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Posts posted by janne_josefsson

  1. 1. Treason! Defecting from one faction to another. Might be a problem with the companions that likes the origin faction but then again...there is always gifts.


    2. accountwide legacy.


    3. ingame alcohol.


    4. legacy items that can be used through the interface rather than taking up bank/inventoryspace. This would make it a bit more worthwile to gather all the pieces.


    5. XP boost for questing as character perk since WZ, FP and space mission boosts will be available in 1.3 and i want this for the simple reason that i have to wait roughly 40 minutes for almost each wz match and cant find groups for FP's.


    6. Character RE-customization with gender AND species included so that i will not have to reroll every time i realize that i should never ever create characters under the influence of alcohol (my bountyhunter looks like a dirty hobo with a trucker mustache)


    Other than that i am thrilled about what BW has it's sleeve since they have not dissapointed me so far

    (except for the fact that character perks will not be legacy wide but has to be bought for each character which in my opinion calls for a "moment of clarity" among the devs since it is a crappy idea).

  2. Entitlement, the thing that blinds more people than the Sun. :rolleyes:


    Some people just want easy mode, thankfully theres people like yourself


    Mind if i recycle that quote regarding Entitlement? Because it was made of purpleness:)

  3. So this new "March Them Down play 6 matches" is a great way for completely fail people to get gear...SO all of us people who put in effort to get gear etc etc can now be surrounded by geared unskilled people.


    I can see the logic in it but i don't agree with it, Spoon Fed players in SWTOR.


    I fought hard for my pvp gear and title before the boost to valor gain and i have only one thing to say about your post...


    Im ok with it, i was ok with it every pre-expan in the game that shall not be named and i am ok with it now.

    You see, 4shotting newly dinged people with my BH tank could not last forever, nor did i wish for it to last forever because it becomes dull after a while.


    I will work hard during the upcoming rated WZ and will soon be able to 4 to 8shot newly dinged people with the new set of gear so i fail to see what the problem is.

  4. Exactly. Grinding credits to avoid sidequests on all my alts: Worth it. Grinding credits for each individual alt: Not worth it.


    I guess this kinda sums it up for me.


    Been loving this game since launch but this...is just plain stupid.


    I am currently leveling my 4th char (1/2 level left until i have 4 lvl50's) and was hoping to unlock all of the XP boost stuff in the future for the rest of the 3 classes characters. I am a bit broke since 1.2 legacy stuff launched and now THIS???


    Personally i think that there has been too much SWTOR hate going on in these forums but in this case, i hope that this thread will fan the flames of hate enough to make the devs reconsider/sober up and reconsider this pile of garbage before it goes live.

  5. Legacy Level 24 here and between all the alts and 3 50's I think I've had at most maybe 1 Mil across the account maybe once. Yeah just not into grinding day after day for a vendor on my ship.




    Close to legacy lvl29 and i really do not see why future legacy xp boosts should require high legacy lvl AND creditfarm.


    I can understand that shipvendor/GTN/rocketboost are all a bit pricy since it's pure luxury but if the future legacy xp boosts will cost 1 mil each (or more)...there is a chance that i might end up dissapointed in this game, which would be the first time.

  6. http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?p=3401855#post3401855




    The last paragraph is so funny.




    I realize he's not a native English speaker, but I don't care what language you speak it's clear he's saying 2 different things in the same breath. The man should be a lawyer. Maybe he can help us understand what the definition of "is" is...


    This is what it looks like when someone has a point.


    I love the game but legacy is just too expensive at the moment.

    Pre legacy i had roughly 8.5 mil, all of my guildies had something between 50k-500k.


    I love having some of the cool legacy stuff but i would not mind a serious nerf to credit cost next patch so that my casual guildies who have the required legacy levels may enjoy them aswell.


    With that said, in before "but i paid moar so everyoane should pay teh saim!"

  7. I'm curious if this is sarcasm or not? I've played MMOs a long time, and perhaps my memory is failing me after all this time, but I don't remember a patch in any MMO that changed as much as 1.2. Let me list the features that I personally noticed were added in 1.2.


    1.2 added:

    - A New warzone

    - Some PVP stat tracking including total number of wins

    - Same-faction vs same-faction version of voidstar

    - Stat re-balancing including expertise diminishing returns re-balancing

    - A new world boss that's challenging to raid guilds.

    - A new 4-boss raid with 2 difficulty settings that's very finely tuned to be a challenge to raid guilds.

    - New loot for nightmare mode Karagga's Palace

    - The customizable built-in user interface which is my favorite of any MMO

    - A new exciting live-event complete with new voice-over, cut scenes, social gear, vanity pets, level 50 "infected" versions of old world-bosses, dailys and great world-building design

    - At least 3 new armor sets for every class

    - Two of the new armor sets per class have swappable set-piece bonuses (a new tech I haven't seen in an MMO)

    - The ability to remove all armoring mods from all end-game sets

    - An expansion of the Orange augmented moddable quality gear sets, along with giving crafters a place in end-game itemization

    - New dailys on corellia including heroic dailys

    - Tons of bug and exploit fixes.

    - Class balance fixes. Nerfs to all the most powerful builds and buffs to the weakest ones. Healing re-balanced.

    - A new quest for a vanity pet bird and everyone got a pet in the mail.

    - Training dummies Combat Logging that is self-only to help you compare your builds.

    - Mailing to alts, even accross faction

    - New vehicle rewards for "achivement style" quests.

    - New credit-sinks in the form of Legacy unlocks - amenities on your ship, race unlocks, ect...

    - Guild banks

    - New rewards for fleet comms like new tier-8 crafting materials

    - Engine optimization. Remember when opening your inventory/char sheet lagged you for a full second? Not anymore!

    - Sprint at level 1 to make alt leveling faster

    EDIT cuz' I forgot: - A new flashpoint with two difficulty settings


    Those are the things I can personally remember. If anyone, anywhere, is aware of any patch for any MMO that added more than that, please go ahead and post here. I know of paid-expansions that have added more, but I have never seen a quarterly patch add so much.




    They delivered content for pve, rp and pvp...but as you can see, they did not add content for the kind of players that are never satisfied with anything no matter what:)

  8. Yeah i think this was answered like "yeah, but dont know when" in one of the q&a's in the past.


    I'm looking forward to this since me and my friends have to have skype going every time we log in so that we can time our playing on either rep/emp side:)

  9. Recount: naah, id rather go for a scale based system that judges you by dps/hps/dmg taken, ratings. Lets say that there could be 5 levels ranging between "very low, low, medium, high, Very high, deathmetal panda"


    I really want to see what is lacking in a group and try to fix it by telling people to read up on how to perform their duties without the usual "i have now pulled off X dps and now have a massive erection" competitions.


    Cross server WZ/FP's and serverwide LFG/LFF: ahhh hell yeah, cant tell you how much i want to run flashpoints for both xp and the experience (heh) it self.


    I am close to my 4th lvl 50 char and have only seen 4 of the collection of nifty flashpoints in the game while leveling due to the long cooldown on fleetpass, and standing around in the fleet all day long trying to get a flashpoint group (further on, even that is not a guarantee because people are most likely out somewhere getting xp by questing, which i usually count as a good idea after an hour or so) is not what i count as "taking part of the community".


    Good ideas that should have been implemented as early as EQ1 is just good ideas and should not count as "wowcloning".

  10. I'm sticking with OP on this one, working my 4th char to 50 because i love the game and i'm one of those "achievement" a-holes who wants to unlock and explore everything in the game.


    Does not matter much if i am riding a 90% or 100% speeder while leveling, i will get knocked down.

    All of you "smart" people saying stuff like "well if you don't like getting knocked off, just avoid the mobs" can stop right there because there are often a pack or two locking you down and there is NO way around them:)


    Sometimes a person might just want to get past a certain area and get down to business without fighting the whole damn world.

  11. Yes.


    I believe that not matter if it will be serverwide or cross server, it is a good thing.



    There are people who misbehave in groups serverwide as we speak, they will continue to do so post-LFG tool, but atleast we will get the chance to group and if we find certain players doing a bad job or trolling we can always votekick. It will NOT ruin the community, the lot that stands around the fleet (if this is what you call community then so be it) now will most likely continue do the same post-LFG tool.


  12. 1.2 Barely brought many people back to the game. Fact is Bioware is in desperation mode, free weekend passes? free 30 days. They are going to get a huge beating by Diablo 3 and GW2. This is their fault and no one else.


    Since January this game has been on a decline.


    I do not doubt that there are problems to be adressed in this game.

    With your logic, Blizz has been in desperation mode since 7 years back with their free trials, which really is not the case.


    Free month for loyal customers might (as in MIGHT) be considered to be a sign of weakness by some.


    Me? I am just happy to get my 30 days for free in a game that might take some interesting turns regarding it's development, which is a reward that a certain snowstorm game never even got close to during my 6 years as a faithful subscriber.

  13. Kellog has a point there.


    I love the game and will continue to play.

    But that does not mean that i think that the legacy lvl14 weapon was a good idea, it is not even moddable.


    Until something happens with these, they will just collect dust past lvl16-18.

    But then again, i have good faith in bioware, there is a good chance they will do something more useful with these in the future:)

  14. That's not something that should be strived for, though. It make's Bioware's job more difficult.



    I don't se how it would make BW's job more difficult at all.


    There allready are isssues with population distribution between servers and lack of mobility which server transfers most likely will fix in the future.

    Giving people the chance to start over on a different server with the benefits of the legacy would most likely not cause problems that allready exists (in other words, people rerolling on overcrowded servers).


    And regarding choice of species in storylines, isn't the story just the same for all species for all classes? I read somewhere that the choice of species is strictly cosmetical and retains the same story replies from NPC's with the exception of the chose sex of the character. But i might be wrong, wouldnt be the first time, and not the last:)


    Sorry for the late reply, i any case, have a nice weekend:)

  15. how i wish that this thread survives.


    To be honest, the only things that bothers me regarding swtor are the low pop servers, and the "im taking the whole galaxy down with me with my whining" posts.


    want to quit? just quit.

    want to play wow? play wow.

    want to play upcoming mmo's? just do it.


    But stop trying to "juggle" non-existing "facts" about "everyone" leaving the game just because you are dissatisfied.

  16. I would just have them make legacy effect every server.


    That too, i really dont want to spend millions of credits, level legacy, pvp, group for legacy unlocks on every server:)


    Besides, that might encourage people to move around from server to server since leveling gets a bit easier with legacy.

  17. Well, judging from the "world is falling because im bored" posts in the general discussion forum, nothing is ever completely flameproof:)


    But i do think it is a better idea since leveling say, a second smugglers on the same server aint exactly fun. I fully believe that it is also a better solution than adding more character slots serverwise since BW are still trying to figure out how to juggle serverpopulations, which is a matter of hardware, and adding more slots bridges to juggling hardware aswell:)

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