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Posts posted by WeedsBadForYou

  1. As a player of all three healing classes I'd be more open to a buff than a giant nerf to op/sorc.

    Although I agree operative energy is a little lenient currently, it'd be better to bring Mercs to their level as oppose to bringing two classes down.

    All a nerf is gonna do is fill the forums with cries and complaints.

    The best buff I can personally think of ( and least likely to happen ) without going back to the dark ages of OP mercs is to make trauma probe usable on all group members.

    Anything else, other than maybe a proc that makes your next advanced medical probe instant every 20s maybe would make the class a nerd waiting to happen.

  2. For Jugg tanks the absolute best augments you can use are the ones that boost your defense rating,

    But if you feel your defense is high enough you can stack other tanking stats.

    While the +Endurance augments look pretty, and one or two don't hurt, you'd be much better off if the majority of your augments were defense.

    Another thing, while it'll take more grinding, what most Juggs do is use the Vindicator set bonus.

    The set bonus gives you an 8% heal every time you intercede (2pc) and force charge a 10% increase to your damage (4pc).

    This means grinding out a full dps set just for the armorings, but personally I find more beneficial in the long run as opposed to a longer force choke and 5% damage increase.

    Although if grind seems too tedious just getting the two piece intercede heal is good enough.

    I hope I answered all you asked for, and good luck in your pvp tanking.

  3. Fyi, the white headpiece is the Marauder Recruit/Battlemaster gear.

    While obviously medium armor, if you want the look check out the gtn on fleet where you might be able to pick up a empty orange shell. It's 60 valor to wear, though.

    Also equipping this will cost you some of your armor, just so you're warned.

  4. Throughout my experience of this game, I've bumped paths into you quite often, and I must say I hold my respect for you in the highest regard. Even though my main is an op, your 0/27/14 spec was bloody brilliant on my shadow. I give you and Majinn props for this beauty.

    Anyways my toons are by no way server famous, but I'm certainly going to miss your presence in pvp. Seeing you on the opposing team whether it be Wz or Rwz always made me try harder.

    I wish you best of luck on your future adventures.

    Take care.

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