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Posts posted by Rorichan

  1. As a subscriber, I'm not really feeling the love from EA recently. Why bring things out that require Cartel Coins that could be bought by in game credits? (ie. the barbershop) I'm already resigned to the fact that all major updates I'm going to have to pay real money for but something that should have been included from launch? It seems quite unfair.


    Charge for racial changes.


    Don't charge for simple cosmetic changes.

    At least, not for subscribers. Have it as an cartel unlock for F2P players. That I would consider fair.

  2. Oi.. ok, they've said that it's in the works but not a priority right now since they've been concentrating on 1.5. We'll most likely see it before 2.0 is launched.


    Aaaaand.. I can't find the link to the post but it has already been answered a few times.


    Patience you must have, for hood toggle is coming. :csw_yoda:

  3. I'd pay for the Viper set that's only available for Smugglers right now to be used on some of my imps.. heck I'd love to see my Bounty Hunter in that set! :)


    Also, you might think of putting in an adaptive armor schematics that synthweavers can buy to make in game. I have a ton of friends who'd love the Jedi Initiate robes and the Aspiring Knights outfit or the Sentinel's set on other types of characters. Sell them in packs and I bet they'd go like hot cakes! :D


    There's also the green Adarian Layered set that you get in drops or boxes early on on Tython. I fell in love with that set and was reluctant to give it up once I out levelled it!

  4. The main problem with this is, it makes non-healing specced Inquisitors and Sages pretty much useless in any raid. Basically, it's forcing us to heal spec or just not get a group at all.




    Whoa.. wait... what?!? Then obviously you don't know how to play your character. I play a tk sage, have from day one, she's my main and I love her to bits. Like someone else has said here, my stun was my 'Oh crap!' button and never in my main rotation of play. I raid often with my guild, did so last night...


    I was the LAST man standing on a HM boss and took down the last 20k on an enrage as he was barreling down towards me.


    Adapt your ability rotation to deal with the change and find out just how awesome a non healer sage/inquisitor can be! :D

  5. I love Qyzen! I'm a TK Sage and we're at level 33 right now and I think he's an awesome tank. I have him in an orange Trooper armor that I got from Hammer Station fully armored up in Aim mods that I managed to yoink from the GTN as well as other Trooper armor that have dropped. I can't remember where I got his Techblade from, I think an end of mission bonus for him but I'd love an orange one I can mod. I have a guild mate who does Armstech and tries to keep him updated when I can catch him online.


    My hubby, whom I duo with, runs a dps Trooper and is always telling me that Qyzen and I need to stop killing mobs faster than he can get his powers off! We're a deadly foursome, me and Qyzen and him with M1-4X and we manage to tromp through just about anything. Champions go down really easy.


    Sometimes, however, the big Q does drive me crazy. We were doing a mission last night and he just stood at the end of a hallway staring at us while we beat up the enemies. We'd just come off of an elevator. I made fun of him as he strolled down the hallway after the fight, lots of giggles and laughter going on. *grin* I really hope they fix this eventually though. Also, I'd kill for some faster action time on his charge but we've learned to work around it. There's usually the call "Cannon magnet going in!" and a pause and then we attack when he gets there. :)


    But still, the big lizard is awesome! :p

  6. Erm.. my main is social 3 actually and she just hit 32 over the weekend. Was a little surprised when I noticed that. Doing the flashpoints and heroics with a full group helps a lot. Course, I've been going through as much content as possible on that one.
  7. Well, I'm behind being able to disable xp. Had it on another MMO I played and would love to have it here. On that MMO, every time you logged in and message would pop up letting you know that xp is disabled. I don't know how much coding would be involved in doing that for SWTOR but it's definitely something I'd like to see in future.


    My two credits. :D

  8. Hi Bioware and SWTOR team!


    Just got off the phone with customer service and I just wanted to say how great of an experience it was. The rep was friendly and helpful. Didn't have any wait at all! Surprised me as I thought there would be a long wait today. Love the security measures you've taken to ensure that our accounts stay safe and hack free! :D


    A happy SWTOR player,



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