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Posts posted by serpentu

  1. Good god, i missed that too.

    The 'game' is content. Content is the game. never forget that.

    The engine came ready (assumption!) and (assumption again!) only some modifications were needed.


    as a sidenote, BW are actually notoriously bad at making game engines, look at aurora.

    So i understand why, aside from time constraints, they decided to license one.

  2. To OP:

    You claim to be a gamedev yet you seem to have forgotten the immense work it'd take to port the content, re-script everything, re-write in the custom features from one engine to another?


    No. Just no.


    edited, just read the rest of the post and facepalmed.

    Why doesn't BioWare do this? Because they would have to relearn the whole engine

    The mass effect trilogy would like to have a word with you.

  3. I vote yes.

    In fact it'd actually make people, you know, play the game for objectives, even in the endgame!


    p.s. serverwide(one for both sides) permanent scoreboards (that are accessable from anywhere) that reset every month, -only- for battlemasters, showing top heals, top damage, top kills, top objective score etc.


  4. Been a marauder `till level 50, then rolled a sorc...

    Never looked back since.


    Sorc at level ten is far more fun than a marauder at 50 pvp wise

    says something about how badly they've designed the melee classes.

  5. Don't even start.



    ~5 years of eve online here, zerosec from the first week,

    all major conflicts pre-caps and a few post.



    Completely different games in every way imaginable.




    edited to facepalm.

    a player of equal "skill level" that has 6 months of playtime on you will ALWAYS be better than you.


    You, my friend, have no clue what you're talking about.

    Eve is the only game where join date is utterly irrelevant.


    A week old player has the same, and sometimes more importance in a fleet as a tackler

    than a year old in a battleship.


    And as far as "outleveling" goes, skillpoints merely give you the flexibility of using different gear i.e. when you're skilled enough with hybrid turrets and missiles you can choose which to use. but when you use one - the skillpoints invested in the other are unused.


    That is, to go head to head with a four year old player you'd merely need to invest two or so months.


    This clue has been provided for free.

  6. Seen a bot in ilum on my server, reported.

    It was doing pretty much the same thing, sitting by a box and looting it the instant it appears.


    Those boxes should be level restricted and i do believe it's amazingly easy to script a detection mechanism that can detect botters.

  7. I would suggest that BW should copy 80% of the RIFT game options:

    - slots for social clothing

    - customizable UI

    - group search tool for FP’s

    - multiple roles

    - …


    What this person said.


    Rift had a lot of great and well polished MMO mechanics that Swtor simply lacks.

    Every point in the post above is an essential mmo tool, these are expected in a 2011/2012 mmo.

    It's no longer rocket science. The trial and error has been done to death by older mmos.

  8. losing. And your right, except after going 0-15 today in Huttball, mostly against the exact same group... doing your daily literally does become impossible.


    "You're", otherwise i agree. :p

    Dailies are impossible, not to mention that it's not the same reward when you end up with very few kills while the other side with an abundance.

  9. Many, because I was leveling slowly. I spread my time across 5 characters...most being in 35-45 range, and only one 50. The last 10 levels of my guardian were mostly against people on 50 with expertise gear.


    In that case my server must be slow, and so must be everyone else because i only now am

    starting to see the effects of full expertise sets on the warzones.


    And only now i'm starting to see threads about it because from my, albeit limited, understanding - the full effect of this stat is only kicking in right now.


    I seriously doubt people had all of that gear ~week ago even if they were level fifty

    but i may be wrong, in which case i rest my case.

  10. When I was leveling, I queued for warzone whenever I could, so when I hit 50, I had marks for 5 bags. Lucky me got 3 pieces out of it, including weapon. I think everyone can do the same. There is not need to "hardcore" farm for gear, just play and see how it goes.


    With the 50 only bracket added, pvp for lowbies will be much bettter than for fresh 50s tbh.


    You... realize how new this game is right?

    When you were leveling, how many level50 fully expertise kitted people were consistently on the other team?


    Answer that, please.

  11. Just farm your own gear


    One of us misunderstood something and i'm not sure which one.

    From what i understand, expertise (the pvp stat) is only available in level50 pvp gear.

    Not something you farm for but rather something you can not get until

    you're a) level 50, and b) have had enough warfronts success to gain the appropriate tokens/commendations.


    Currently, one of the sides on my server has a premade that not only diminishes the game for the other side, but is also making it extremely easy for their own side's players to actually.. yeah, farm us, due to how easy the battle becomes in the situation above.




    Just quit and reque up

    Every match, every day.

  12. Dear Bioware, you've made emergency patches and downtime for much less important issues.


    Currently a single pre-made group of lvl50's (in my server's case a single guild) kitted with expertise gear to

    boot is consistently dominating the warzones. It takes several people to kill one of them.


    It not only completely diminishes any effort anyone puts in (on either side),

    it also further worsens the situation because of the rewards they reap by so easily killing people with no equivalent gear.


    I fully realize that it will take a bit of time to implement a 50's only bracket,

    what i'm asking for is to temporarily disable expertise until those brackets go live.



    As it is now, one side is consistently losing to another in every warzone match not because

    of skill or effort disparity, but because of an advantage gained by and intended for level50's only.

  13. Brilliant, interesting post OP.

    You've said everything and more of what i myself thought

    (although my expertise stems more from the technical / game development side of things).


    If you're still reading the thread i would like your outlook on another launch issue,

    namely the green zone/red zone, the "we will not sell to half the globe, import if you like"

    strategy that EA/Bioware seem to have employed for one reason or another.


    I personally thought of it as a slap in the face and a terrible way to launch a game that

    depends on attracting a large amount of players, but i might be wrong.


    Your thoughts?

  14. No it's not fine, if they aren't supposed to be showing then they shouldn't have been showing in the first place.

    I've spent a lot of creds training the skill to 240 to get to the mods only to discover that i can't make them.

    And from what i understood, force user mods can't be made by cybertech either.


    So essentially nobody can make those specific mods.

    Fix it bioware, your game is full of holes like this and it's getting old.

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