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Posts posted by james_bondar

  1. Please who can help me!!! I'm trying renew my subscription but when i select to buy subscription there is an error accruing -


    Redirection Strategy Error

    An error has occurred while trying to redirect your request. Please, try again later.


    What's happening i had newer had problem with buying subscription before

    Can you help me?

    I had left the information about this error in-game tickets but no response

    Please help i'll played this game since 2012 and always had subscription now i has problems with prolonging the subscription!!! And i also have problem with buying cartel coins with same errors!!!

    Now subscription is run off!!! But in game it shows that i have subscription features but its run off!!!

    People with same bank credit and the accounts from my country not having problems with that but I have!!

    Please help!!!

  2. I have a feeling that the developers have no fantasy. Think about it people! Create a character from scratch again? Are you serious? From the point of view of the economy this is a great move, of course, but it's a slap in the face to those who all were more than a dozen times, by the way! SWTOR runs the risk of losing your rating if you don't stop to defame people this way! It is really a mockery! :(
  3. arlier, in times of patch from 4.0 and before 4.3 I bought 3 Hypercrate (90 Cartel packs) and broke them. I didn't get a single certificate. I didn't understand why because it was unusual. I have written to support. Answer was that everything is fine it’s random.


    But my friend before 4.0 he had has cartel certificates and after 4.0 they are gone. He also wrote in Support. The Answer was that THIS is a BUG! They told him that they return within a short period of time certificates and fixe this bug. None of this had made so far.


    In summary: I recently and with witness received the final proof that this bug not fixed yet and randomizer is not working. Bought and opened 7 Hypercrate (210 Cartel Packs) - no certificate. I don’t understand what random it is if there is NO Certificates at all in 210 CP? I hope developers will take this point into consideration and finally FIX randomizer for Hipercarates and CP. And all those who are faced with a similar problem, will respond and write about their problems!

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