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Posts posted by Aleaucent

  1. Thanks for the info...some good stuff.


    But yes, I was looking for augment slot chances. since i made this post I did finally manage to crit on Vehamance Nemisis Bracers but that makes me somewhere around 1/30 so far. So its definately low, but i would think it would be on par with getting augment slots in rakata gear (or i just got lucky going 3/12 on crit crafted rakata).

  2. Hello,


    I am an armormech and I wanted to get some input from others on high level crafting.


    I have a couple rare schematics (have yet to see anyone else on the server that make them) that come from a blue - purple - purple line. It was quite painful to get them (4 Mand irons each to blow them up with a minimal chance of getting any schematic, let alone a good one) Now that I have them, i find they sell pretty well. But, I have yet to crit any of them. I think I'm about 0/20. Anyone want to share their experiences/rates with these types of items?

  3. This is incredibly useful info! I thank you for putting it in terms i could wrap my head around having never played WoW and having no understanding of the threat mechanics in WoW or SWTOR. Taking this a step further, i will make some statements i believe to be true based on this info:


    A threat dump is more effective (overall threat wise) AFTER a taunt than before a taunt if you are on top of the hate list. It is 2-fold being your tank now gets 130% of w/e threat you just had and now you get to reduce your threat (1000 threat on you--> taunt --> 1300 threat on tank --> theat dump (assume a 25% one and not a full dump) --> 750 threat for you and 1300 for the tank. You go from being at the top of the threat list to being almost 50% less threat than the tank.


    It also looks as this can be taken advantage of in another way. It may be advantageous in certain situations to let a heavy hitting DPS with a threat dump (we'll use commando as the example) open the fight. It should be possible to have the Commando open up with all his bursty damage abilities to start the fight with a high amount of threat, have the tank taunt it and follow up with high threat generating abilities while the commando threat dumps to start with the tank having a fairly high amount of threat right off the bat. Now use taunts on cooldown and it should stay on the tank for the duration (assuming single boss with no threat-resets) The hide-and-seek boss in M prison comes to mind here.

  4. Happened to me twice. It seems to happen if you are crafting other things at the same time. First time it was just a purple lvl 49. 2nd time was on Rakata bracers from armormech and lost all mats. I submitted a ticket and they returned the biometric crystal alloy, which sucked because i was really wanting to get back the 8 Mand irons.........
  5. I didn't see anything about this on the OP, but this has happened to me twice now:


    I would be making a piece of purple gear. When I changed areas (first time was heading to another HM on fleet from AH, second was zoning to Ilum after a HM at the fleet) I looked at my companion's progress that was crafting the item and the item was gone. I checked my inventory and the materials were gone as well. The other odd thing that happened the first time was I had 4 green items in que after the purple and all were complete and in my inventory. The first time was just a regular RE'd purple schematic (4 mand irons lost), but the second was crafting my Rakata Bracers for a shot at an augment slot (i had the regular already) which cost me 8 irons and an alloy.


    Anyone else have a similar issue?

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