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Posts posted by MoJozor

  1. Well you said you have the Eliminator set bonus right? The Combat tech set bonus for pve gives HIB an extra 8% damage

    So you had that crit rate on HIB without the eliminator setbonus ? even more impressive.


    Anyway we finally started clearing some bosses in NiM so i got my hands on some loot

    since last parse : KD implant, Shadowed Earpiece, KD bracer, 1 lvl 75 armoring


    Did a new parse tonight.

    So update on Thoric - Vanguard - Hybrid - 2/22/22 - 3184

  2. Update Mruniverse, vanguard: 3134.29 dps




    Comparing your log to mine and considering that you stacked more crit, everything seems normal (even though the crit is off the roof, blame that on lucky parse) ... what doesn't really fit is the fact that your High Impact Bolt max and min hit are higher than mine, even though every other ability is much lower than mine.

    Were using a different spec maybe ? because if you used the 2/22/22 is impossible that your max HIB hit is higher than mine.

    My max hit was made during power relic, adrenal and power surge being active.

    Impossible to hit higher ... unless there is a armor reduction on the target, but you didn't had armor reduction since everything else is lower, as they should.

  3. My questions for you:

    Why crit? I see you said you were running 250 crit. Is this because you haven't gotten rid of it, you haven't tried it without crit, or because crit to 250 IS actually worth a damn?


    Well i like to think it is, is a personal choice , going with 250 crit. 0 crit builds don't appeal to me, especially in this case it makes more sense since, you have 30% extra dmg on HiB, IP and the 2 burning effects ... more crit more chance to do the 30% extra dmg than usual, rather than just stacking only power.

    But that is MY choice, maybe others will have the same results or even better with full power build.


    Second, the biggest thing I can see that is going to kill me more than anything is Flame Thrower (Pulse Cannon) on boss fights. With heavy movement in all most all cases, how do you best plan for this? Is it best to shoot off a partial burn, or to skip it in your rotation until such time as you can stand still long enough to get it off all the way? This was my biggest issue running AP (Tactics) before, was trying to get into position to do the Flame Thrower (Pulse Cannon)


    You just have to know the fight and when to expect movement, delaying,if necessary, Pulse cannon by 1 HiB refresh rotation.

    On heavy movement fights, or on those damn cores from operator IX, you may have better results with full Assault spec (no pulse cannon in rotation).


    Finally, I see in your parse how you do your opener (which is always one of the tough things to get just right) but assuming you don't start a fight with everything off CD (for whatever reason, trash etc) what do you run in and start with? Do you still try to get RB (gut) - IM (IR) - FT (Pulse Cannon) off first? Or is there something else you might do if you don't have Thermal Sensor Override (Don't remember what that one is called off hand) up to use on IM (IR) in the first go around? Just skip it right?


    At the begining of a boss fight everyone should have all their cooldowns ready, so yes, that is how i start every fight, maybe a sticky grenade from afar before getting in range of IM.

    Wasting cooldowns on the last pack of trash is a mistake, but if does happen. either delay the pull (if it is an important boss fight) or as you said, just skip IM.


    Oh, and i dont mind you "translating" the thread for the Powertechs.

  4. Relly nice guide!

    Its more or less exactly as i play my powertech. I have one question tho, what gear are you using? As in how mutch acc, surge, crit rating do you have? and what augments do you use? Saw that you had done 3000k+ on the dummy and i have only reached as far as 2700k+


    9.42 accuracy (388 rating), 71% surge (395 rating)

    250 crit rating, 1100 power(no stim), using BA and SA relics UW grade

    3001 main stat (no stim), using 4 Partisan Eliminator Armorings for the pvp setbonus.

    Epic Aim augments all around

  5. Well yes, you do have a chance to waste it, but then again using SS when you don't have a chance to refresh HiB is wrong too. I just pick the "wrong" that helps the rotation the most :)


    The reason why i do IP and then SS is because IP is a filler within those 2 spare abilities and then SS for a 60% chance to refresh HiB.

    Doing it the other way around will give me the same dps , but only with a 45% chance to refresh (even if i do get the SS proc with this last IP , SS will be on cooldown)

  6. I decided to make this thread since there are quite a few people asking me on forums and in-game about how the hybrid works.


    Please bear with me as this is my first Guide and maybe everything will not be as clear as i wanted to be, so any suggestions or mentioning things that you don't understand well enough will be more than welcome.


    Hybrid 2/22/22 : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801bZrsMrobRMZfG0rzRr.3

    Hybrid 8/22/16 : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMhZrsMrobRMZfG0rzo.3


    In order to understand the hybrid rotation we need to start from the most basic Assault Spec rotation.

    Since this has already been done in a very comprehensive thread, i urge anyone interested in learning hybrid to start by reading Suryi's thread An uncomfortably close look at Assault PvE DPS Rotation (and Specs)

    I know it is alot to read and it talks about the Assault pre 2.0 but i do recommend it.


    A small legend before starting:

    IA - Ionic Accelerator

    HiB - High Impact Bolt

    IP - Ion pulse

    SS - StockStrike

    HS - Hammer Shot

    GCD - Global Cooldown


    Having said that i will extract the things which i find the most important to understand this thread:


    1) Understanding the 4 GCD rule:

    IP/SS (Procs IA) --GCD1-- HiB (free) --GCD2-- ABILITY1 --GCD3-- ABILITY2 --GCD4-- IP/SS (Procs IA) ---

    As you can see you have 2 spare abilities between IA procs that you can use or a 3 sec channel one : pulse cannon


    2) Assault is RNG(luck) based and as such a rigid priority list is suboptimal

    What ability you will do next depends of a variety of things:

    - how much ammo you have

    - what dots are applied on the target

    - At what step from the 4GCD you find yourself in or out of it (Unlucky IA proc)


    3) What to do with those 2 spare Abilites that we have between IA procs


    And this is where we begin the talk about hybrid spec.

    The maximum damage you can with those 2 spare abilities is obviously Pulse cannon with 3 stacks.

    The next most damaging ability is Pulse cannon with 2 stacks.

    The next most damaging ability is Pulse cannon with 1 stack.

    You see where i am going with this ? ... Pulse cannon is the best use of those 2 spare abilities.


    Before you use pulse cannon though you have to watch for 2 things:

    - You have at least 85% ammo (we don't want to get below 60% ammo)

    - The target is affected by Gut.


    If the target is not affected by gut, you will have to refresh it and then use pulse cannon.

    But that means you will delay the chance to proc IA by 1 GCD, is it worth it ? YES , especially if you have 3 pulse cannon stacks !

    Rather than delaying gut+pulse cannon by 4 more GCD's you are much better off delaying HiB refresh by 1 GCD.


    Never underestimate the importance of Gut. Initial damage + the full duration of Gut is in average the 2nd highest damaging ability after pulse cannon (HiB and IR comes right after). The reason why you have to make sure it is applied before doing pulse cannon or for that matter any sort of damaging ability is because of the 3% extra damage you do on a target affected by Gut.

    So ALWAYS make sure the target is affected by Gut.



    When do we use IR ?


    This is mainly for the 2/22/22 spec and it is the hardest question to answer to, since this is the reason why so many people have ammo management issues with it.

    Unlike Gut you don't have to keep it all times unless you can afford it.

    Lets talk about its damage, in average it does as much as HiB.

    IR + HammerShot does more or less as much damage as 2xIP(+4 ticks of plasma cell)

    IR + HS = 22 energy 2xIP = 36 energy


    So to start answering the question lets imagine a couple of situations we would find ourselves into starting from GCD2: IP/SS (Procs IA) --GCD1-- HiB (free) --GCD2-- :


    1st situation : target is affected by Gut, target is NOT affected by IR and pulse cannon is on cooldown.

    - bellow 75% ammo and we dont have the free SS proc : 2 x HS

    - 60% - 75% ammo but with a SS proc : HS + IP followed by the free SS

    - 75% - 90% ammo : HS + IR

    - more than 90% ammo w/o SS proc : IR + HS

    - more than 90% ammo with SS proc : IR + IP followed by SS


    2nd situation : target is NOT affected by Gut, target is NOT affected by IR and pulse cannon is on cooldown

    - bellow 68% - 2 x HS

    - 68 - 82 % - HS + Gut

    - more than 82% w/o SS proc : Gut + IP

    - more than 82% with SS proc : Gut + IR followed by SS


    3rd situation : Pulse cannon is NOT on cooldown, target is NOT affected by IR, target is NOT affected by GUT

    - bellow 68% - 2 x HS

    - 68 - 82 % - HS + Gut

    - 82% - 90% w/o SS proc : Pulse cannon

    - 82% - 90% with SS proc : Gut + Pulse cannon

    - over 90% : Gut + Pulse cannon

    Note that IR is not applied at all, because is on a lower priority compared to Gut and Pulse cannon


    So as you can see using IR is very, very situational, depending on how much ammo, If Gut is applied, if Pulse cannon is on cooldown, if we have the SS proc.

    If you find it too difficult to maintain IR too in your rotation switch to the 8/22/16 Hybrid that doesn't require the use of IR at all.



    I think this pretty much covers the BASIC hybrid rotation , yes i said basic because with practice you will learn little tricks that will come natural only after using the spec for quite a while.

    A couple of examples of such "tricks":

    - delaying using HiB right after refresh because using HiB will get you to 100% ammo, and that means wasted ammo, but being mindful at what step you are within the 4GCD

    - delaying the chance to refresh HiB because pulse cannon is about to go off cooldown :

    IP/SS (Procs IA) --GCD1-- HiB (free) --GCD2-- (pulse cannon will be off cooldown at the next GCD) HS - pulse cannon - IP/SS(procs IA)

    - clipping Gut within those 2 spare abilities because you know you will not have the chance at the next set of 4GCD(either raid movement or pulse cannon will be off cooldown then)

  7. Okay....

    I know the spec used by the 2 highest DPS vanguards on torparse is a 2/22/22 spec (or at least it is for the second place guy on the training dummy at the time of this post, one Thoric)


    Actually i should be first with a 3051 parse, but it hasnt been update yet.


    When you say burst you mean no hammer shot ? because it is impossible, we are not sages or slingers, we do need to do hammer shot once in a while.

    I did my first Hammer shot in the 50th second. And that was a parse with lucky procs.

    This spec is actually the most ammo friendly spec, as in the spec that requires the least amount of hammer shots, because you have 2 procs that give you free abilites, Stock strike and HiB.


    The only trick is keeping the ammo between 60-99% at all times, this way you have the maximum regeneration rate and you dont waste any surplus of ammo either.

    It is all in the practice, i dont think you have a lvl 55 vanguard for long, so with time you will get used to the rotation.

    Practice makes perfect.


    Incendiary round needs to be on the target as often as you can afford, but it is pretty low in the priority list.

    Not using it at all is a dps loss.

  8. The reason why i haven't been uploading great parses on torparse is because since 2.0 i have been experiencing extremely low fps, hindering my ability to do the maximum dps that i can.


    Also i usually uploaded on torparse pre 2.0 because the competition as dps in my guild wasn't that high, so i searched it somewhere else, but now we have some very good dps competing for top damage every fight .


    You see, i search for competiton everywhere, not to somehow prove to someone that i am the best or anything , but healthy competition increases the overall skill of me and everyone participating in the challenge.


    Now regarding using different specs for different fights, pre 2.0 there was only 1 spec viable for VG and that required you to do pulse cannon on cooldown, that is not very mobile, and is same case as with the 8/7/31 spec.

    Why use a spec that requires you to do pulse cannon on CD and not use the best spec that maximizes the dmg for pulse cannon and keeps HiB damage more than decent.


    So in my opinion, 2/22/22 has the same mobility as 8/7/31. If i really want mobility i just go Full Assault and stay at 10 m at all time and not be constricted to do pulse cannon ever. AP's dmg has been seriously buffed for pve.

  9. There is a single boss fight in the whole game up until now in which i prefer Full Assault over Hybryd , and that is Dread Guards on TFB.

    All the other are more than viable for hybryd spec.


    And i did say my stats : 9.42 accuracy (388 rating), 71% surge (395 rating)

    250 crit rating, rest power, using BA and SA relics.

    3001 main stat (no stim), using 4 Partisan Eliminator Armorings for the pvp setbonus.

  10. Updating Mruniverse- Vanguard- Hybrid 2/22/22- 3002.15 dps


    Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/319062


    Nice to see some competition as a vanguard.

    Makes me do better.


    As a result i made some modifications in my gear , dropped below 10%(9.42) accuracy to got the 71% surge and it worked better. Also the 75 OH armoring helped.

    Have 250 crit rating.


    Update on my parse: Thoric - Vanguard 2/22/22 - 3051.9

  11. No, i started with 3 stacks of Pulse cannon

    I now just read one of the rules that states this :


    10. Prestacking buffs using in-combat related moves is not allowed.


    But i stacked it using the "fart"(explosive surge), a thing that i do before every boss fight aswell.

    This is a 1 month old parse and it wasn't adapted to this thread rules.

  12. They are quite normal , remember you have the Battle focus ability with 25% extra crit chance + 6% extra elemental chance from tree + 15% extra crit chance on Hib from gear.


    Ofc course that since i posted that parse i also got a bit lucky with the crits, but i always average above 2900 dps

  13. Cant seem to make AMR profile work...


    If i don't get 8 ammo after a proced HIB is because 1 of these 2 reasons:

    - either the target wasn't affected by any of my burn effects (Plasma cell or IR)

    - or i was full ammo (or almost full) when i activated the proced HIB thus gaining nothing (or only a portion) in terms of ammo


    Both of these were from my own mystakes.

    I should try to maximize my ammo usage by never being below 60 ammo and never having 100 ammo, that is the perfect ammo management.


    And this spec is really ammo friendly because of the sometimes free Stockstrike, it is really a life saver when you find yourself below 60 ammo and you have a free stockstrike available.


    In terms of stats :

    10% acuracy (actually i have just a bit above, but is wasted points), the rest in surge ... should get you around 69-70% surge

    As crit rating, i went for 250 rating, the rest in power . All of the mods are high power/crit NOT high END/AIM


    I use Boundless of ages click power relic and the SA one, power proc one.


    And maybe the most important thing about this spec : Get the pvp Eliminator armorings . You lose around 60 - 80 Aim, forgot the exact number, but the 15% extra crit chance on HIB is more than worth it.


    The spec is almost as the one you posted except for the some small modifications in the Assault tree:

    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801bZrsMrobRMZfG0rzRr.3 (Almost to none, the boss fights in which you get stunned/knockeddown/rooted)

    Remember this is a PVE spec and in no way suitable for PVP.


    Priority in rotation is :

    ----> HiB refresh (Ion pulse/Stockstrike)

    ---> Pulse Cannon (even with just 1 stack is more than worth doing it during the internal cool-down of Ionic Accelerator proc)

    ----> Gut (try to keep this at all times on the target, it deals alot of total dmg just for 16 ammo + more damage dealt to a bleeding target)

    ----> Incendiary round (only when the higher priority abilities are on cool-down and gut is already applied)


    Hope this will get you on the path to Good/Great/Awesome dps on the Vanguard.

  14. This is an old parse that i done when i got my MH 72, is using the 8/22/16 spec

    http://www.torparse.com/a/193728/time/1366928034/1366928416/0/Overview 2889


    But after they fixed the IP crit dmg i imidiatley switched to the spec i wanted to play since forever : 2/22/22

    http://www.torparse.com/a/260829/time/1370004453/1370004753/0/Overview 2965


    The difference is very small but there is a difference.


    The pve vanguard DPS is very much viable for raids, having an advantage over sentinels with the 10m attacks and the insane aoe dmg, unfortunately a gunslinger will always do more in almost every boss.



    Have to leave now, but i will be back in a few hours and hopefully i will post a Ask Mr Robot profile with the gear and spec.

  15. If you have 100% Weapon accuracy means you won't miss any force attacks cause you will have 110% force accuracy. The dummies/operation bosses have a 10% defense chance. So you can miss with Merciless slash, Masterstrike, strike etc. Only your force attacks (Overload saber burn, cauterize burn) won't ever miss with a 110% accuracy.


    I really don't want to sound insulting here :


    If you hover over the melee accuracy you will see the Basic Accuracy , Secondary Weapon and then ... lower ... SPECIAL attacks and secondary weapon .


    Merciless slash, Master Strike , slash count as SPECIAL attacks, hence you have 110% accuracy, negating the 10% boss defense chance

    What you are missing with are the SECONDARY weapon attacks, because the OH attacks have 33%(and not 20% as i said in my previous post) lower accuracy than the MH attacks


    Remove your OH saber and do 1000 slashes, IF you have 10% accuracy i guarantee you will never miss.

  16. Since you have 10% accuracy you don't need to worry about missing with anything important.

    Only thing that you might miss with is he OH attacks, which if am not mistaken they have 20% less accuracy than the main hand attacks, so those values are quite normal.

    The dodge/parry can happen not only for OH attacks but for main hand Saber Strike aswell. So there are alot of hits that can be dodged/parried.


    You were probably just unlucky, but if you say it was a 12 min parse that means that those valuse are ok, is just T-man's that were lucky.

    I'm sure that if you search for the best 5 min from that parse you will find values more close to T-man's.


    If you go below 10% accuracy you risk missing some dots or even worse, Merciless slash. But lower accuracy means more surge for those dot crits, so they might compensate any main hits you might be missing.

    I never recommend accuracy below 10%, but this has already been talked alot in this thread. I will just say that for parsing (certainly not raiding) you can probably go as low as 8,5 % accuracy, and parse until you get a clean, no dot miss parse.


    Don't know how much is means for you, since is coming from me, but this is my say in the accuracy talk.

  17. Do they even know its not working? If the talent tree isn't working properly, that's a fairly big problem, thought it would've been fixed in the recent patch.


    I posted an in-game bug report, and also started a new thread on the vanguard section of the forum and has been confirmed by everyone who posted there, so i am just waiting for a dev to actually see it.

    Oh, and the bug apparently is only for ion pulse , not flame burst too.



    Also, how are you like 300 DPS above the next closest PowerTech?


    As riku above stated ... gear . I am still not BiS 72 gear, but also not far from it.

    I will update the AMR profile when i have some time.




    EDIT : AMR profile updated : http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/dac4e4d7-1876-4b24-86ea-2bdf841f97b5

    The gear is the one i have, but the percentages stats and base stats from the AMR website aren't updated to a lvl 55 character

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