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Posts posted by Sherock

  1. So beyond the cool things that come from being in a guild, I see a real way to make some credits for everyone involved in a guild of primarily bounty hunters. I'm talking about giving the Mandolorians a big middle finger and implementing some well-polished organization of high ranking hunters who can make credits off missions and of other players.


    So you can't just go kill some player for a bounty, not like in Star Wars Galaxies. But how many of us went through some missions that kicked our asses and we just wished we had help but couldn't seem to get any? Meet the New Galactic Bounty Hunters Guild. A order of skilled hunters bossing through your missions with you for pay.


    The rewards a guild could bring from just going out and doing all kinds of stuff like that, coupled with what would seem like constant XP and credits coming in from everywhere. It could be killer. Who's in?



  2. It would honestly depend on how people earned their bounty, and what the rules for hunting were. And I can tell you already, from my SWG days, people are gonna cry...


    Bounties are gonna cry when a BH pops them 20 seconds before either entering some group content with their guild or 20 seconds before they would have finished a quest, or when they go AFK to go pee.


    BH's are gonna cry because "my bounty always hides on his ship/a planet I can't go to"


    This game has the added bonus of throwing you into an instance when you enter a conversation, so would that mean you are unattackable or if someone attacked you it would throw you out of the conversation?


    How would you handle a dude with a bounty on his head that hangs out on Tython 80% of the time, or his fleet space station, or in his ship? 60% or more of this game is in instanced zones, so when the target enters, they own it and only their group can access it... how much BH crying would that prompt?


    After 6 years of player BHing on SWG, I can tell you nobody EVER got tired of crying about bounties going into space, or hiding in houses, or going in instances or to planets where they couldn't be tracked (which was because 60% of that planet was instanced). I really don't feel like seeing every other post be like that here, too.


    It is absolutely not practical in this game; the game design would make it laborious and super frustrating. And tbh, there are more than enough opportunities to PVP in TOR, and surely more to come, I think we can all live without it.


    Well in any mmo with pvp you play there is gonna be an unfair sport who cries about every and anything bad that happends to them. I think though that its very possible, it would take some major updates and the system would have many changes to make it better but I can think of things that would make it fair to both the hunter and the bounty.

  3. Can't wait to get started fellas. Gotta hunt that bounty, but the bounty is in the hunt I always say. Tricks of the trade? Trade secrets? Disintegration devices... d-guns, d-bombs, d-missiles! I'm the disintegration machine. Want a guy disintegrated, get my integrated. That's Dingo's motto.


    I really like your enthusiasm! And I like where you're going with this, hunters trading they're secrets! The true community of hunters helping eachother out! My first secret is once you get your bounty's name.... Friend that player! As long as that players on if you look on your friends list it will tell what planet the pray is on, it gives you somewhat of a lead to go on and start tracking your target!

  4. Sounds like a great idea, it was awesome fun in galaxies when I ran down jedi & blew them up with bomb droids...




    what about pvp missions for all the other classes? if you give bh a perk that no other class can use you'll have 7 other very pissed off classes.


    I totally remember doing the same thing! XD Good point other classes would need some type of pvp missions as well. (Thanks for reminding me about this insanely important subject) I think certain hunting missions for siths could be incorperated, but of course other missions for other classes could be very possible as well! Such as (and this is just an example) a smuggler mission! Picture this, an underworld order (possibly even from the empire) for wepons and armor for they're men.... Even maybe personal orders from players in which this smuggler would need to get goods to the player and, we can't forget in almost all these proccesses credits would be giving as payment for the smugglers services!

  5. So I've been taking down scums left and right for the prices on they're heads, but I've been thinking.... What about the players who've done wrong by the Empire? (or Republic, I don't discriminate) So I've decided to go public with my hunting! Give me a name, and I'll give you my price!
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