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Posts posted by ithompson

  1. Redemption


    <Redemption> is a social progression guild on the republic side looking to add to our ranks.

    We are mainly an 8 man guild when it comes to progression, but also do 16 mans when 8 man is on farm.


    Current HM and NiM Progression is as follows:


    8 Man DF HM: 5/5

    8 Man DP HM: 5/5

    16 Man DF HM: 5/5

    16 Man DP HM: 5/5


    Previous Content Progression:


    8 Man NiM SV: 2/7

    8 Man NiM TFB: 5/5-Timed

    8 Man HM SV: 7/7

    16 Man HM SV: 7/7

    8 Man HM TFB: 5/5

    16 Man HM TFB: 5/5


    Current recruitment needs:


    Ranged DPS:

    Gunslingers- High

    Commandos- Moderate

    Sage- Low


    Melee Dps:

    Sentinels: low

    Guardians: low

    Shadows: low

    Vanguards: low

    Scoundrels: low



    All: low



    Sage: low

    Scoundrel: Moderate

    Commando: Moderate



    We look for 3 main qualities in players:

    1. Exceptional at your role

    2. Geared and Experienced

    3. Committed (i.e being active in game)

    Any class is welcome to apply as long as you know your class and spec and can show that you can bring the dps and be raid aware. We are always looking for more good players of any role( ie. tanks and heals) to help fill spots in our 16 mans as well as possibly rotate into the main progression group if you prove to be exceptional and loyal.


    Your welcome to fill out an application or just check out our website at: http://www.redemption-swtor.com.

    Can also contact any of the characters in game listed in the signature, with my main toon being Hurrin. Other contacts include Civen, Civilie, or basically any other toon that starts with "Civ" if I'm not on. We would be happy to answer any questions or want for more information you may have.

  2. Dear Docmal


    On behalf on my guild and raidgroup I want to take the opportunity to thank you for this awesome program. It is a great asset to our raiding and in my oppinion it is the greatest parser in the game.


    We use it in the both raid groups I'm active in, so basicly I use it on 5 days a week and no matter in which role I'm playing, Parsec has allways some interesting and/or vital data for me.


    I would have one request for a feature:

    It is about customizing the pop outs, specificly the threat board. Both as a DPS and Tank I use it to time the taunt or the aggro reduce to optimize my playstyle but in intense fights it is pretty hard to actually look on the threat board and determine the actual situation in a split second.

    So I would suggest to add a feature to colour both Name and total threat number in the pop out in comparison to the other raid members.

    In the "tank mode" it would be perfekt to have everyone as labeled green who has less then 90% of my own threat, yellow would be from 90-115% and red above 115%. maybe with an option of a fixed member (offtank) who is allways ... lets say in blue.

    In the "dps mode" it would be basicly the other way round. Green is greater than 125% (or 115%) of my threat, yellow 90%-125% (115%) and Red is everyone below 90%.


    That way both tanks and dps classes can identify any upcoming threat issues within the reaction time of the program and can optimize the usage of taunts and aggro reduce abilitys. :D


    Again thank you for this awesome feature!


    Regards, a fan from austria, Luke


    I kind of like this idea as well. Could come in handy if its not to much work.

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