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Posts posted by JediQuaker

  1. 19 hours ago, Achnaattwo said:

    went to the cantina on Tatooine, I think it was the aiming fluid I was having there helped 🙃

    but for the first time, I reached the 25 🤸‍♂️  .   .  never done that before, always just shy

    Still no prizes . .  eh who cares, I got 25😊

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'prizes'. The only things you can get, other than the 'wrapped packages', are some decos. But the decos only come from the 'overheated gift droids'. 

  2. To throw in my 2 cents:

    Get the Snowball Cannon - the Cannon has a much shorter cool down time than the Snowball. You can get about 3 Cannon shots off for every Snowball.

    Don't bother throwing snowballs (or cannon balls) at individual targets. Go to Nar Shadaa and join in with a group pelting an "overheated gift droid". The droid's 'snow' gets reset every time it's hit by a different 'snow' shot (snowball or snow cannon), and therefore you can just continuously throw at it as long as at least one other person is also.  

    • Like 2
  3. 20 hours ago, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu said:

    I also am a little worried even if I do find a group to try do it, they'll skip all the cutscenes that I've never seen before, cos obviously these folks are likely sick and tired seeing them. Cos isn't it like a vote system for skipping them? Not even sure, like I said, solo. Only grouped about 5 times total. But yeah, I'd wanna see the story stuff

    The 'skip' system is not exactly 'voted'. There's no vote involved - just everyone needs to press 'spacebar' to skip. If you don't hit SB then the cutscene won't be skipped. Of course, you might aggravate the other players and get whined at, but ... 😇

  4. On 12/26/2022 at 6:34 PM, RainEbon said:

    Well I just had something 'amazing' happen to me in a flashpoint.

    Joined a in progress Depths of Manaan (vet) and as soon as I joined I got kicked from a group with someone writing in chat that they were sorry but that spot was reserved for their friend. 

    I'm not even mad about the kick but what baffles me is that I ended up getting a 17min lockout.

    What kind of a logic is that? I didn't leave I got kicked lol

    I think that time-out would have been a glitch.

  5. On 12/28/2022 at 10:43 PM, Bootlebat said:

    They aren't in the activity finder.

    Yes they are. The top category in the Group Finder list is Story Mode operations. It's a short list that rotates among available ops.

    Group Finder isn't the best way to find OPs groups though. Most OPs groups are formed either by random pugs on Fleet, or by Guilds in Discord, etc. 

    If you want to get into OPs, do some MM flashpoints first so you can get familiar with the general 'level' of performance required. 

  6. On 12/24/2022 at 7:09 AM, MortenJessen said:

    And now I am no longer able to get to PTS any more... 


    And in case you wonder... Nothing happens when you press OK, and cant select and get into the server...

    I installed PTS last night and I got a screen just like your screencrap, but I simply clicked on "OK" and then clicked on the server, and it loaded fine. (Windows 10, Windows Defender)

    Btw, I forgot to transfer a character before installing the PTS, so basically all I've done so far is to 'start a new character'.

    I will transfer a character and do more 'exploring' before making any judgements, but so far things look nice. 🙂

  7. 17 hours ago, ReveredDead said:

    Yeah that's a great idea. Let's make the already outrageous and out of control in game inflation even worse with UNLIMITED CREDIT CEILING. 

    Meanwhile on fleet: "WTS BLACK/BLACK DYE 50B!!"

    You know, you can already put over 100 billion in your Legacy storage. Increasing your personal credit limit won't affect that.

  8. 7 hours ago, ReKabNad said:

    Sick and tired of quests I have to abandon this week because there's no way to complete them! 😡

    Or, to correct this statement - "because there's no way for me  to beat them!"

    Like just about any video game ever, there are some bosses that are harder than others. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. What is "Power Management Mode" and what is it set to? (I would assume it should be 'off' or 'max' for gaming.)

    I notice that the base frequency for the 10700 is only 2.9GHz - you'd want it to be boosting most of the time.

    And, of course, make sure the cooling fan is running properly on the CPU so that it's not thermal throttling.

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