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Posts posted by Chrisbox

  1. I don't care about the imbalance I have plenty on empire to kill and I love it, but myself and my guild would like to get more than 5fps


    Ahhh this was not previously stated. Yea there is definitly some work to be done about that, fortunately I dont suffer from it.

  2. Sigh...there would be nothing wrong with this post if you mentioned server balancing. Ilum itself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the system. Server imbalances just make an unfair advantage for players who suffer from it.
  3. Ok heres how it works. You only get credit for a kill if you are directly engaged in combat with the enemy player [ normally through an ops member ] . To assure i get credit i usually hit my class buff to my ops group every little while during a fight.
  4. The fact that Bioware has made this game for PvE fencesitting treehuggers is the most disappointing thing.


    If you haven't noticed there havent been real complaints about pve because they nailed it. Now they can devote all the attention to pvp. I already enjoy the pvp but once they expand on it im sure everyone will rage a little less.

  5. This wouldnt solve ANYTHING. The higher valor you have generally determines how much you pvp [ and for pvp players, thats how much you no life the game ] . People who farm wz's and ilum for 24 hrs straight can still suck terribly. Best bet is to find some good pvpers on your server and either guild/group up with them.
  6. Ilum is awesome the way it is. Its just unfortunate for those who have server imbalance problems that they cannot enjoy it fully. However, I can definitly see more people being brought into Ilum though if they added a risk penalty of sorts. People would be motivated to gain something huge out of defeating players, and also to get revenge if they would fall in combat. Definitly one of the better Idea's I've read about Ilum revamps but I think its a rather small chance they would change the entire thing so soon.
  7. Its not Ilum itself its just a matter of server balance, When there are an equal amount of republic as there are sith in Ilum It can be extremely fun. However for most that is extremely rare.
  8. I have so much standards it hurts, and I think TOR is great. And a LOT of people thinks like me. Probably an overwhelming majority. No, not probably. An overwhelming majority agrees with me. No questions about it.


    Dont listen to that other guy lol forum ragers are forum ragers let them be.

  9. I'd like some enlightenment on the subject of tanks survivability in warzones. From what Im aware of armor is the only defense we really have in pvp because it prevents however much kinetic damage. Shields never proc in pvp so whats the point in having shield rating, and what is a Tanks defense against element or internal damage? Nothing?
  10. I would argue that in higher level PvP it's the hardest class to play because we're constantly getting stunned/interrupted and then we have nothing we can do.


    LOL sorry man but this is a joke. Well firstly, yes it is a massively boring class because of the spam I rolled PT just because I didnt want to be a spammer. But you are one of the easiest classes out there TO PLAY so atleast be happy for that. Even in melee range of a jedi tracer spam will lead you to victory, and if you ever need to toss a couple heals on yourself you have those just to make it a more easy class. When interrupted, use unload/rail shot. If they interrupt unload, spam tracer. If your having trouble playing a merc then your definitly doing something wrong, they are broken beyond belief.

  11. In a month or so after they expand on the pvp it'll be better then it already is, idk what you guys can possibly be hating on. I already love it but everyones complaints is no arena, no cross server ranking for players etc. That stuff will come in time, WoW didnt have any of this when it was launched so lets give swtor some breathing room and have patience for those things.
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