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Posts posted by Blacksabbatical

  1. I can understand damage meters, it allows you to distinguish who's slacking, but personally i've never had a problem with DPS going all out on a fight from the second it starts.


    I tank as a guardian, most DPS in our guild are full Rakata and they never pull agro off me. I just prioritise my high damage skills at the start and it's a breeze.


    I could understand if future encounters had an agro drop which disabled the tanks, but for the current content there's no purpose in it.


    I like to know where I stand as a tank I want to know my threat meters

  2. Sorry OP, but as far as I know none of the terms you are complaining about came from WoW originally. There are one or two I am not sure about, but the vast majority of them came from older MMOs like Ultima Online or Meridian 59, or the slightly newer ones like Everquest.


    Mind you, there are a few that came from table-top D&D playing.


    WoW is not as original as you might think :)


    like to add that former WoW players like myself that are new to this game who are used to using our lingo from uterly years of playing are going to refer to the similarities in this game the only way we now how. such as brits refering to an elevator as a "lift" or a cigerette as a "***" its just how we know how to communicate so get over it

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