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Posts posted by janne_josefsson

  1. My plan is simple:


    1. Play the game

    2. Have fun playing the game

    3. Stop playing the game if and when it's no longer fun


    Easy peasy.


    This is Star Wars!

    You can't just let it go:D


    But on topic.

    1. more smart questlines

    2. A real threat that could crush both the republic and the empire, every game needs a major villain. A few hutts messing with a planet just cant compete with supervillains like Malak, Revan, The Emperor.

    3. remodeling your ship, as in, the ship you use to travel to planets. Some furnishing, expanded ship parts in form of rooms where you could for example, decorate with trophies, maybe a physical A-Z book containing all the lore achievement stuff you have discovered through the game etc.

    4. new companions, and some should be included in the game for free.SW is full of cool species to toy with.

    5.more flashpoints. Nuff said.

    6.A better way to organize your cartel collection, it´s an easy fix, really, example, give us the means to move whole sections up on the list. For example, i want armor, weapons and crystals to be on top of the list. click and drag.

    7.more intruiging nemesises (is that a word?^^) through questlines, like Thana Vesh, she was brilliant.

    8. Go back to the roots a bit, what happened to Revan? Is he plotting something?

    9.please readjust the dailes system a bit, it feels a bit ...empty to finish off a questline just to stumble on another daily grind where quests are delivered by boxes with textmessages.

    10. An event that lets both sides invade a part of both fleets.


    thats my two cents, i love the game, but my problem is that i feel that it might drift away from its core with all the original writers gone. flame on and happy new year<3

  2. Welcome to the game mateyoure gonna have lots of fun, visit vonderful planets, be involved in both all out war storylines and conspiracy empire stuff, it is amazing, until you finish makeb. thats when the game turns into crap.

    I envy you my friend, you are going to have a good time!;D

  3. I agree fully with OP, this is Frickin Star Wars, people have read related comics, read related books (theres even novels about the olf republic), watch the moviesl, played the other start wars games with story in it, they watch clone wars etc etc all over the world since the fricking first movie. so isn´t there a chance that some of us are here for goof questlines that makes me feel that i am actually doing something storybased and well done att that instead of resubbing for Makeb, do a so so story that ends in a "ah well, its going to hell but ill be able to do some stuff here" and if all ends in dailies and another faction grind, and the quests are mostly given by questmachines and thats it. Same with all other content, few quests, some messy but ok, but after that ...another daily rep grind .


    And for the record, the prices to unlock the stuff from market so that all chars can have access should get a makeover, today i bought a cool gun for roughly 400 cartel cash (about 4 euro maybe?) but then i have to pay 600 cartel coins to enable it for other chars...please take look at this.


    If star fighter thingie is the new "major content release" ill resub some other year to see if you have taken what was once a fantastic game and gone back to our roots. Dailys from a box as content can suck it,.

  4. Fully agree, and for the love of god, MORE LOFE, more questslines with storoes that gets you as much as the class missions.


    When i returned to swtor it was because ofj rise of the hutts, because i had hope. but no, very lame main ques that ends with a factiongrind...ffs

  5. Even if i sometimes find myself thinking "what the hell kinda jedi are you running around with a pinkblack saber?"

    i try my best to just let it pass, but in the end lots of color crystals add a bit of uniqueness along with the legacy unlocks.


    It´´s a double edged sword (heh, see what i did there?^^) but in the end i like that everyone doesn´t loof the same, like when the game launched, every player looked almost the same as the prefered gear most people used was the stuff they got from class quest rewards. Sorry for straying away a bit from the core of the topic but i feel that it is neccesary to include the rest ot the 300000 million gear unlocks because i believe that diversity gear wise enriches the gaming experience. At least that is what i feel mate.


    So i half agree with OP and half disagree.


    Merry christmas, hanuka or whatever you all celebrate at the moment :csw_alderaan:

  6. Satele Chan becomes self-aware


    Corso Riggs now believe himself to be a space ship.


    New mildly exiting quest named "There can only be one" added to smuggler class where Corso fights your ship with his bare hands.


    Smugglers no longer have space-ships.

  7. I have 1 toon with all but the space mission perks and i kinda agree that 30% is a bit poor of a boost.

    Perhaps 30%-100% boost at higher legacy levels and the 2-30% at lvl5?

    The release of these perks gave me hope of re-leveling 2 classes just for the fun of having a Chiss jedi and SP smuggler, but after reaching level 20 i now realize that the "30% off" on the grind is not worth it, and i barely feel the difference when leveling 40-50 with my consular, i am stuck at 43 and have way less credits than before 1.3 :)


    Ill just level the last class to 50 for the awesome class story and then take a long breather until the next batch of awesome content arrives.

  8. Lvl 35 Jedi Consular, got class quest on Quesh, couldn't land at lvl 34 because i am unable to do the vaccine quesh-preq, so i grinded a level and here i stand, drunk, angry, handsome, but unable to land.


    Is this a known bug?

    Is there something i should do before landing on Quesh as consular besides getting the vaccine?

    Do i have my pants on?


    I'd love some kind of clarity regarding this matter.


    Kind regards,


    Han Solo Baltzer (yeah that's my real name, and yes sometimes i am unable to enter pubs because some bouncers seem to think that my ID is fake because of the cool name^^)

  9. Too expensive, i will be able to afford these perks for a few characters but then i'm broke. My friends in both guilds on the other hand will not be able to afford much at all (same with 1.2 legacy unlocks, i have quite a few while they have none).


    Crafting perks prices are all ok since these are moneymaking perks so in the end they will be well worth it, no complaints there.


    Companion affection bonus perks needs atleast one of the devs to pick up a calculator and compare the price and affection bonuses with real ingame situations regarding gaining affection with companions. Ah hell, to be honest, with the devs having pretty exact statistics on the whole gamer populations personal economic status (you know, the "majority of players have less than one mil" thingie. You remember that one right?) keep that calculator going and keep on comparing the prices to obvious "what if'" models with reasonable assumptions of how much of these perks will be bought and by whom.


    You have all the data you need to do all of this and to be honest you can do all of this with less than basic skills of

    statistics, a 20$ statistics program (or even some crappy freeware), data history of how and where and by whom credits "move" and some common sense.


    As it is now with our ghost town servers the only way to make credits is by doing the dailies, and i fail to see where the fun is if i have to do dailies over and over and over and over again so that i can have a bit of fun LATER.

    Sure there will be transfers VERY soon and i am very happy with this but i can't help to wonder if the transfers won't bring life to GTN at all, for now i will perish the thought of unlocking future content by doing ...more dailies.


    Anyways, fantastic game, no thoughts of unsubbing so far, BW got style, love new content, hate legacy perk prices for the sake of the rest of my casual guild and all others who will have to run dailies over and over so that they can play on other characters.

  10. I kinda agree with OP.

    Me, i have unlocked most of the stuff that can be bought with credits which brought me quite a few nifty additions to my gameplay (rocket boost is actually a way to instantly fill up my companions HP bar when out of combat in areas where you can't mount up which is more than great).

    But i would not mind if BW decided to lower the prices in the future and have no problem with the fact that others gets it cheaper because i have allready enjoyed the unlocks some time before the ones that can't afford them in its current state:)

  11. Just out of curiosity, how did you get a +390 bonus? 100 from human unlock 290 from........?


    By maxing affection with companions and doing their quests.

    I have completed this expensive task on almost 6 classes ^^

  12. Your companion will always be inferior to you.


    Unless you equip him with a grade 50 weapon and you only got a 45 or some such.


    so the advanced stats like power, defense , etc , don't really matter. He only takes on mobs and can't even enter a war zone.


    give your companions good equipment and they will do awesome , presence is just a little extra on top of that. But they'll never match a player.


    Read what i wrote above.

    If i were to fight my own companion at level 10-20 i am pretty sure that i would lose since Qyzen deal roughly twice as much as my best special attacks at lvl10 AND has roughly 3.7k HP while i land on 1.4k.


    Sure, i would kick his tail on lvl50 but in the beginning of the leveling it is doubtful that even two of me would stand a chance in a fight with a certain lizard at 390+ presence:)

  13. If you don't have a level 50 human, consider buying the legacy human "unlock". +100 presence for all characters on your legacy is massive and it's the cheapest one at 500k i believe




    It is a perfect leveling tip since the leveling process will speed up like hell with this.

  14. 5 characters at 50 and working on smuggler/SWarrior at the moment and find it Very entertaining story wise.

    But yeah, like many others i do each quest on each planet on both sides at least once, after that it's spacebar time and since my lousy server does not leave much room for WZ/FP leveling i tend to spacebar alot: while keeping my hopes up for 1.3: )

  15. Can't say anything about how effective 20+ presence is but i DO have experience dealing with comp's getting buffed up to 390+ presence and i can tell you that it makes a pretty damn big difference:)


    But do keep in mind that Corso is a VERY effective companion in comparison to the other ones as he has ALOT instant attacks and is ranged. But yeah, presence makes a big difference:)




    With 390+ presence my lvl10 companions have roughly 90+ to dmg (Qyzens normal hits deal twice as much as my special attacks), 50+ to healing and has a whooping 2300+ bonus to HP.


    So at lower levels, it's like running around with a small god.

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