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Posts posted by Mularky

  1. snipers/gunslingers... haven't you read the writing on the wall? they're kings of the new meta.


    Well thats one class what about the other? There is always 2 fotm classes.

  2. Blah blah blah. PT are fine the way they are. People need to play there class role proper. Most of the maps in war zones are not designed well. Some classes are more of an impact due to the design. Rated war zones are going to be screwed until they come up with a five point nod that spreads teams out a good distance.


    Btw you do know pt was nerfed in patch 1.2. I don't think the talent tree needs another. IMO they are balanced just fine


    Let me guess you play a powertech. You just want dont your class nerfed. You people are the people who ruin mmos.

  3. Tell that to the unkillable commandos on my server in rated matches then. There are several commando/merc healers on my server that rated teams are absolutely terrified of because it WILL take you 3-4 people to drop them. Simply put, your issues ARE a L2P issue as well as team issues. All healers being focused have to concentrate on themselves to survive. It's the reason why my rated group swaps targets when we see the healer concentrating on himself. We swap between healers and force them to heal themselves and wear them down little by little instead of just trying to take one down at a time. Eventually cross healing will take its tole and dps on their team will be out in the cold.


    I only have 5 pieces of war hero. I hear that commandos are heavily gear dependent so im going to wait to get more pieces then give my final thoughts.

  4. So does EVERY SINGLE OTHER HEALER. The issue isn't the class here. The issue is you have a crap team that doesn't know how to peel enemies off their healers. Every healer has to concentrate on themselves to stay alive when they start getting focused. This isn't something unique to a commando medic.



    No the issue is we have 3 ******* heals. Each easily interrupted and you think the class is fine. We need to stop blaming the issue on pugs or the enemy team. WE HAVE a huge problem with this class and it needs to be addressed.

  5. i really think you need to give healing a proper try, and look at it compared to abilities of smugglers.


    Definately not saying anything negative about the guys screenshot, hes done great. but i really dont see how you can try to argue that the classes are balanced. Like the OP said, imagine what else he could of done if he had a variety of stuns/interupts and slows like the other classes.


    You are right there need to be alot of adjustments made to the class. After 1.2 bioware kinda just threw us under the bus with the damage buff and healing not being the same as damage. As Commandos medics we run out of ammo waaaaay to fast now and not mention when you get 3 dps on you A commando should be able to out heal at least 3 dps. We wear heavy armor i just should go into the warzone naked to save the enemy team the trouble.

  6. I can show you loads of screenshots where I outheal sages and scoundrels. Because I can just stand there and heal, I have more time to do it. That's the advantage. Yes sages are really annoying, certainly with there 21/../.. builds, but the fact is, they either go 31/../.. and die often, so have low numbers. Or they could go 21/../.. and spend all there time running around the map, and have nerfed healing in the little time they have to freecast.


    Short answer: They bring more healing.

    please teach me how to play. make a video please


    not to get off topic commandos do need some ammo changes also

  7. Seems like since 1.3 launched I am constantly stunned or rooted in WZ's to the point where 2 guys will keep me completely useless and just melt my hp. Maybe I'm just getting super unlucky. Seems to be mainly coming from Juggs. Just don't have enough counters to keep up with it.


    Just curious if this is my luck or if some of the other classes' stuns got buffed in any way?


    yea there is alot of cc right now and the resolve bar does not fill up as fast right now.

  8. commando medic is 100% fine.


    i am a dps merc, have been since day 1 of early access. for kicks, i tried out the healing tree tonight in a couple of non-ranked warzones. there was a bit of a learning curve, but once i figured out what to do and how to fit all my skills into my keybinds, i was good to go. keep in mind that i was healing in full dps gear.


    my first match, where i was figuring stuff out, was a civil war which we lost. i did ~200k healing while trying to figure out the ropes of combat medic. second match was a huttball, and having figured out what to do, i was pretty much unstoppable. at one point near the beginning i held the ball for a solid minute in the middle, and healed straight through the damage and CC from everyone on the other team. i finished the game with 460k healing, and a 6-0 win.


    anyone who claims that commando/merc healing spec is gimped just has to learn to play. all the tools are there to allow you to keep yourself and your teammates alive. and i never once was out of heat



    How come commandos are not the paladins of swtor? They where heavy armor, my armor feels like paper. Commando combat medic is broken. We are supposed to be tank healers. The team you went up against in the hutball match must have been god awful. If some one ever tells you combat medic is not broken THEY ARE FULL OF ****

  9. Commando/Mercenary needs a dps buff and a mobile heal.

    Sage/Sorc needs a mobile heal.

    No class in this game right now is faceroll easy. If you are calling for nerfs you are undergeared or underskilled or one of the classes listed above. I have done rateds for 3 days now and I can tell you for sure that those 2 are the only classes that have anything to complain about.


    clearly you have never played a marruader or a powertech

  10. You can't give Healers + Tanks a 35% bail out. It's a joke, trust me.


    I play shadow tank. Now I run this with full DPS gear and Switch to Full TANK gear in 3 spots.


    1) alone & Gaurding on NC and Civil

    2) Huttball

    3) Defending on VS


    Trust me when I tell you the "war Zone Medpack" is an Unfair advantage for me. (35% of 24k is almost a 9k heal!) As it is for healers.


    You can NOT allow a free 35% heal ever 1.5 min. Hell my up time on a Full WH Pyro tech is greater then 1.5 min with an LoS.


    Trust me Sign this!


    ahhh so you a powertech who complains that someone uses a warzone medpack and think thats overpowered. look at your class you should be happy with what you have

  11. i guess this changes the subject of the post. I guess this thread should go in the pvp fourms. Another idea i had in mind was the interrupt like mara and powertech. They are on way to small of a cool down tbh.






    2. interrupt


    4.force choke





    1.Flame burst/



    4.thermal det

    5.electro dart. I would usaully break this with my cc breaker.

    6.rail shot proc'd again.



  12. Sooooo, when 2 pure dps classes get on a healer the healer isn't supposed to die?


    No offense, but how many dps'rs do you think 1 healer should be able to live through? 3? 4?

    im not saying a healer should just sit there and out heal 8 ppl. Im saying is a class like a marrauder has inturupts and way to small cooldowns. how can we fix via commando?

  13. Im not one of those guys in mmo's that say buff this nerf that nerf that. Im being honest here. You get 2 maras on you and your done...... game over. I understand combat shield and the immune to inturrupts. Thats a two minute cool down. Combat shield lasts for 15 secs(with set bonus). So post here of what you would like changed with combat medic.
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