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Posts posted by ApotheosisLanyx

  1. The use of casual players in that term is different than what we normally think of casual players. No apology needed because they weren't talking about us in that sense.




    Nothing blind about it. I support BW because they have a track record of making games I really enjoy, including this one. Just because you, and many others out there, didn't get what you wanted doesn't mean that the rest of us didn't either. I am still throughly enjoying this game, and will keep my subscription for as long as I am. I'm sorry it turns out not to be your cup of tea, but I am one of those players who remains "engaged" in the game. Quite frankly, I don't care how many subs the game has as long as I am enjoying it. I certainly want it to succeed and enjoy a long life, but if the servers shut down next month or next year, then at least I still have gotten my money's worth out of it - I'll still be disappointed that it's gone, but then I'll just go back to playing GW1 and DA:O until the next one comes along.



    Well then, perhaps you are not the best one suited to comment on how to make a car (Edsel, anyone?). I don't think anyone will argue the point that it sucks that the industry as a whole cannot release "the perfect bug-less" game, but again, that's a problem with the industry and not with BW or SWTOR alone. Truth of the matter is, unless you are a coder and work with projects of this kind of magnitude, you have no idea how hard or easy it is to get that "perfect, bug-less" game. I'm inclined to think it's one of those unreachable goals since even the most innovative people in the industry (the indie devs) haven't figured that one out either. To pin the ills of an industry on a genre, developer, or game is pretty asinine IMO.




    Ah yeah, I think we just get different things out of the game. I NEED a very high population for end-game raiding competition as well as pvp competition. Low pops just don't do it for me. But yeah I don't mean to call you blind or whatever I just get so frustrated cause I DID have a ton of fun playing this game at first but it just sharply dropped for me. But yeah if you enjoy it hell yeah more power to you

  2. What I don't get when it comes to the back and forth about posts about server populations and light vs standard vs heavy, is that people believe 100 on the fleet is a lot of people. Back when I played EQ our guild would nightly field 70-80 people to raid. We weren't even the biggest guild on the server.


    I don't know what the mechanics are that is limiting their server size, but if anything can be reviewed it is that the servers should have been many factors larger in population cap than they currently are. If the benchmark doesn't even compete with 10 year old content, I just don't know what to say.


    My server feels so dead that this game seems more like an ORPG :(


    ok sorry one more post this is SO *********** true. 150 people on the fleet ISNT **** in the first place.. They made WAAAAAAAAAY too many servers god this is what I've been saying from the start and I think it was one of the biggest factors in this game's failure. ok see ya sorry

  3. Jeez.. I cannot believe people still blindly support Bioware and swtor in general.


    I wanted very badly for this game to be good, but not so much that I would lie to myself and honestly believe it heh


    edit: Later though guys, was just checking in this morning (to see some bs about matrix cubes disappearing.. jesus -_-) to say bye, and this is it. Peace

  4. Yeah.. I've still got an active sub but I got scrolled back to WoW. Which sucks but it's better than swtor for now :/ Was really hoping this game would turn out ok, and I waited 5 months (watching it get worse and worse and worse while all my guildies gave up at month 2) to reroll to a higher pop server to watch it die too :(


    Probably won't be back


    edit: I just honestly have no idea *** bioware was thinking when they.. well pretty much did anything they ever did. I can't think of a single good design decision off the top of my head heh. Oh, huttball was amazing.

  5. SWG was pretty much one of the greatest MMOs until Sony got greedy and dumbed it down for the WoW crowd. That's when it died.


    This game is pretty much marketed to the lowest common denominator, just like WoW.

    I don't know if they will be able to fix everything that is wrong with this game before it goes on life-support.


    I saw pretty much the exact same thing happen on Warhammer Online.


    so sick of companies making **** for derps ;_; the mmo genre is dead for the skilled player

  6. even if I don't pay attention to the charts I'll randomly click on someone every game. you'd have to be an idiot not to want to gear up your own faction as much as possible. it's only 1 per person, that's 8 per game. it adds up ridiculously fast
  7. lol I was hitting for 3k+ on most targets from level 10-20 on my sin. I still do frequently at 35. backstab is insanely overtuned at lower levels
  8. Resolve is a much more interesting, engaging, and active cc system than plain diminishing returns. Sorry if you aren't good at handling it. DR is boring and old. Also, I just wanted to point out that just because you can type "TTK," it doesn't mean you know what you are talking about. Where did this come from? I doubt anyone who frequently posts on these boards even knew that acronym/statistic even existed before a week or two ago
  9. yeah i like how everyone was crying about sage/sorc a couple months ago and maras were crying about being weak while sage/sorc were saying their own class was fine, but now maras are saying maras are fine and sage/sorc are crying about being weak.


    do you people not see what you yourself do?

  10. While I agree with the general idea.


    But what happens when for example I had this happen to me yesterday, you die and get stuck in the starter zone /stuck doesn't fix your issue so you have no option left but to wait for the desertion removal or leave the war-zone yourself. I don't see how it would be fair to punish people who got into situations like this because its simply out of there control its the game.


    why do people bring up situations like these? It might happen to an individual player once a month or so probably less. I've been playing since launch and nothing like this has ever happened before. I don't understand the purpose of your post

  11. yeah the fact that imp can play warzones against imp only makes the situation worse double-time. It doesn't dissuade players from rolling on the overpopulated side, and each imp vs imp game gives the imperial faction 2x the valor, coms, etc while the republic faction gets nothing from the warzone.
  12. The solution is simple. I can tell if a game has a predetermined outcome based on the players on either side. If I'm on the losing side I try for the first 3 minutes to see how the game is playing out. If it is futile, I find a corner and heal up to 75k and collect 3 badges. Tab out for 5 minutes, catch up on the news, make a sandwich, etc., return for minimal gains and hope for a better pairing next time.


    Some people get mad at me, and then run into the fray and get slaughtered. I don't make the game, I play it. Bioware allows premades versus pugs. Rather than get frustrated, feed egos, and encourage this type of queing by rewarding the group ques with free kills, I play it my way. Hate me if you want, I don't make the rules. You could always vote me off the island, but unfortunately most of my teammates understand. State of pvp.


    exactly what I do

  13. I'm confident this is at LEAST part of the reason rated warzones are getting pushed back, as well as why they are ruining it with **** like how match-ups will work. Rated will show bad players that they are indeed bad, which I'm sure won't be good for their long-term subscription. I'm hoping they don't figure out a way to mitigate this before rated warzones are released.
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