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Posts posted by Vylettes

  1. People cannot promote to their own rank, they can only promote to just below their rank.


    so if your rank system is guildmaster->officers->members

    and the officers rank can withdraw 25 items, ONLY the guildmaster could set someone to that rank.


    Officers would only be able to set the highest rank of member in the above situation.


    Unless you have an 'officer alt' rank of some sort inbetween officers->members, then officers would be able to promote to that rank and if it had same priviledges..

  2. Anyone who wants a game to go to f2p has never played a f2p game.


    They end up costing you MORE than a sub game.


    Although Runes of Magic was one of the better games I played in the past few years, it just got too expensive to keep up with the end game.

  3. The last two fights with him in normal mode the stun droids were not spawning at their normal intervals. In fact we got him to about 30% before seeing the first stun droid. And instead of one stun droid per spot they spawned stacked in 3s which means a pretty hectic time being stun locked trying to take down 6 stun droids. Last week they spawned 2 at each spot. Now, this is my first times through it on Republic side, but on imp side they always just spawned one to a spot, not 2-3 stacked on each other.
  4. I'm not sure why guilds would require biochem for medpacs. I would rather see all players using adrenals and the stims from biochem. Because you know most non-biochem people are not using adrenals every 3 minutes etc and don't have the best stims available. Heck, I use my adrenals on tough or gone wrong trash pulls too. If i was paying 20k a pop per adrenal, i would just save it for the hardest bosses.


    Goofy green medpacs are good enough for ops imo.

  5. I don't know why more games aren't f2p with a cash shop. You end up spending a TON more on a f2p than a subscription game, which means more money for the company. And if people complain about the game/bugs/etc you can say, its free so why are you complaining?


    I wonder how many people have actually played a 'f2p' game before asking for this to be f2p? One thing those games are definitely not, is free to play. Unless you just like to level up alts and never try endgame.

  6. "I don't have time to do the dailies, but I do have time to do Boarding Party multiple times..."


    "Dailies are boring, instead I like grinding Boarding Party..."


    You should listen to yourselves, this is pathetic.


    Black Hole dailies take no more than half an hour... You'll get around 60-70K and you get daily commendations. Save them up for Rakata items, which can again be sold for decent money flow... the other half hour, you can use to do the dailies on Belsavis...


    But I know what the problem is. You just want to faceroll it instead of actually running around and work for it... The risk of actually dying once and paying maybe 1000 credits for repair is too much for you...


    In the words of Sherlock Holmes: You...repel...me"


    Boarding party is simply superior because its unlimited. Dailies you cannot repeat over and over and give finite amount of gold for doing them all, then its all over until the next day. If there was something you wanted to buy, you could just run boarding party and get the money eventually that same day.

  7. 1. Dark Age Of Camelot PvP - As said above, this was hands down the best pvp. It gave opportunity to every playstayle, be it solo, small groups, full groups or zergs. They all co-existed. Of course you actually had to know what you were doing to play in anything other than the zerg, but the zergs were there for the masses. And don't forget the 3 realms (mythic really dropped the ball with warhammer :/)


    2. UO/SWG type housing where you could place your house in the actual world and decorate your house creatively. This would include the 'rares' from UO that people would go after. And items that you dropped on the ground actually looking like the item they were.


    3. Crafting Professions like UO/SWG - The way the crafting system worked in those games, your character WAS the crafter. If you were an armorsmith, then that is what you did. You were not a fighter or whatever. MMOs nowadays are centered around everyone killing stuff. It doesnt give the leeway for people who want to roleplay or experience the MMO in a different aspect. I thought the cantina/dancer thing in SWG was great and finding a LGM crafter in UO to make your new armor set after your old one broke was always fun hanging around the forge.


    4. Non-class based system like UO/SWG- your one character could level or unlevel any profession/fighting and pick up a different one at any time.


    5. And PvE like the modern mmo. I did quite like Global Agendas pve system, where you would queue up for it like we do with warzones and it would balance a group out to do the instance (flashpoint type) pve. Raids/encounters etc like swtor/wow/etc have. And rare drops you could farm like the older games have. Also make grinding viable again :) WoW's introduction of do 100000 quests to level was quite novel at the time, but sometimes i would like to just stand in one area and level up like you did in daoc/eq/etc by grinding monsters.




    I think what no game has captured yet is bringing together the social players and the hardcore into one environment. And keeping the social butterflies around makes for an active community of people which is what keeps people playing games longer than reaching the max level.



    And with people talking about DAOC at 300k, that was a HUGe number back then, when there was NOT a computer in every home. Most of us playing from universities or netcafes severely limited the market. WoW came on the scene as more and more people were having internet in their home and with the bombardment of advertising, it got people into gaming who had never been part of the market before. It mainstreamed it, so to say. And it made gaming 'easy' and noobie friendly.

  8. In the orange legacy gear items you can buy them, mail them to ANY of your high level chars and fill them with mods then mail them back. Why is this useful you ask? Well, this works with bound mods too. So you can effectively mail yourself bound columni/rakata/etc mods using these gear as a vessel.
  9. No way. Then everyone would just level up one main toon and then use that toon to gear up every alt they ever decided to level up. Sorry, this idea is stupid and will never happen.


    Read up ^^ you can already pass everything but the set bonus onto any character in legacy.

  10. Obviously everyone knows about the new legacy gear. But I didn't know you could use the legacy gear as a vessel to transport bound modifications. I'll have to try that.


    I assumed that the kits were Bind on Legacy but when you bought the item on your alt, it was a bound item. But I've not really tried it.


    They are bind on legacy, you can use any of it to vessel mods over. But only a 'inquisitor' can buy the inquisitor gear. So if you intend to wear the legacy gear, buy it with the character who will be wearing it, mail it to the char who has the mods to fill it up then mail it back. Saves you the step of having to pull the mods out and put into gear you can wear right away.


    This DOES work, I have alrdy kitted out my sage with my sorcs half a bankfull of spare columni pieces.

  11. The problem is that if they did this, you'd have Sith Warriors going into a Flashpoint and "Needing" on Operative gloves or whathaveyou because they'll claim their Operative can use it.


    I think they're looking at a system where there's going to be "Greed", "Need" and a 3rd option that is higher priority than Need, but which is greyed out if you're not the class or crew skill that the item was designed for. That way, you can "Need" on an item for your companion or alt. But if it's Willpower gear, and you're a Trooper, the Consular in your party can overrule you and take that item for themselves if it's an upgrade.


    That's actually a really nice system IMO because it makes it impossible to take loot that wasn't designed for you unless the true recipient class is absent or passes on it.


    If they implemented such a system, then your suggestion might actually be a good one. But with the current Need/Greed system, it would cause too much griefing.


    You didn't notice the bind on legacy orange items that you can buy on drumond kaas/coruscant? Have your alt buy their legacy orange gear, send it to the character with the gear and they can basically mod it up and send it back and the alt can wear it


    All you would miss is the set bonus, but face it, you only need to grab some tionese pieces for set bonus, fill them with columni or rakata mods and you are gtg, Until you get those pieces you can wear your legacy gear with all the columni/rakata mods your other legacy chars sent you.


    So this means that yes, a bounty hunter with a warrior alt could possibly want to roll on the warrior gear, rip the mods and mail to his warrior in a piece of legacy gear.

  12. Because its bound to legacy. You know all those armor/mod/enh you have one on char that are bound to them? well guess what, buy some legacy armor, stick them in there and voila, you can give them to any char on your account.


    Just mailed a full set of columni mods from my sorc to my newbie 50 sage :) (costed an arm and a leg to extract them all but hey, it took all of 10min rather than a week to get full t2 on her :)


    Its great for alts, especially the other night when we had 0 warriors in our ops hm group. The guy with the warrior alt who wasnt geared yet ended up walking away with 4 rakata pieces and now he can bring the warrior into hms as well.



    The big downside i see is that people might start rolling on other class gear for alts, so there is always that temptation.

  13. I went from marksman to full lethality, and there is a big difference of where I fall in the damage charts with other guildmates now. I can easily take top damage in the group, whereas before I was middle of the pack no matter how many bells and whistles I tried to throw into my rotation.


    Lethality damage is a lot of "internal damage' whereas marksman has to penetrate armor. How many armor debuffs you have from the group to help your damage play a big part here i think.


    I have only done denova hm in this spec, but expect to do some of the old hms tonight and that should really be telling.

  14. Like others have said, pvp there is a case for sorcs to complain. But pve, i really do not notice a difference. I heal the same way i always did. I never leaned on the 2.5 sec cast heal when it was 1.5 sec cast , but i can understand that people who don't plan ahead with their healing would need to do such things.
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