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Posts posted by Ld-Siris

  1. You are equally as likely to placed with a premade as against. Your rewards will be based on your free win and free loss, so average.


    I mostly agree with everything you have said over the last dozen pages because it aligns with my experiences. And I would argue the same points you have made. Except for this one. I both solo que and premade que depending on the availability of the people I play with. And 9 times out of 10, when there is only 1 premade in que, I get put on the opposite team. This is also the same from what other players have told me when they solo que.


    Now we know from the 5.9.2 patch notes, along with additional comments Eric made, that match making looks inside a premade and finds the highest hidden “skill score” and applies it to all members of that premade. Now the whole notes makes it sound like this is for sorting out premade against each other but it seems to be a placing this logic to the solo players as well. So if you have 1 premade in que that has 4 members, all 4 members are going to have the same “skill score” based of the highest member. It then seems like it tries to balance that out by looking at the different solo players in que and puts them on the other team to balance it out. Now it’s hard to say what exact logic the matchmaker is following to do this but it is apparent there are groups of players that usually end up against the premade and another group that ends up with the premade.


    Admittedly, a factor is I’m on SS and it’s population is much lower than both SF and DM. So I have a much smaller sample size.

  2. Giving people participation trophies for being bad doesn't teach them that they have to work for what they want. It teaches them thats it's okay to put forth less effort and be subpar because they'll still be rewarded for their lack of effort. This is a negative aspect of teamwork, or lack thereof and teaching people that it's ok to suck is reinforcing that negative behavior.


    Your point only address one aspect of winning/losing a match and doesn’t account for other reasons.


    From my experience and what I have witnessed is the vast majority of PvP match losses in regs has nothing to do with good/bad. It has to do with players not caring about objectives. Many veteran players that I have interacted with only care about PvP combat itself and even often refer to doing objectives as “PvE”. They want to fight. And in their minds if they perform well in combat and enjoyed it, then win or lose the actual match, they “won”. Because of this, winning or losing a match just comes down to the amount of players on each side that actually cared enough to do the objectives.


    Additionally, what do you actually get for winning? Practically nothing. The gear boxes contains 300-304 gear. Most veteran players are already geared. And abysmal amount of tech frags. You get way more gear and frags from flashpoints and earn them much more quickly. At the end of the day many people don’t get anything from winning or losing which pushes them to not care. And thus you get the above.


    The way the rewards are now, my opinion is yes, let losses count. It helps the newer players that need the weeklies done and doesn’t really affect the veteran players at all. Longer term though, I’d say balancing of rewards needs to be looked at. Master mode hammer station is easy and yet you get way more rewards from it then you do a PvP reg match.


    P.S. sorry, I’m on mobile.

  3. As for dev feedback. I’d like to see a roadmap or key points that they have identified with possible solutions. And then a thread where we can discuss those. We need to hear from then so we can tell them whether or not we see the same things. Things like the following.


    1. Game Performance: These seems to be 2 fold problem. 1 is the Client CPU processing player data and the other is the client server connection. PvP performance is terrible and a hinderance to pvp, especially new comers.


    2. New Maps: What’s your plan? What are you doing?


    3. Class Balance: What is your stance on the individual classes/specs. Are they hitting targets? Is there a problem for PvE vs PvP? You guys put out a great post about target DPS back in what 5.6 I think. What has changed. Where are we going. What are you balancing around? 4v4, 1v1?


    4. Gearing: Lets be honest, a lot of the set bonus and tacticals are..... worthless. What are your plans. How does this affect class balancing. Some set bonuses are great for some specs. Gathering storm for lightning, death knell for deception. But what about madness and hatred?


    5. PvP Environment: What are your thoughts on PvP population health? Is your efforts to stop toxicity working. It’s clear that in regs the deserter timer has a more negative impact then a positive one. Instead of a toxic player leaving, they will just sit afk, instead of getting a backfill. Do you plan on treating rank and regs differently?


    6. Ranked PvP: What are your plans? I’d like to say that to call something ranked play, it means you as the dev team need to treat it as such. For healthy ranked play, you need to monitor and take action on a daily basis. Waiting to the end of a season actual punishes good players and thus makes them quit ranked. Entire paragraphs can be written on this subject so I’ll leave it at that.


    If you want player feedback it requires input from you guys to start. We need to know what you guys currently think and what your plans are. Once you put those out and we start discussing active responses from you would also go a long way. Keep the conversation going in 2 directions instead of just 1.


    PS. I apologize for formatting and spelling. I’m on mobile. I hope it’s not grossly autocorrected.

  4. You're right, you convinced me. the DCD is complete garbage because the 3 DoT ticks will go through it. And the 2 people who play hatred/annihilation/IO ... well they're just everywhere! Clearly you shouldn't even put this DCD on your bar. Thank you for sharing this very important piece of information. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


    I'm just going to assume that was a troll response and end it here.


    Your reply is an example why the PvP forum is considered toxic, and why the devs never give any feedback. I just wanted to respond with some civil feedback.


    I didn’t say anything about the DCD being good or bad. Just wanted to point out there is a lot more damage out there that bypass it then you let on.

  5. yeah pretty sure pyrotech is the only one that can do some serious damage with elemental damage that people play. Forgot about that one, even though I play it lol. So madness sorcs (which are just no) and pyrotech are pretty much the bane of that DCD.


    Leth op, vir sniper, hatred assassin, anni Mara, somewhat veng, somewhat IO merc use internal/elemental damage. Even thundering blast s internal damage. There is more of it then you think.


    Madness/hatred just suck because of ridiculously weak defensives.

  6. That’s kinda weird that it affects you enough to not want to play but heh to each there own.


    If you have NOT used the pet (didn’t consume it), you can destroy any item in the game by dragging it out of your inventory onto the floor. A confirmation dialog box will pop up asking if you want to destroy the item. Click yes.


    If you already used the pet, then it’s permanently in your pet abilities list. But you will never have to summon it.

  7. The medpacs are a different thing. We got a huge boost in hitpoints in 6.0 and the medpacs are twice as good as before.


    Um what? That’s not what I got when I looked at them. Comparing to the warzone medpack (35%) the old medpacks in 5.10 would heal you slightly better. Now the medpacks heal you about half what a warzone does. About 17%. How are they better? They are proportionally half as worse than before.

  8. Armor pen for Carnage? A spec where almost 50% of it's damage completely ignores Armor? Weapon damage is about 8-9% increase for Carnage - literally the only thing that isn't affected is Devastating Blast. Armor Pen gives about 4% increase - the only thing that is affected is Massacre and Ataru Strikes.


    As I said albeit unclearly, it would depend on the tactical you use. Assuming base carnage no tactical armor pen for abilities under ferocity is wasted. So that’s 3 abilities under berserk window and 2 under non berserk. In this case weapon damage would be a greater increase. However there are several tacticals that it could upon testing that armor pen is better.


    Sorry for any confusion. It appears I had an unfinished thought above.

  9. Dunno. Personally I think has more to do with the patch they need to do for crafting and a bunch of bugs that Onslaught brought. They probably want to use the maximum time to make that patch as good as they can, while still just having the time to do emergency patches if needed before the holidays.


    This was my thought. I they also mentioned a crafting UI overhaul, so I was also guessing they might bundle that into 6.0.2 as well since it will be all about crafting.

  10. Well for PvPers you can’t really gear. To get a gear box you have to win the match (not so much a problem). In 306 gear you open said box and it gives you 292-302 gear..... It doesn’t drop gear to your level like everything else does.


    But on the whole this is a much better system then we have ever had. (Cept PvP warzone comms to gear) It’s pretty enjoyable.

  11. First I’ll explain the damage types. There are kinetic, energy, internal, and elemental. Now kinetic/energy are basically the same thing and internal/elemental are the same thing.


    Armor gives you damage reduction for kinetic/energy attacks but does nothing to internal/elemental. In other words kinetic/energy goes against armor while internal/elemental ignores armor.


    Now all white damage is kinetic/energy. And generally dots are internal/elemental (some exceptions here) but you will need to look at the tool tip for your major yellow abilities to see what kind of damage they do.


    For classes that have mixed yellow/white armor pen may be the way to go. For all one color damage further testing may be needed. Ex mm sniper armor pen vs weapon damage to see what does more. Again tho different classes have different armor values and remember armor pen is a %. There is also PvP vs PvE differences here.


    For your specific question though. Currently for carnage and fury, I would recommend armor pen. With carnage tactical though, can change the play style a bit so I’d choice one based on that.

  12. Highlighted for accuracy. Everyone was given the level 70 conquest completion rewards as that is what you would have received at Onslaught launch.


    I am looking into reports of players not receiving rewards. One thing that would help for anyone in this situation, send me a forum DM with the character name and server who should have received the rewards, it will help in the investigation. Do not post that information in the thread, DM it to me. Thanks!




    I see you fixed the Jug force charge reset but no mention of the utility Warmonger. Did that get fixed as well? For clarity: “Taking direct damage lowers the cool down of force charge by 1.5 seconds.”

  13. I saw it too, in one of the caves.

    And there is actually an item to feed it, sadly when i found it by chance on one toon i could not find the creature to test it. The item is some kind of fruit, i got it near a small bridge (was it on water?) in the bottom right part of the map. The item goes to quest items inventory and has a legend that points its use to a tiny hungry friend :)


    Yeah I did find a few of the little fruits around.

  14. I think it's the sound that the Pritarrs make. It bothered me because it was loud enough that I thought there was a cat in distress in my immediate area, out in the hallway of my apartment or something.


    Did you go out and look? I think I turned down the volume at one point.

  15. I know exactly what you're talking about. I was doing the dailies on Onderon and heard a sound during one of them that sounded like a kitten's high-pitched meows. I assume it's supposed to be a bird or something. That's kind of a given in audio departments that they use and mix whatever sounds for fictitious beasties. Those feather-headed whatevers on Onderon, for example, sound like zebras or donkeys (can't remem which now without logging back in).


    Yeah I assumed it was background audio. I spent more time then I should have looking for it. The sound kept coming from a different location. I was just hoping. :rolleyes:

  16. On Onderon, near the Crashed Ship, you can hear what sounds like a little kitten meowing (It could be a bird but I choose to believe it is a cute little kitten). His little meows are begging for help and for you to find him!!! Is there a kitten hidden somewhere or is it just background jungle noises? If there isn't, they totally need to had him so we can find him!! :rolleyes:
  17. Eric,


    I like where this is head and I like a future option of maybe deselecting say huttball.


    As for the current fix, I agree with Trixx. I think the only maps that should be group are the huttballs as it’s really the unique outlier (well that and OPG). I believe all 3 huttballs combined weight should equal each one of the other maps. Personally from what I have heard and my own opinion, is that most people don’t mind civil war vs yavin. And with the changes you made to yavin it does have a little bit of different play than civil war. Besides I think people’s problem with yavin is just FPS drop due to the foliage.

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