and heavy armor. thats some of why they will never get it :)

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