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Posts posted by BJWyler

  1. I completely disagree with this.

    It was statements like this that cheated us out of the full three episodes at 16 chapters each with full blown and satisfying companion returns and gave this the rubbish we have now.


    I enjoyed every part of KotFE and KotET and if you appreciated the depth of the Aric, Kaliyo, Torian, Scorpio, and the Vette/Gault returns then that depth would have been for a vast majority of the companions.

    Instead we got a few Alerts and the dross that is being served up as "returns" now.


    It's not statements like that that caused BioWare to change direction (again), after kotfe - it was several reasons, not the least of which people weren't buying (figuratively and literally) into the corridor grindfest and monthly bug filled playsessions.


    They have had plenty of time to write satisfactory returns for each and every companion, so there is absolutely no reason to believe what we would have gotten had they continued on would have been any better. The fact that one of the most obvious and necessary choices for the interaction with Ashara is missing is proof of point.


    I came to this game because of the names associated with the project (EA notwithstanding), and stayed because of the stories and leveling content. The stuff we got with 4.0 and beyond was utter tripe.

  2. My partner and I quit this game when it stopped being about Imp vs Pub. Could not stand KOTFE and could not stomach even going through KOTET. Watching all the spoilers we have absolutely zero regrets. We'll be back when it gets back to Imp vs Pub.


    We LOVED this game, but just couldn't stomach the direction the story was going. The whole, "Let's team up with our enemies to fight a common threat." Disgusting! Makes me throw up in my mouth.


    We much prefer a state of endless conflict between two bitter super-powers with a constant change in the balance of power. Jedi vs Sith. Imperial vs Republic. Star Wars.


    I don't know how many more like us were out there that quit because they got sick of playing Snowflake Wars. But we're both excited to hear that it is going back to Imp vs Pub again. We'll be back when it does. I just hope they give us an option to skip the whole Zakuul garbage.


    I didn't quit specifically because of the change in direction, there were several other factors that made me unsubscribe and stop playing the game, including the fact that the story that did come along was complete garbage - and I enjoyed this game the most for the story and leveling portion of the game prior to 4.0.


    However, I did have a PM conversation with Keith a while ago and he indicated that playing through kotfe and kotet would not be required for any future story content. But he did make it sound like there would be pre-set choices made for your character in future story content, much like the insta-level tokens do, which I'm not to happy about as I would rather these two expansions have zero influence on my character in future content.

  3. :( Kinda what I've thought also. Maybe I can *YouTube what other people have done in their Akaavi / Mako reunion then weigh the results. One thing that keeps going through my mind concerning these returns and much of the recent SWTOR bits....The original story writers dealt with crucial events, different companions and landmark decisions and never once write themselves into a "Spot" where any of this was necessary. Lately the Bits have driven the stories into Impossible situations, convoluted the story line and created animosity in every aspect. "Shock Effect", "Life & Death Decisions" and "Profuse Drama" are tools when the story otherwise would be flat; a better written scene requires none of these "Crutch's" to entertain and hold an audience.


    Unfortunately, the corner was written into when they decided to go the route of the boorish "Keeping up with the Valkorians". A distinctly un-Star Wars side trip story. Anything that comes afterward now is going to be unsatisfactory because of this. The only way out is to retcon the last two expansions and remove any influence the story had between 3.0 and 6.0.

  4. Just throwing my two cents in. I wish these were turned on by default also. I've seen this question and debate about their existence too many times.

    I think Bjwyler hit the nail on the head with their reasoning. And I think their reason is flawed. For quite a few players, the more story they experience, the longer they'll play the game.


    You can thank EA's influence for that. Short term solutions for short term financial goals. There are two methods of monetizing a F2P game - the Playercentric method and the Companycentric method.


    The Playercentric method operates under the assumption that if a game provides an enjoyable enough playing experience, then players will be willing to spend additional funds to enhance that experience.


    The Companycentric method operates under the assumption that players won't pay any additional funds in a game unless they are forced to in order to enjoy the experience.


    It's not hard to figure out which method EA has always focused on.

  5. I agree. I'd have preferred if it was automatically on, and those who want to focus on only class stories would toggle it off. Just because for a new player, I think it's good to see all the quests and not rush like you can do after you've already done everything fifteen times. :)

    The reason they did it is twofold: First, they want people to spend as little amount of time in the "free" portion of the game, so they are rushed to max level through vanilla, so they are forced to start paying/subbing to get additional content. Second, by not highlighting the side quests by default, it hides the fact that 4.0 and 5.0 have little in terms of content, and what is there is essentially a shallow grindfest.

  6. There has been a lot of dissatisfaction as to where the story has taken us in the recent expansions. Barring completely retroing everything, where would you go from here?


    They are taking us back to Imp vs Pub (yawn), so they need to come up with a way to get rid of the Eternal Fleet, Zakul, and the Alliance to bring us back to the factions (or have us keep some elements and just support one faction or the other). I imagine that the Eternal Fleet has to be neutralized somehow, otherwise you are still the dominant force in the galaxy.


    So, how would you accomplish this?


    Well, now that we are finally ridding ourselves of the yawnfest that is kotfe/kotet, the only way I would even consider touching any content coming afterwards is if this whole garbage fiasco of a story line turns out to be nothing more than a bad dream of our characters and we wake up as if none of it ever happened, a la the Dallas Dream Season.

  7. I can't believe all these years later they didn't institute these great Ideas and again let our romances stagnate and decay once they had the ability to die or face exile. The romances can not continue to just be shoved to the back shelf like they don't exist when it's not convenient for the story. We need these ideas Bioware! We need to see mails and some type of affection outside the dead dolls that run around after us.


    But look at a couple of examples we do have. An Arcann scene that is horrendous, never mind the fact he never should have been romanceable to begin with, and a scene with Ashara that does not permit for a key and obvious response to her actions. It's like the SWTOR writers were trying to make the story of The Last Jedi not look as bad in comparison.

  8. Let's put this in perspective. Star Wars is the most popular sci-fi movie series of all time. Star Wars is recognized across the globe, by all countries with fans literally everywhere!


    How is this game not setting MMO records? SWTOR doesn't even need advertising, the last 30 years our pop culture has been flooded with Star Wars!


    How does a Star Wars themed MMO NOT have a larger population than all other MMOs? It just seems really insane that such a storied franchise as Star Wars can't muster up a larger following in the MMO gaming industry.


    The same reason that SWG wasn't more popular. The same reason why not one Star Wars game is in the top 10 for all time in terms of profit. Just because someone is a Star Wars fan doesn't mean they are a gamer. And if they are a gamer, it doesn't mean that they will like any of the Star Wars games.

  9. Goodbye alliance. I wont miss you.


    IKR! The end to this nonsense hasn't come soon enough. These last two expansions have been a blight upon this game and some of the worst and most contrived storytelling from BioWare that I have ever seen, and only rivals The Last Jedi in awfulness. The only thing that would be better is them writing in that the whole Eternal Empire garbage was just a bad dream and our characters wake up and it's the next day after the end of the story in 3.0.

  10. Sure. I am not advocating for them to abandon players in the first two categories...but if you're in the third category, they've never given you anything ever. From the inception of this game, group play has been preferred above all else. And solo play is actively hindered...at every...


    That's a crock. Since the inception of this game they have done nothing but make it easier to play solo, and pretty much the entirety of 4.0 and 5.0 were geared towards solo players and content. I'm all for making MMOs more solo friendly, but at the end of the day, this is an MMO, and group content and rewards should always be the main focus if development.


    I have been, and always will be a single-player gamer at heart, by the way.

  11. They gave us the possibility to play as different classes including Sith and to do good or evil things in this game. How you play your characters says nothing about you in real life. Just because someone plays a DS Sith who is torturing or mudering people doesn't mean they are evil in RL and just because someone plays a LS Jedi doesn't mean they are like that in RL too. People might even have several characters that they play quite different from LS to Neutral and DS. It is called role playing.


    This is a game. A MMORPG where players expect to have options and choices and the possibility to play other characters.


    While they are of course kind of limited you do get several ways to play your character (at least in the vanilla story). You can play a LS Sith and you can play a DS Sith too. In movies, books and games you see that Sith can be pretty ruthless and even in this game it is about the apprentice one day killing the master and how the master tries to kill you.


    There should have been an option to refuse recruiting companions like Ashara or Skadge. And in some cases like these two companions a kill option (additional to a just let them go option) would have been needed.


    If you play as a Sith who doesn't tolerate disobedience then you would likely not let Ashara just walk away after attacking her. Of course the dialog will fit to some people depending how they play their class but it should have an option to play as an evil or ruthless Sith too.


    Because to be honest - while I am playing mostly LS and to this day the only companion I have ever killed is Scorpio - when I think about Sith I don't think of them like somewhat darker Jedi - I think about Vader or Maul or some other Sith I know about. Would they just let Ashara go away? I don't think so. And if you see how many people you (even as Jedi) you can kill casually in this game and if you see how you could kill some LIs like Quinn later then yes, I absolutely think there should be more options including a kill option to deal with Ashara.




    Can't put it much better than that

  12. why would it lead to that :rolleyes:, exaggerate much? hopefully it will lead to more content expansions and dlc, more cartel market vanity items, and more them having to actually do some work to earn their salary.


    And why is the current sub cost preventing that? There is no reason to think that we would get any more than we are right now with the CM and the subscription than we would with just the CM on it's own. This whole thread makes no sense.


    If people want a change to the amount of content we get and the quality of said content, then we need to change the development company, not the business model.

  13. Edit to add: It might work for 'her arc' but I don't care about her arc, I care about my character's arc. My arc says impudent, indecisive ex-apprentice dies.


    Well see, that's the problem. After the vanilla leveling, the story was no longer about our characters but about the story of people and things that BioWare wanted to tell, even if we don't give one whit about them.


    The interaction with Ashara is the perfect example of what is wrong with all of 4.0 and 5.0.

  14. You see, this debate is exactly why we can't have nice things in games, and why the gaming community still has a negative reputation as a whole with the rest of the world. All this amounts to on both sides of the table is the piddling issue of semantics.


    You know, the term "entitled" is thrown around a lot on every gaming forum under the sun, but that's all I see here with this debate. Somewhere along the way the gaming community got it in their collective heads that we should be rewarded for spending $15 a month to play a game. Truth of fact is that the only thing we are entitled to is access to the servers to play whatever content that the developers deems to fall under their service. And the developers have every right to change that at will.


    The problem here is that people think these promotions are about rewarding loyalty. Like I said before, they are not. These are simply methods for the company to meet a certain financial goal. Nothing more and nothing less. Using a bit of logic and common sense, it is perfectly natural for one to operate under the assumption that these two companions were exclusive to the previous promotions and that they would not be offered again. Likewise using a bit of common sense, it's natural to assume that the current promotion is designed to get people not subscribed to the game to pay for a subscription, and for those that are already subs, to continue to subscribe at least until the date for the promotion ends, regardless of the exact wording.


    That being said, once again the company is free to run this and any future promotion and offering how it deems fit, and we as a gaming community are entitled to nothing more or less than what they offer.

  15. I bet most people would abandon their characters somewhere between Balmorra and Alderaan after remembering that you had to pretty much play all the side quests to level up and earn credits to buy your abilities and gear. The rate at which you gathered resources always seemed to prevent your crafting skill from being useful on the toon that is learning it. No sprint until level 15. Speeder piloting all later. No instant quick travel. No rocket boosts. No driving in the star ports. Valor requirements, Mercenary comms, Champ Bags, Ugly gear.


    Yeah ... most people would quickly realize that once you've owned a snowmobile, it sucks to walk 5 miles to work / school and back ... in the snow (uphill both ways).


    That's not really the case, if the other MMOs who have done something like this are any indication.

  16. Yeah, but this rewards as some people already stated were never rewards just for the vets, they were mostly made as an incentive for the people to sub. I think to how introducing the vet rewarding system to the game would be a good idea which would reward those people which are most loyal to the game on the long term.


    Exactly. If you look at the history of this game, all of these rewards were created so that BW could hit a goal in sub numbers for their next fiscal report. It has nothing to do at all with rewarding subs and everything to do with pleasing the EA Overlords. It's just a short term idea to satisfy a short term goal, whereas a proper sub reward system is a long term process that actually rewards support. That is something companies like EA don't understand outside of the long term income they look at for their yearly console sports titles.

  17. There is nothing wrong in proposing something to be done, especially if there are good reasons and conditions that that could be done , that's not the same as making demands how something must be done.


    Btw there are also people which earned those companions before but which don't make the fuss and don't mind if the other subscribers will earn them to under the same condition as they have , and which understand how if that happens how that will not influence their own gaming experience in any way.


    This is the problem with any type of limited time only rewards. "Be subscribed on such and such a date" does nothing to reward long term subscribers. It essentially just rewards people for being in the right place at the right time. A true reward is one that would reward you for being a long term supporter, regardless of when that support occurs. Be subbed for 6 contigous months and get this; be subbed for 12 contigous months and get that. Miss a month and start back at square one or even the last tier you qualified for.


    Yet, I'm still here because I like this game.


    And there's your reward. You get to enjoy unrestricted access to the game. Whereas people like me have to unsubscribe and leave our guilds in addition to using the WAM to get anywhere close to the normal leveling curve we had prior to 4.0.


    Oh yeah, for the record I have both companions and really don't care. I haven't even attempted to unlock them with a token or in the game.

  19. Nah, I wouldn't do it with joystick support. Mouse and keyboard were fine for me. As others mentioned, it's the current overall design that hurts GSF. The only way I would come back to it is if they made all ships stock models and do away with minmaxing upgrades, and separated the playerbase based on time/skill played, so noobs can only fight against other noobs, and vets would only be matched with and against other vets.
  20. Since 5.0 the developers have been killing this game off... after their latest debacle in the conquest revamp I will no longer be renewing my subscription. Good bye everyone it's been fun. And developers nice try but you failed worse than the clones that got rejected on kamino. :mad::mad::mad:

    Rest in peace SWTOR I will have fond memories before 5.0


    The only way I will renew the subscription is if the game gets rolled back to 4.9


    They've been doing it since 4.0, actually. I had hoped Keith would be able to turn things around, but unfortunately too many bad decisions were baked into 4.0 and 5.0, and we lost a year of viable content additions and upgrades to the game because of it.

  21. I do not ever list my link, anywhere.


    I do not click on referral links by anyone. But if I did.. it would be Dulfy's since she does more to support the community with helpful information vs any other internet presence.




    It's time for the referral program to end, I think. It just doesn't work the way a true story referral program should, as I have experienced in other games, and it is just too easy spammed and abused here.

  22. Basically dooming SW IP MMO(s) based off two really bad examples of how to manage a game is working off a bad baseline.


    As is saying that the IP is a license to print money in the gaming industry - especially the MMO genre. To use one of the OP's own sources, not one of the top 10 grossing games of all time is a Star Wars game. None of the top 3 are an MMO. WoW launched in 2004, when the genre was still relatively fresh and certainly not at the point of oversaturation, which we have now. The Korean game doesn't appear to be a true MMO, and there is a $4 billion difference between it and 3rd place.


    Can there be a successful Star Wars MMO? Of course, but it by no means is a guarantee to be more financially viable than what we already have, nor will it compete with WoW in terms of overall popularity and numbers in today's MMO environment. And once again, it will not be released under EA's supervision. We have to wait until another company gets a license.

  23. You mean like...

    *gets killed in the game by a lightsaber, dies in real life*

    I can see EA making that as a bug, I'll never know because I don't buy EA titles.


    Only got into SWTOR because when it all started in development it was BW, but since BW=EA now and they've proven that that will never change it's also the last BW title I am planning to ever get into.


    You do realize that EA bought Bioware in 2007, right? This game was EA/BW from start to finish, practically speaking.


    As for another SW MMO, it's just not going to happen under EA. The genre doesn't give the ROI that EA is looking for in their current business model. They are all about games as a service, and there's a lot more ROI in the mobile platform and in models similar to Battlefront.


    The IP is a gold mine in only the right circumstances, let's remember that the only two MMOs to exist with the Star Wars IP fell far short of expectations, let alone printing money. The OP makes several leaps of faith rather than with logic in regards to some of the facts he put out there, and ignores many other mitigating circumstances that would affect this sure bet of a new Star Wars MMO.

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