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Posts posted by JD_Kidd

  1. Geonosisian arena. It is flat, it is simple, it is round with enclosed walls all around. Any objections for that being the arena map for the game?

    Ha! While i like the idea you have, the Geonosisian arena would be a VERY bad place for PvP all because of one reason: Snipers... I mean you might survive hiding behind one of the pillars, but good luck winning from behind there a Sniper can still Orbital Strike you or Suppressive Fire the pillar, you'll take damage and usually if its a tie, the team with the higher stats wins... And if you do choose to step out from behind the pillar... Well unless you are stealthed or have a HUGE endurance, I just don't see you making it very far...

  2. I have found that if someone is in portable cover, and they are facing away from their shield, in order to backstab them, you have to be standing in front of them (i.e. the way they are facing) in order to "Be Behind Them". I hope they fix this bug because it slows my attack roles down and I'll sit there trying to backstab for 5-8 seconds where I could be using my shiv or something else...
  3. Lol a sith inquisitor and a counselor in the same room? I think they would kill each other first lol. Especially if they were both my characters I would definitely have my sorc kill my shadow lol. Which should probably mean the legacy ship would have to be a neutral area like the Promenade on Nar Saddaa... If so I would love an advanced AI that you can program your regular attack roles into it so you can duel yourself on your legacy ship (as in say my Powertech vs. my Guardian).
  4. My idea is suppose, how when you have a companion class quest where you choose a companion, have 2 choices that you can decide from... This would make it so you could have companions to complement your play-style. You could have no light-side characters. Or you could opt out of a beginning tank for a beginning healer. Just throwing around random suggestions!
  5. Hmm, that's strange..

    All these threads from people saying that a LFG tool would make everyone more social and build up the overall SWTOR community because it would allow *all* players to group up and enjoy the game in an atmosphere where you didn't need to spend forever looking for specific people in order to do FPs.


    Now we see that it's yet another way to shun players who aren't up to whatever arbitrary standards set by a minority.


    What do you want next? A mandatory upload of each potential group member's latest combat log so you can scrutinize it before they join? Maybe a checkbox for only those with Bio? Maybe a Founder's only option so those newer players who aren't worthy of you can't participate?


    Lol you want to know something funny? If you don't have good enough gear you can PvP and grind out some good gear, or craft and sell for cash, or even do solo missions and buy your gear! As for what follows, its basically a guy ranting on extremes that would never happen because the game would have to many upset people.

  6. Hey, I found a new glitch that if you're a gunslinger you can throw and shoot your left handed gun instead of the coin. You have to have your weapons drawn to start off. You then hit your draw button (Z for those of us using default key bindings) twice and then hit the Recover Ability as fast as you can. If you do it right, you should have no coin at the start and then right before you shoot your gun will magically appear in the sky and it will get shot,but WAIT!!! the best is still to come. Your guy will then draw his blasters and enter a combat like stance. He then will return to the recovery animation and instead of having a coin in his left hand, he will have his left handed blaster! This may take a few tries at first, but once you get the hang of it it should become easy to do. Have fun with this glitch until they patch it! Don't worry about reporting it, I already did. Have fun!!!
  7. Everyone remembers the end of the Jedi Knight Storyline with the emporer about to become the most powerful being in the galaxy by absorbing all of the force found in all of the galaxy's life except his own, but after a cheap shot to the back, he brought a temple down on himsel right? My question is, if the emporer has had this plan for centuries, first off how can one person stop is, I mean he had to have thousands of contengency plans. Secondly, what would have happened if he succeeded? I mean they could have thrown in the Dark Side ending resulting in the emporer geting a cheapshot and succeeding. I was rather curious as to the new chapter into the power of the force that we could have seen. Sadly, the jedi pull an ace from the sleeve and ruin the emporer's plans. What people don't realise is that the force corrupts, even the Jedi. This is because Star Wars wouldn't exist without the epic conflict between the force wielders. The sith and jedi can wipe eachother out all they want, but until someone lets a genocide take place I see no resolution to the endless conflict known as Star Wars...

    Even still, good game, awesome endings lol (I don't think anyone would have wanted to watch their 3 month old Jedi get owned :p) anyone else have any thoughts and/or comments over how the game ended?

  8. Hey I noticed, after leaving the Imperial Fleet, that I had a buff intitled: Feverish, with a description of: Medical attention might be required. I went down to a Med Droid and got a Rakgouhl Serum, which fixed the problem, but I am wonderring: what would happen if I didn't treat my character?
  9. Hey, I have a quick question: I have noticed that whenever I am using a channeled ability such as Death From Above or Flame Thrower (probably not the name, but you know what I mean...) my character has sometimes been interrupted by just taking damage without something like a Quell ability being used on me. Is this supposed to be like this?
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