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Posts posted by Anastasius

  1. Weapons of War


    A Nightly PVP Guild (MultiFaction)



    Weapons of War is a PVP based guild dating back to Star Wars: Galaxies circa 2005. Our core players came from mainly the Bria & Radiant servers and are Star Wars fans at heart. We have been part of SWTOR since pre-launch early access and with the release of 3.0 we are looking to add a few players who are competitive, competent, and are interested in joining a PvP oriented Guild.



    • Online presence at night is moderate. About 10-15 people online each night.

    • The core of the guild is comprised of experienced gamers whose ages range from late teens to early 40’s.

    • We are most active 6pm-3am, East Coast USA Timezone.

    • We have toons in both factions, however the republic side tends to be more the active faction.

    • We use Teamspeak 3 and you must be able to use our voice coms for any guild related activities like raiding or grouping for pvp.



    • We are looking to add some active gamers to our roster who enjoy PVP as well as the occasional raid. (we run a multi guild raid team weekly)

    • Potential recruits will need to be 18+, have a sense of humor, and can fit into our culture.



    • Register on our forums (Iink above)

    • Have at least 1 level 55 toon.

    • Join our TeamSpeak3 and play with us nightly for a 1-2 week evaluation period to see if fit into our crew.



    • Clickers, window lickers, people who don't know what keybinds are.

    • Stalkers, pedophiles, degenerates, etc. We have too many in the guild as is.

  2. Ana/Soul..new response to Believer please.


    I understand the first week would still see starter teams having to match-up against seasoned teams, but eventually the rating system will elevate those teams to a higher tier where that won't be as common, provided enough teams hit the queue. Honestly it's the same way now (if not worse cause it's a crap shoot on who you get), and the reason the Rankeds scene is so flimsy minus the amount of solid teams around, is because starter teams won't even try the ranked scene because of getting destroyed by the teams who own the current system. By getting a ladder system going, will in fact increase the amount of teams in the ranked aspect of gameplay. I'm not sure what your definition of "several" is, but off the top of my head I can think of 6 solid teams who que on a regular weekly basis, which isn't counting the ones who run about 5-6 times a week. Just because 2-3 standout, doesn't mean others are not running consistently, so it's really not a gross exaggeration but whatever lol. Not sure what you mean about "proving you wrong", as that's not my point to this but you haven't given any reason as to how soemthing like this would somehow be not worth it.


    We all want x-server stuff, but that has nothing to do with getting a ladder system out on live at all. If/when they get x-server stuff going, they can always update the Ranked stuff to Season 2 or whatever. But we need the ladder system ASAP if we want more teams getting into Rankeds, if only to get teams eventually playing against their own caliber/level of skill. I agree with you that we're prolly on the same side of stuff, I just don't see how you could be against getting a system in place (Season 1) where it could potentially (if not guaranteed) to get more teams into the system. I guess my point is, I know a lot of guilds "would" partake in Rankeds if they knew a proper ranking system was in place, and I can't think of any teams/guilds who wouldn't want to see anything like this. It's been 8 months mang, time to re-ignite the fires in Rankeds and get it moving in the next direction. I don't wish to wait till EA gets around to "maybe" getting x-server stuff going, screw that. I'm sure the epic teams want more variety to go up against other servers best teams, I totally get that and wish that to happen, but in the meantime (since EA has no current plans for cross-server) let's get something going for Rankeds that would encourage more teams to get involved.


    PS: If anything, whether this were to happen or not, the point was to hopefully get some developer or community relations person to chime in on what (if anything) they have in mind for rankeds. With the constant changes to the team, it could be a looong time before we hear anything, let alone if the rankeds scene is even on their radar. I just want to take advantage that they are responding in the PvP section, so hopefully they can drop a line or two, and help us both out. <3

  3. This is from a guildmate who is banned for being a bad boy on the TOR forums.

    Since the "new" community peeps seem to be chatting about in the PvP forums, might as well ask them something worth our time.


    Specifically, will Season 1 for Rateds be released with the new expansion. If not, do they have a time table set?


    Pre-season started at the end of June, and 8 months later, there has been no word from them on Season 1.


    If anyone can post this up on the PvP forums, that would be greeeeeat.


    My job here is done Pistols. Hopefully you get your answer!


    I have done my Job.

  4. PvP


    World PvP


    The "Battle for Ilum" [AREA] PvP missions are no longer active in the Western Ice Shelf.

    The Western Ice Shelf is now divided into a Small Group Free-For-All PvP region in the south and a standard open world area in the north. Missions in these areas will activate during the "Relics of the Gree" Event.

    "Small Group Free-For-All" is a new ruleset for world PvP regions where groups of up to four players compete against all other groups in the area. Operations groups are disallowed in these regions.



    LOL pathetic. So much for a decent update.

  5. lol @ defending op Smashers.


    A Balance pass is sorely needed. Perhaps remove the auto crit in the spec so guys cannot just min max power/surge. That would help tone it down as you would need to stack some crit.


    Another option could be limiting it to 3 players in a 5 meter range kind of like force in balance in the balance sage tree.


    Or you could make it a single player attack.


    Just saying.

  6. I think what he was saying that while, yes on the PVP servers you *could* PVP on Illum but you can also PVP on Hoth. Illum was designed to be a PVP planet and now it just has a few dailies on it.


    Also, while I like the 2 new warzones, that makes 2 since launch. I'm hoping the rate in which warzones go live is shorter than 1 every six months.



    They removed the Ilum lagfest. A few warzones and a lame attempt at a ranked wz system w/ obvious class imbalance problems does not equate to more pvp content. I will not even get into the hampster wheel gear grind.


    It may come as a shock but alot of ppl are looking for an open world pvp experience and not to be pigeon holed into an 8 v 8.

  7. Protip: This game is owned/produced by a giant corporation that can give 2 shlts about the playerbase.


    The gear grind is just a sad excuse for content and a way to keep people working towards something and paying the sub/buying coins.


    EA thanks you for your purchase.

  8. The stun mechanics in this game are not what I consider a "fun" mechanic. Losing control of your toon does not make for a fun game in any way shape or form.


    My crew can with a little coordination can keep a player completely stun locked while we kill him/her off.


    Sadly this is the nature of these type games and either we adapt to these bad mechanics or quit.


    I have no issues with slows/roots its straight stuns/knockdowns that have no place in a good team game in my opinion.

  9. There are like 5 people left who give a shlt about pvp and we rolled imp lol.


    The game is geared for pve/roleplay not pvp.


    Stunwars does not make a good pvp game and we have been playing the same 4 warzones for the better part of a year. Top that with the game not being able to handle world pvp for shlt makes for a bad pvp experience for all but the most stubborn fanbois.

  10. Speak for yourself I want more stuns. Nothing is more fun than watching my toon convulse over and over and over and over then force pushed 20 meters and then jumped to.


    There is not a better mechanic in the game. It is the most fun when you cannot control your toon.


    I say we should all be stunned all the time. That would be worth the $15.

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