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Posts posted by DasEmpanada

  1. Thing is people are tired of Hutt Ball


    There is a large enough area for pvp vs other people


    Start setting up tatooine pvp area

    Yeah, just add lots of more Warzones so Huttball doesn't get picked all the time, disregard the 33.3%.

  2. Currently us Twi'lek players can't get PROPERLY CODED masks. Why? Our Lekku just simply disappears under it, even though they're like 5kg. Maybe our characters can make holes on it? It happens with hats and others, as well.

    And we also want the ability to use hoods. They can just drop forward onto the chest. After all, they're not rigid!

  3. I had this same thread going on, but yours is hotter and talks about the same.


    As a Twi'lek Sith Inquisitor-Sorcerer, the main point of the Sith is not revealing your entire face, but it's really stupid that about 5kg of gray matter disappear under a human-sized mask! They can be "modded" with two holes in the back of it!

    And please make us able to use hoods as well, they can drop onto the chest, it's THAT easy.



  4. Hello, fellow aliens! I'd like to address an issue that concerns all of us Twi'lek players. As a Sith Sorcerer, many of the best and most good-looking chest-pieces come with hoods for Sith Inquisitors. We can't wear them. Why, I ask? Because--as I've been told--Twi'leks were able to use hoods in some of the Beta builds, the Lekku leaning forward and dropping in front of the chest instead of the back.


    Another point: Why can't we see our Lekku when wearing masks? They're supposed to weight around 5kg and be full of gray matter (brain matters, neurones, and all that) and they magically disappear under a mask that's supposed to fit a human-sized head with no other protuberances attached to it. Why, I ask? It's not THAT hard to make them appear through the mask! For my character it would only be a matter of taking a blowtorch, making two appropiates holes on the back of the mask and voilà! Come on!


    Please, BioWare, fix this for the March update! Please! And, if you're already working on it, let us know!


    P.S: I know hoods can't be worn over masks as well, but that wasn't what I wanted to talk about on this thread. thank you.

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