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Posts posted by andhod

  1. I have pretty much the same setup as MaroBro, using QERTFGVCXZ and shift variations of those. Plus some CDs on numbers 1-5 (like entrench, relics etc) and remapped strafe to A and D using mouse to turn, that really is the only way to move in PvP, it makes moving and fighting at the same time so much easier and I'm used to it coming from PvP in WoW.


    It may seem like a lot to remember but you will learn them quicker than you think, and dont forget they are still there on the bar in front of you so you can see what key you have it bound to, and you can still click them if you need to. But the sooner they're there and ready to be used the sooner you will start picking them up, so just bind everything you need and play.. you will start using them eventually.


    Also for a beginner in PvP dont forget to use TAB to target nearest enemy, can save you clicking so you can keep moving at the same time, and zoom out so you can see whats going on around you.

  2. Choices that give affection with Kaliyo usually give +15 or more (+40 or so for big ones) and most choices that she doesn't like give -1 so you're affection will go up easy anyway, plus and gifts you give her (she really likes weapons, kinda likes tech, everything else don't bother). Also she generally likes it when you don't take any crap and when you take advantage of people for your own gain, most of that happens in text decisions other than light/dark decisions so you could go light and still have Kaliyo like you, for example.


    As far as you're alignment it's a bad idea to stay neutral, I appreciate your RP dilemma but if you don't choose a side your missing out on the gear that goes with it, primarily the relics that you can get pretty much straight away at Dark/Light I, they will keep up with your level if your alignment keeps up, and Ive not had any relics drop or from quest right up until lvl 40ish, so they're worth getting unless you can craft them and you grind your trade skills to keep up.

  3. Could not agree with you more Qisa. It seems like I'm one of those who PVPed right from the start that you mentioned, so I always had a supply of the gear to keep me going. It suddenly makes sense why I seemed to be doing fine but always saw so much moaning on the forums.


    I also agree that sniper is one of the most complex classes to play, I came from a long history of PVP in WoW so had it in mind right from the beginning. I keybind to the Q, E, R, T, F, G, V, C, X and Z keys (with A and D changed to strafe) and had the those keys plus shift all bound by level 25, plus 1-5 for some CDs, and now even have some bound with ctrl, using my mouse side button as ctrl (works great btw, try it). With all those abilities being used at some point in PVP it's easy to see how someone coming in @50 with only some keybinds that they need for PVE and being used to static combat, can really struggle!


    I will also agree that we are pretty reliant on gear, however I feel that skill and experience are the bigger factor.

  4. Gaidax is right, there's loads more utility to us than just flashbang! Which is, as you failed to mention, an AoE blind, not single target like the abilities you're comparing it to. And as far as I can see our burst is one of the best (looking at warzone end stats) and our range makes it pretty easy to pick strategic targets off (don't know what you're talking about moxpanda! Its LONG range)


    I didn't do anything special to get my damage good so I'm not sure what to tell you, make sure you're speced right and stack some surge including a relic (and adrenal if you're biochem [which I think you should be {don't troll me!}]) to pop for bigger burst. Ye it's lower on tanks but we have a few things to get around it, or just target squishies, it's a team game, take out healers and soft dps and your team should take out tanks no problem. Or you could go lethality, but I wouldn't recommend it! (anyone pvping lethality? let me know).


    As for survivability, we have loads of things to keep people at range, don't forget to use Debilitate, ballistic dampeners are amazing, if you need a bit more go eng!



    Imspecial, stop pretending to be a GM with the blue writing, you're not fooling anyone! lol

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