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Everything posted by ChillyPWA

  1. When will we have a update for our legacy tree? I am getting pretty tired of looking at my levels increasing only to see nothing to gain from it. Do we know or have a slight clue as to when we will see a patch for Legacy? Anyone know? Thanks
  2. Pretty funny that everyone failed to mention Assassins/Shadows. I score top 3 in every warzone I play in whether I score medals from damage, protection, and selfhealing. The original post is nonsense...every class has its pros/cons. Every class also has other classes you want to stay away from. For instance Sniper vs. marauder is nasty.
  3. I switched to Lethality and love it! I am pure lethality at the moment only because of my level but it is much more exciting and easier to maintain energy in this spec.
  4. I've leveled my sniper to 31 now and have enjoyed it most of the time. My only gripe would be we have no type of heal. I would rather have some heals rather then stealth or infiltrate. We die way too easy at least at my level.....
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