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Everything posted by Bmilwip

  1. Updated: World First TFB NIM Linear clear. Recruiting One operative healer and exceptional dps for pve.
  2. Kolto jet heal is not useful in pvp, it is wasted talent points in my opinion, there are more viable talents to be taken over Kolto jets.
  3. I run aound 28% crit chance (115 crit rating approx). This is more down to personal preferance than anything else however, i have tested using 25% crit chance and 30% crit chance and around 28% chance was what i found the best.
  4. Been playing a Merc healer for well over a year and i still get confused at times when disusing merc healing
  5. If this talent isn't removed from the game then yes i would suggest that. From my personal pts pvp experience i find little use for the talent and only take it as it is a pre-requisite for bodyguard. May it should be that if you rapid shot your target that has Kolto Shell (i find myself not keeping shell on myself all the time) it would trigger the Kolto shell effect on that target with a three second cool down on the talent. Or better yet, let me rapid shot myself.
  6. I think the listed changes by Sir Val are just what the class and this game in general needs to make pvp more fair for other classes, it is clear that the commando/ merc class is far superior to the other classes and these changes are in dire need should balance ever be restored to pvp.
  7. Recruiting one Skilled operative healer and skilled DPS for pve.
  8. Drop it like its Hoth If you have a good understanding of your class and always drive to be the best you can be while being relaxed and fun, feel free to apply! Recruitment is currently open for: A Mercenary or Operative healer A Juggernaut or Power tech tank Homepage: http://dilih.eu/ To apply, please visit: http://dilih.eu/recruitment Current Raid Progression: S&V NIM = 7/7 World First. TFB NIM = 5/5 World First. Scum and Villany SM and HM 7/7. EC NIM = 4/4. TFB HM level 55 = 5/5. About the Guild: Drop it like its Hoth is a PVE and PVP orientated guild that strives to clear all content and PVPs at a causal yet ambitious level. We are a English speaking guild based in Europe. We are a long lasting guild from Frostclaw EU that as also resided on Nightmare Lands and now currently The Red Eclipse. We raid Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday but have additional raids throughout the week. We use DKP to distribute loot from scheduled raids. About Our Players: Our members have good knowledge of their class and are able to help better each others performance. Our members are laid-back, mature players who are dedicated to PVE and/or PVP and appreciate all aspects of the game. We interact in a friendly manner to players within and and outside the guild. What we expect From you: To be friendly and polite to players in and out of the guild. All members to be equipped with stims. All members who are raiding to have Mox Parser installed and working, prior to the raid. This is used to give us an indication of your performance. All members raiding to perform to their best of their ability during raids. What you can expect from us: To maintain a friendly active atmosphere. To provide assistance and help should it be needed. To provide many raids for both mains and alts throughout the week. Should you require more information please send a in game whisper or mail to: Nib, Lacedaemon or Barmy. Thanks for considering Drop it Like its Hoth May The force be with you.
  9. I am a active Mercenary healer and i love the class although it could do with minor tweaking, but i have one large issue with the class and that is the sound of Rapid Shots when using it to heal an ally. The current sound is a high pitched "tinkling" sound which is rather unpleasant to here. A good idea maybe to have the sound made by Rapid shots correspond to the sound that your pistol makes instead of this default sound.
  10. What are your reasons behind some of the recent changes to classes ? In Particular the Mercenary and Commando healer with the new talent that affects trauma probe and Kolto Shell, Peacemaker ? This seems like a poor mans "shoot yourself in the face" and why it is designed makes it seem like we will have to spend more heat often which puts further strain on resource management ( which is quite bad in comparison to that of the operative).
  11. There seems to be a lack of communication between Bioware and the Community. What are your plans to restore hope and reassure your community that you have no given up and are not "milking the cow".
  12. yea, they need to do something and soonish or atleast restore our faith. I also enjoy this game , played the hell out of it but i am now at a brick wall with what to do and having done every quest on imperial and republic, every class story. I have done all of bioware's content. One could assume, that patch 1.4 would come out around the release of GW2 and MOP but wasn't EC nightmare mode suppose to come out before 1.4? Unless they bring it out in 1.4 with the new operation it would be bizzare as they said nightmare would be "a nightmare" and would have higher leveled gear. But naturally in vertical progression games the new raid tier will have better gear so unless the loot from EC nightmare supases that of story and hardmode of the new operation there will be no point. but then again we have no idea what their plans are, they dont tell us anything
  13. Whats coming in the next patch's ? I have no idea. Why is Bioware not talking to its community, there has recently been a second round of lay offs and one could assume that Bioware is no longer working on this game to its greatest capabilities and instead is just trying to reep as much money as they can before the game ends. This is of course only speculation but due to the lack of communication from Bioware and reassurance that they are still working on this game, its one of the few conclusions that people can think of. This game needs to reassure its community and start to release new content. patch 1.2 came in April and that brought us explosive conflict story mode and hard mode. Where is nightmare mode ? why has there been no mention of nightmare mode ? why is this the only content we have to play through at end game ? Why are the operations so small its takes like 2 hours to clear the whole content ? PVP, create new maps. It would seem that Hutball is the big thing for pvp in this game but keeping it with only one type of map is just lazy and suggests Bioware are slackers. It would be very easy to design a new layout. Class Balance. I assume when they make a new currently underwhelming class the new flavor of the month we can expect them to stay that way for months ? i QQ because its true. The balance of this game was best in 1.1 its just a mess now. I refuse to comment about low level pvp as i finally came across a 8 man Sniper pre made and lol my whole team died a whole lot ... either my guild is just extremely hardcore or we just have nothing to do now. We have cleared EC HM every week since the release of the operation, done it on numerous alts, done pvp, got 100 valor rank, full best in slot for pve and pvp down to the very last mod and armoring. I know Bioware encourages us to make alts and experience all the game, we some of us have, i personally have experienced all the class stories (Liked Jedi knight's the best). Please cater to all the players, from the very casual to the damn right mad hardcore fans and make content longer (4 bosses in a operation is just slacking) and much much harder. When you can do EC HM in recruit gear (btw *** is up with that gear in pvp, new players massively miss hp to even live long enough to fight those in war hero) you know the content is far to easy. Main reason for this post is i just want to know whats coming up in the future, is Bioware working on anything big because they need to pull of a hat trick. Even though they did recently unleash a trailer for HK-51 we knew about that for months and we can expect everyone to have it on the first day its out making it a subpar companion, unless Bioware does actually make it very hard to obtain ( PLEASE DO!). This post will probably get trolled, attacked by fanboys, the worshipers of Bioware and Ea etc but i dont care i just want to know this game will be worth playing in a month of so, and i wont be quiting the game for GW2 btw, but rather go back to wow xD
  14. I was thinking it would be nice to see abilities such as static barrier and force barrier etc have the amount they absorb in the tool-tip. it currently says "absorbs a high amount of damage" for example, i think it would be nice if that was replaced with how much it actually absorbs. Other abilities say how much damage/healing they deal i don't understand why the same doesn't apply to absorbs.
  15. I play all 3 healing class types at a end game level, aka cleared EC HM on all and Achived a high rating on all. Bodyguard 1. Weak in comparison to the other healers, due to lack of mobility and heat issues. 2. Feels like we have to work harder than the other healers to achieve similar results ( i play all 3 in full war hero/BM gear). We can take a bit more damage than the other 2 healing types but without a shorter cool down on our knock back or a way to talent it so it can root people affected by the knock back we struggle, as we can not escape from tricky situations unlike the other 2. Heat is tough on healing as one of our main heals costs 25% of our total heat and when you are in a tough situation and need to keep someone alive, there is no other way but you use rapid scan - rapid scan which can save the person you are healing but is very detrimental on heat. Unlike the operative who can heal continuously due to the diagnostic scan change.
  16. I think it would be nice if crystal colors could change the color of the little lights on blaster pistols, blaster rifles etc etc. It is so easy and noticeable when you see sith of jedi with their flashy light sabers i think it would be nice to give the non force class types a cosetmic use to the lcrystals because the blaster shots that are hard to notice and especially as a mercanary or commando healer you very rarely see them and if you have a dark - purple crystal no one will see it Or even make the heal version of rapid shots change color.
  17. I think the smart healing mechanic should be implemented for; Kolto missile, recuperate nano tech, revification and the republic counter parts. I noticed this the other day during a EC HM run where i would use Kolto Missile on top of a group of people where a couple of those had hp missing yet kolto missile chose not to heal those four, effectively reducing the effectiveness of the whole spell. In world of Warcraft for example , the Holy/Discipline priest's prayer of healing was a very very effective and efficient heal to use to restore the hp of multiple target because the smart heal mechanic ensured the targets that were healed were those with the lowest hp and not healing those that were already full hp. I think this function should be applied to all area of effect heals in this game along with some further class tweaking ofc (operatives are kind of insane in pvp esp when you can heal more in low level pvp with no expertise than many sorcerors and mercenaries at level 50 with 1.1k expertise)
  18. What are you current thoughts on the balance in healing between the healing advanced classes?, does bioware consider this to be balanced?, because from the perspective of the player there seens to be a great in-balance, on my server per say there use to be many mercenary healers and now there are very few and those few are not happy with the feel of the class now ( i have asked all who pvp regularly). It seems that the operative class who were actually pretty decent before the patch are now Extremely good partially due to their buff and the large nerfs to the sorcerer and mercanary.
  19. will there be any change made to how Mercenary healers remove heat ? At the moment a mercenary healer can not match the healing of an operative if both are = geared and skilled and this is a bit of a turn off from playing the mercenary healer if you can't be competitive in healing. While i don't think the way mercenary healers before the patch was acceptable heat removal was to good, it now seems that we can only cast 3 heals and have to wait a couple of seconds to heal again. When compared to the operative they can quickly regain energy with diagnostic scan. This does not seem entirely balanced.
  20. These are some of the things i would like to suggest for swtor! Classes Give Mercanies/ commando's more utility, as it stands a merc healer can take alot of damage but games such as Huttball, there is little they can do. Sorcerers, can pull, have force speed, operatives are able to hide in stealth and become a good passing opportunity, a merc healer can not do any expect pop energy shield and heal through some damage. Change the heat management on the Merc/commando's, the heat management is really punishing at the moment, before the patch it was to efficient but now its to harsh, giving rapid shots, a chance to reduce heat by like 2 on critical but give that skill a cd would be helpful and also encourage more rapid shot weaving into the rotation. Allow rapid shots to be used on the merc itself, such like the diagnostic scan of the operative. While rapid shots can be used while moving it heals for little and could have some potienial issues, but this could be combated by having rapid shots used on the self heal for less. Make the cylinders on the merc/commando not visible or non-existant. I want this change because in organised pvp groups, it is very easy to tell who are the merc healers simply due to the cylinder they use. Being recognised as being a healer instantly by the opposing group allows those merc healers to be locked down and marked almost asap. Change the way a operative healer plays. The good operative healers in pvp are incredibly mobile, on my operative i am able to get between 600,800k healing per wz now and i rarely stay still, using the surgical probes works like a charm. I see this as being abit unfair to other healers, as operatives clearly have a big advantage over the other 2. General remove the static sound!!!! This sound is very frustrating and should be removed, i do not know if its a glitch or what but its an absolutely horrific sound. Bring in a wardrobe function, allowing us to able to save gear sets and quickly change between both. I pve and pvp and its just a tad annoying to have to switch between both sets, wardrobe feature would be usful. Rated warzones. I don't understand the point behind rated besides getting a different colour gear set. This isn't a big enough incentive to do rated warzones, being someone who doesn't like to shove my accomplishments in someones face, the current point behind rwz's is not that useful. A better idea would be to have the rated war hero gear to have additional augment slots or something that has a purpose besides cosmetic. Change the way in which Augment slots can be put onto gear. Augment slots atm can be put into crit crafted gear. But it is odd that to have the best gear i have to destroy an item i just received. I don't like the idea of having to destory items to get a better version, imo a better idea would be to put the augment slot on the items, instead of having to destory them. i know the idea was to allow people to wear whatever they want and to not be gimped, but some of the best looking orange items can not have their schematics learnt. e.g. the armor from corellia commendations. Decrease the loading screen times, i dont know why they are so long but i have on more than one occasion been kicked from a warzone due to the loading screens lasting a ridiculous amount of time. In addition after leaving a wz and your loading into a place such as belsavis, this also takes a long time. Give us the ability to skip all quest cinematics! Listening to all the cinematics is nice but after doing it once you dont want to do them again. I think a system could be implemented where you can choose to skip all those these cinematics and just choose which aligment you want if the quest gives you alignment points. Ofc this should not include the story quests but the normal go scan for tratior quests etc, the cinematic just wastes time. PVP allow us to have some sort of open world pvp. Some of my best experiences in WOW were raiding stormwind and camping the kings dead corpse, in swtor this isnt possible, only outlaws den which tbh not many people go to because people just don't know about the place. the open world pvp side in swtor is lacking severely and i worry when a game such as gw2 comes out and people get a taste of their pvp, this could make this game suffer. Make Huttball not so dependent on the classes you have. Since 1.2 where the marauders got their much unneeded buff, there has been a vast increase in them and frankly, it ruins huttball. their leap is able to imobilise you and with the changes to fire its just hell. I see this change as a way of encouraging more passing game play but this isnt the case.
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