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Posts posted by Mythicrose

  1. See Corellia confused me....from my trooper's point of view i just kicked the living snot out of the entire empire army


    Same thing happens if you're Imperial. You decimate and shame the Republic forces. From my agent's quest line this what I perceived


    Hutta : Cartas strongly favor the Empire as Neem'ro rules

    Korriban : Empire controlled

    Kaas : Empire controlled

    Balmorra : Imperial occupation, some resistance remains

    Nar Shadda : Cartas favor Imperials, Repulic supporters diminshed

    Tatooine : Imperials have a fortified occupation,

    Alderaan : House Thul controls the planet and has Imperial connections

    Quesh : Imperial controlled; Republic factories, mines destroyed

    Hoth : Imperial occupation, strongly fortified. Republic and pirate presence greatly diminished

    Belsavis : Loose Imperial control

    Corellia : Imperial control

    Ilum : Imperial occupation; Republic forces weakened but not destroyed

  2. would be nice to see more sorcerers/sages removing some of the dots of their allys ;)


    teamplay could help much :p


    Pretty much this. Seems a lot of sages/sorcs and commandos/mercs forget they have a dispel. Scoundrels/operatives do too, but they're not as predominate in warzones as the other two classes and mirrors are.


    Purge the dots then cap. It's all about teamwork.

  3. cheating is always the solution


    ...and unfortunately sometimes the best as the situation garners more and more attention. Eventually someone at Bioware will get around to figuring out how to stop this....eventually. Unfortunately this topic has less..discussion (to put it nicely) than such as the ever popular "nerf X class", "Tracer spam", et al.

  4. Your Kolto Probe has procced a Tactical Advantage. The laughter is audible feedback.


    It's also a solid reason to play your agent as a violent sociopath. It's hilarious :) And it mixes perfectly with Kaliyo.


    It's also entertaining in warzones as you run around laughing as people try to kill you. My guild mate, Altoids, is almost constantly laughing in games while keeping the rest of our group up.


    Which tree currently puts out the most damage?



    Why does Lethality do the most damage instead of the two unique trees that are supposed to make snipers the Pure DPS class?

    This is simple, again we do physical damage and as such armor significantly reduces all damage we do were as lethality is magic damage so that damage bypasses the armor and do significantly more DPS.


    Claiming Lethality is the most damage is rather bold at this time without being able to parse damage done over a set amount of time and various things such as what the sniper has equipped, any inherent debuffs on a target, and the like. I would support Lethality sniper as being a greater asset to a pvp team in games such as Alderaan and Voidstar over marksman snipers beacuase of the dots available. In pve, I've not noticed a great deal of difference between markman specs and lethality on bosses. Without parsing, I do believe the marksmen might be superior when a merc/jugg applies their armor debuffs to targets.




    But everyone says Marksman Snipers have the highest burst in the game so what gives?

    Marksman have some burst however it is at the cost of using cooldowns and high energy combinations which leaves us unable to continue to do any significant amount of damage after. Furthermore Bounty Hunters have posted screenshots of doing 8k+ in a single shot and I saw a video of an operative doing 17k damage in 2 hits. Ask your sniper buddy the last time he did 17k damage in 2 shots or 8k+ in a single shot and the answer will be never. The best shot EVER for me has been 7k and that was on a low level player with no expertise.


    How recently have you seen operatives doing 17k damage in two hits? I haven't since the adrenal/expertise/relic stacking was corrected. I can't say I've seen any recent 8K single hits from a BH either. I could easily see a BH doing 8k with a crit from heatseeker missle and rail shot combo crits (but that's two abilities that pretty much match what we can do with ambush+probe crits).



    Well good snipers do enough damage to be somewhat competitive with other DPS classes.

    "Somewhat competitive" would be the key word here. Also for the only class in the game with NO other avenue other then to do DPS... Shouldn't we be at the top? Lets face it, we cannot take nor can we heal and our CC is minimal in comparison to say Sorcs who can EASILY pull the same numbers as us in Warzones while also healing for 200-300k.


    Usually the sages/sorcs that do the 300k damage and the 200k+ healing don't ahve a great deal of comparative kills from what I've seen. I'm sure plenty of you have seen warzones that are quite different. But what I see is mostly are healers spamming AoE attacks and dots in an attempt to get 10+ medals. Those are usually hybrid specs, too, that don't have the 31 point talents in any tree. I believe I mostly see the hybrid madness/lightning sorcs that reach the 300k+ damage and 200k+ heals on scoreboards.



    I wouldn't mind seeing snipers getting a passive armor penetration ability (or a skill that bypasses all defense by a percentile). I wouldn't mind seeing follow through changed to an internal damage attack either. Our class needs some work, but I don't feel we're in a bad place right now concerning pve or pvp competitiveness. Once we have parsing available, I may sing a different tune, though.

  6. Actually, no you shouldn't. You should not be able to transfer stuff between factions. It makes no sense. Lore-wise that would make you a traitor, as you would be helping the other side.


    Lore wise, you're basically telling some schmuck to sell your stuff for you while getting a bit of of the profits for his efforts. Obviously if the schmuck is on your capitol world, he's goign to be selling to your faction.


    Now on Nar Shadaa...those same schmucks aren't goign to be prejudice who they sell your stuff to..after all, they're in Hutt space claiming neutrality and just want your money.


    My guild is hoping we can "sell" a generic, useless item for 100s of credits as we're organizing a Republic vs Imperial 1vs1, 2vs2, 3v3 tourny in the near future with cash prizes awarded. The obvious way to get the cash prize to the winners is through these transactions on nar shadda's market.

  7. I have to say, even as a Light Side V agent, I think Scorpio is fantastic. Everything from her voice, her general demeanor and ruthlessness makes her strangely endearing. I usually roll with the Doc, but lately I've geared her up just to have her as my companion.


    And she might be a droid, but she still has heaps more personality than Ensign Temple, I'm getting rather sick of the "Yes sir" "here sir" "let me kiss your arse sir".


    Recommend you avoid using Elara if you ever roll a trooper. Very much by-the-books. If you dont' care for Temple, you may not like Elara.

  8. I could see that possibley happening if another tank is guarding the tank you hit. I don't know, though.


    I should've added that the second tank (or anyone capable of a taunt except the tank being fired upon) would need to taunt you. The taunt+guard plus your targeted tank's mitigation and shields might result in the 1350 ambush crit Desgreden claims to see "quite often". Another possible reason Desgreden is seeing low crit numbers is that his crit multiplier is less than 60%? I have seen many people in warzones that leave the default mods and enhancements in their armor and do less damage than they could.

  9. Your alignment has little bearing on your character outside of a few select relics, vehicles, and armor. Endgame pvp/pve stuff doesn't have restrictions. You'll not come across any sniper rifles that are restricted to lightside/darkside as you continue to level either. The restricted armoris mostly found on the vendors.


    That aside, the decisions you make in the story can have impact on the final scene you get after finishing the level 50 quest. There was a thread a few week backs that gave descriptions of the different endings we can have.


    If you're just wanting to get to darkside 10,000 you can have your minions run darkside diplomacy missions, naturally pick all darkside choices when you have the options, and unless fixed...run normal mode Black Talon dozens of times.

  10. As many of you lethality players are well aware we have many issues. I would say choosing lethality over marksman is trading survivability for more damage but as you are all aware the energy drought that comes with that choice prevents this.


    My first change i propose is to change the talent Devouring Microbes from increases the damage dealt by poison effects by [5 / 10 / 15]% on targets below 30% of max health to increases the damage dealt by poison effects by [5 / 10 / 15]% and your dots are now not able to be cleansed.


    I intend for this talent to prevent dot removal from assassins using their Force Shroud ability also.(Removes all hostile removable effects and increases your chance to resist Force and tech attacks by 100% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth).


    Having dots that can't be cleansed would make it hell to capture turrets in Alderaan and planting/deactivating bombs in Void Star. I'm not sure if the poison damage change proposed would be too strong or not. I fully understand the frustration of having effects cleansed/purged. What about having an anti-purge dot? The dot itself does little damage (but still benefits cull) but if purged from the host does moderate damage instantly and has little to no cooldown of it's own to use like corrosive dart. Hell, it could even be talented in to corrosive dart.


    This brings me to the second lethality change. I would like to see Lethal purpose changed from Reduces the cooldown of Adrenaline Probe by [15 / 30] seconds. In addition, critical hits with poison effects restore [1 / 2] energy to Reduces the cooldown of Adrenaline Probe by [30 / 45] seconds. In addition, critical hits with poison effects restore [2 / 4] energy.


    I believe doubling the energy return on dot crits in addition to 15 seconds less on adrenaline probe will go a long way to alleviating this specs energy problems.


    This second change definately sounds a bit over the top. The ability to use adrenaline probe every 75 seconds plus upwards of 4 energy per poison crit is huge when coupled with natural energy replinishment. I could see a passive talent that would reduce the cost of weakening blast and/or cull by 5 energy an dimproved upon to effect both abilities.

  11. i have a stupid question:


    how do you buy the pve rakata/columi/tion gear?


    i pvp mostly and haven't done too many flashpoints, do you get pve tokens from doing hard mode?


    Rakata gear is from running hard mode and nightmare operations. You can get Rakata implants and earpieces from doing the level 50 dailies on Ilum and Belsavis, though. Armortechs can also craft (for themselves) Rakata belts and bracers (not positive on that one though).


    Columi gear can be found in all operations. Cybertechs and Biochems can craft columi earpieces and implants provided they have the receipies. Columi gear tokens also drop from the final bosses in hard mode flashpoints. You can also purchase columi gear from tokens earned while in operations, doing the daily hard mode flash point quest, weekly, etc.


    Tionese gear also drops in hard mode flashpoints as do cystals and tokens. Odds are you'll have columi gear before you get a full set of tionese. Buying moddable (orange) gear and putting the mods/enhancements purchaseable with the daily commedations and offered as quest rewards from two dailies can serve you better than collecting tionese gear.

  12. He is trolling.


    Lethality/Dirty Fighting will be the team pvp spec unless things change. SS/Sniper will remain the pvp spec for people who like big crits.


    I don't care what you play. I've seen this guy play and he isn't bad at all. He's a troll but not bad. You on the other hand, opininated as you are, we have not seen play. My point being it is easy to pretend you are amazing. To post a video and let the whole world flame you is when the pretending stops.


    Sucks to defend this guy but someone has to say something to all the judge Judy's on the forums.


    At what point did I say he was bad? At what point have I flamed him for his video? I have not. I refuted his statement of snipers being overpowered. Lethality has it's place as does marksman and engineering. I've never stated I was amazing in pvp and thus do not feel the need to post a video of mediocre player. I've had games where I do "amazing" and could post those (had I ever bothered to record them). Anyone can post a selected video or two to "prove" one's "amazing prowess" and neglect all the times one did not fair so well.

  13. I'm yet to encounter a live dinosaur that I couldn't catch with my bare hands and take back to jurrassic park.


    What is this fascination in mmos with 1v1? It has been my experience that anyone who brags about how good they are usually turns out to be a very average player.


    Please post a video of you doing anything. The op might be trolling or bad, but at least he has proof he even plays the class.


    I'm hardly bragging and have never proclaimed myself as an elite player. If you've ever read the Sniper forums you'd see the debate on Lethality as "the" pvp spec. To each his own, but to proclaim snipers are overpowered based on one spec and proclaiming to never lose 1 vs 1 versus anything is asinine.


    If you want proof I play a sniper, please by all means create a character on Davik's Estate. I use the same name as my forum name. Lethality has it's pros and cons as does marksman and engineering. Snipers are in an overall good place for pvp no matter what spec. Like any class, we could use some tweaks.

  14. The OP once released a video.. The whole sniper community agreed that it contained some of the worst play ever seen.

    You're bad, shut up.


    Yeah he did have a video in this thread.


    I've not run across a lethality sniper that I haven't taken down as a marksman sniper (well unless I'm already under half health). Snipers as a whole are not overpowered. We might even be a smidge underpowered in pvp depending on one's views. Overall I think they're fine but could use a tweak or two. I play on Davik's Estate (pvp) server.

  15. Not sure if trolling or serious.


    *rolls sniper to find out*


    Sarcasm was dripping from that guy's post. Snipers in level 50 pvp aren't horrible but they're not as much of a threat as other classes. If we take the Goldilocks story in to perspective, snipers are the bowl of porridge that's "not too hot, not too cold" pvp class.

  16. I started pvping after I hit 50 spec'd 23/16/2. I've played about 20 bgs and they have all been Huttball.

    I'm only hitting on average about 50% of the people at the higher end of the damage charts(top 5 or more). I've been trying to stay up top and attack low while covering ramps near me. Lots of Orbs/nades on groups and exp/int probe snipe/ft when I'm on single targets.

    I get frustrated because I have difficulty getting near the ball if I try to play with my team. When moving I'm not dpsing and if I move around too much on the top rail someone's going to leap to me and kill me or more likely kick me off into the pit.


    How can I improve my Huttball?


    The question I'd have to ask is, do you want to do meaning damage (which may or may not put you in the top 5) , or do you just want to lots of meaningless damage? For mostly meaningless damage, spam AoEs (grenade, suppressive fire, orbital) when ever the enemy clumps together 3 or more then do the usual damage abilities against light and medium armored classes.


    For meaningful damage, focus fire a target your other team mate is attacking or start unloading on anyone you see casting a heal. You alone may or may not kill the healer but you will cause that healer to neglect his/her team mates in an effort to heal him/herself or run away.

  17. The thing is i dont spam corrosive dart. It's kinda ridiculous to do so since it ticks so low. The bread and butter is in cull. I do corrosive grenade in a group then dart my target, ambush...cull....explosive probe...and cull again energy permitting (which I usually have a healthy amount unless I have to defend myself). Usually I don't have to since my team usually will assist.


    So fun!




    The only time I spam dart is if I know I will probably go down and want to defend a door/node


    Any reason you're not putting in a weakening blast before a cull? Also isn't there a nine second gap between your first cull and second? Are you doing in those nine seconds?


    I'm just trying to understand your playstyle here. You'd weaken someone with your method, but that's not enough to kill someone if you have a gap of nothing between culls. Maybe you're just setting up an opponent to fall to a team mate, though.

  18. PS At no point did I say or imply that anyone was an idiot. I did say that Rapid Fire and Orbital Strike were both pointless single target talents. They are. Each requires keeping a boss still for 6-8 seconds to have a net positive effect. If you have the opportunity, great, more power to you, but "boss stands still" is a horrible assumption to make an entire build around.


    Most operation bosses stand still plenty long to do orbital bombardment unless your tank moves them on purpose.


    EV :




    Fates (1 vs 1 fight)

    Soa (phase 1, 2, and 3)






    Puzzle boss (name eludes me at the moment)



    Plenty of hard mode bosses can also be tank 'n spanked long enough for orbital bombardments.

  19. Huh.. I knew Kaliyo could use blaster rifles, never noticed that she could use a sniper rifle. Sniper tank FTW.


    She can't use a sniper rifle. She uses blaster rifles and pistols. It's in the codex. The trooper companion Jorgen can use sniper rifles but that's small compensation to Imps that come across AIM sniper rifles. Likewise, I've been trying to figure out who uses Cunning and has blaster cannon use. I run across so many of those when on my Trooper it's not funny.

  20. I personally love this feature means someone that may be experiencing lower framerate can still be effective. Now i agree that they shouldn't auto turn to face you because we do have some classes that need to be behind targets but they still should be doing damage and channeling their spell.


    It also fixes the casters in previous games getting hosed as the melee attempt to strafe in/out (front/behind) the caster as an ability is channeled or casted. Saying "Lol, just turn with melee" isn't as valid as it sounds especially when most casted abilities require one to stay planted and "turning with" someone includes some lag time. What may appear to be aperfect "sync" on your screen may not match what it truely on the host server thus negating a 1.5, 2.0, etc second cast...effectivately nullifying the caster while the melee hammers away with most instants that can be used on the move.

  21. Does anyone else who killed Karagga on NM know what this chest is that the patch notes mention that drop of Karagga on NM ?


    We killed him on NM last week and did not notice any chests that spawned nearby. However, Karagga did drop some epics when we clicked on his corpse. If there is a chest drop, curious as to what the contents are.





    Sith Marauder / Veela PVP


    The chest contained a black version of the mount he drops....or did for my guild. I think hard mode has a chance to drop a red version of the same mount. Clear him under two hours (or I think it was) for a title!

  22. From operations, I'm not sure about others though, but as of right now the biochem we have in our guild have been unable to actually learn the schematic though. Says invalid to him.


    I've gotten a few out of hard mode and nightmare Karagga's. Same issue with the schematics of being invalid.

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